Economics Assignment

Communication Skills is of prime importance to your career. It is an essential skill one must master to move up the career ladder. The need for skill is required in all forms of life. Especially, when you start your career it sets the benchmark of your performance too. The good news is, you will have a practical application of the skill at the office at any point in time. Further, you can polish your communication skill in the due course. But the bad news is, many job seekers lack this in one way or the other. Before we could see how important is Communication skills for your career, let us brief you on what elements fall under the skill. This shall help gauge where you stand in the job market. 

Verbal Communication skills:

This is the first element everyone is aware of; Speaking. But that’s not all. Firstly, Verbal Communication skill is the way you convey a piece of the particular information to your peers or your colleague, or a group. Secondly, how is the information perceived? This is an important aspect of this element. Things conveyed taken in the wrong way attribute complete responsibility to you. Lastly, Are you conveying the complete information that is required? Once your verbal communication passes all three gates, it is considered successful. 

The most important aspect of Verbal Communication is Brevity + Clarity = Power.
Visual Communication:

These comprise most of your analytical needs in your job. Your job will comprise of various elements to be understood, it can be in the form of verbal communication, it also can be of some infographics. What do you plan to perceive from the charts, tables, graphs, or maps? In another way, how effective are you using these tools to convey the information? 

Non-Verbal Communication:

This is a spectacular element that will help you understand people easily. At the same time, mastering this makes you look confident and charming at the office. Non-Verbal Communication comprises Written communication but majorly refers to body language. What amount of eye contact do you strike with the people you talk to? How is your body language when you present a particular topic? How is your physical appearance? Are they conveying the best of you or otherwise?

Written Communication Skills:

This is a part of Non-Verbal Communication but plays a crucial role in professional documentation. It is all about writing appropriate emails, writing memos and so forth. Incorporate life, writing emails will be a major task. If you do not know how to frame an email, it is doomsday for you. The way you write an email talks volumes about your educational background. 

Mastering these elements becomes more important to start your career. The best part is, all the elements mentioned are interconnected in your corporate life. Mastering it separately sets you apart as an outstanding performer. Now that we know what are elements to be mastered, it is also critical to understand what importance it holds for your first job.

Helps Clear Your 1st Interview: Strong communication skills are judged right from the beginning during your interview. The hirers will look at the way your cover letter, as well as the resume, is framed. The Language used to convey the information. How brief and clear it is for the recruiter to understand. More importantly, you will be judged based on the way you answer the questions asked. No doubt, you may be academically sound. But if you do not convey the information in an organized fashion, there is all the chance you will be rejected. On the other hand, if you have strong communication skills, you will for sure land up a job. 

Effectiveness in the Job: Communication skills help you move higher in your job. Most of the promotions in the job are based on how you interact with people. The amicability you show and the way you comprehend the information that is shared matter a lot. While most of the information is shared through emails, responding to the situation and the email plays a vital role. This not only shows that you are responsible but also approachable. Further, how you follow instructions and how you offer instructions makes you an outstanding candidate too.

You will be Dynamic: Communication is one skill that can make you stand apart from most of them at the office. The dynamicity in the role is established through how you communicate with others. The way you get the job done matters a lot than working hard to get it done. In many situations, you will be required to give presentations to people. Grab the opportunity and get it done in an excellent way. All these aspects bring the best in you and it is rightly established in front of the authorities.

Quick Job Promotions: Now, this is a gift. A person with strong communication abilities can easily go up the ladder of success. The companies are looking at candidates who can work with the team. This requires prompt and appropriate communication ability. Many people fail in writing proper emails, this may be the chance that you can chip in to become the prime employee of the company.

Build Confidence: The capacity to communicate with people not only improves your confidence but also the team. You have higher chances of motivating others and this is a big boost to your career. Sharing stage with prominent people at the office can bring limelight to your professional life. 

All said and done, one must master the art of communicating. This helps you have well-mannered behavior. It is not the language that matters most of the time but the way we talk. It is all about being right in conversing and passing the correct information. There are added aspects to it too. It keeps you smiling and also makes it contagious among your team members. You will seem to have a professional approach to all that you do at the office. This not only improves the credibility but also increases your brand quotient at the office.