Entrepreneurship and Marketing

Q2. Though women would not gain the right to vote at the federal level until 1920, Answer all of the following questions: who were some of these women; what contributions did they make; how was it possible for them to effect change, given that many, if not most of them had no right to vote; and what conclusions can we draw about political power?

Most women were granted very limited career opportunities and also, they were granted very few political rights like voting in the past. Women were only viewed as materials for being a mother and a wife to a man. It should be noted that in the 20th century most women succeeded in ensuring that they also have the right to vote and also, they have the right to employment just like their men counterparts. Traditionally, women were only viewed as being fit only for the house cores and work that needed masculinity were given to only men (WIC.org). The notion that women are meant to be working in the house is a major determinant on how women can express themselves. In this paper, we will discuss the women who helped fight for the equal rights by highlighting their roles towards the fight for the women.  Women like Elizabeth Cady, Susan Antony and Lucretia Mott fought for the rights of the women without fearing that they can be victimized. The above women had a belief that women have equal rights vote, worship, fend for themselves and also being independent on their own like the men counterparts because they believed that women are the same as men. The fight for the rights of the women was done through formation of National American Suffrage Association. Through the association, the women advocate took to a court a number of cases which were
meant to confirm whether the right to vote as adopted in the 14th amendment was also for women. The women used supreme court to fight for the rights of women. It can be noted that the first case which was between Minor and Happersett was rejected as it argued that the amendments on the 14th amendments cannot extend to women. After the supreme court become so difficult in trying to extend the rights to women, the advocates turned their attention towards the state and also the congress. a proposal to the constitution was done and it provided for equal voting rights to everyone. The amendment was welcomed by many states who now allowed the women to also vote.


Wyoming became the first state to grant the women the rights to vote followed closely by Utah, Colorado and Idaho who also allowed the women to vote. Theodore came up with a party called Mouse party in 1912. The Mouse party became then first party to have a stand in support of the women Suffrage. It should also be noted that by the year 1919, the Woman Suffrage garnered two-thirds votes in its favor and the amendments that were proposed were sent to the states for adoption which now gave women the power to also to cast their votes in line with 14th amendment.
After the women successfully fought for the voting rights, focus was moved to other problems being experienced by women. The need to regulate the rate at which women gave birth was number one agenda this is because the use of birth control was prohibited by law. Women  wanted the birth rates to be controlled because the population was being overwhelmed. Margret Sanger was the woman who fought very strongly for the use of contraceptives by women. The fight for the reproduction freedom was very in intense as some religion organization like the
Catholics believed that the use of contraceptive was sinful and should not be allowed to take place. Margret Sanger was arrested and charged because of the articles she was writing was promoting the use of contraceptives contrary to the rules of the state that forbid the use of contraceptives (Free Motherhood, Margret Sanger). Margret Sanger succeeded in ensuring that the use of contraceptives as a means of birth control was adopted and therefore the women had the freedom to choose when conceiving. The use of contraceptives was also extended even to the
unmarried minors. The use of contraceptives on minors was meant to help prevent teenage pregnancies and ensure that the minors only had children after marriage. In conclusion, women have made some strides when it comes to fighting for the rights of the women. They have won the right to vote, the use of contraceptives and also having the ability to do abortion. Women also have fought so hard to get the equal pay as compared to their male counterparts. Women also have come from a very long path and nowadays they are astronauts, solders, being dean of students as compared to being nurses in the military bases and being secretary in offices in the past. It is predicted that women will rise to even become the president of the united states. This due to the aggressiveness by which the women are fighting for the equality of all gender. Women also stand a chance to rise more in this century because the century provides for the opportunity for to express themselves very confidently.