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There are times when the students feel isolated and lonely at university. This happens especially to those who have come to a different country to study and are far from their support network and comforts of home. Acclimatizing to new surroundings and people can be quite challenging. However, you need to think that you are not alone. There are plenty of students out there who feel the same.
Fortunately, some ways can help you relieve the feeling of isolation and save you from making regretful decisions in life. The tips that we have shared in this article will work as a life jacket that will make you feel supported, and motivated. It will protect you from falling into the same patterns of loneliness again.
Engage In Volunteering And Community Projects
There is no dearth of opportunities to do social work. By expanding your horizon and being useful for the deprived sections of the society, you can easily combat loneliness. Your university must be running some volunteering groups and local community projects etc. that can help you serve society.
Some of these amazing projects can be planting trees, donating stationery and other essential supplies to charity organizations, creating awareness among people about any social cause, organizing health-checkup camps, creating an organic farm, making productive use of waste, visiting an old age house/orphanage and spending moments with them and more.
When you learn that you can bring a smile to the faces of people and make their days brighter, then it makes you feel positive about yourself. You feel an unconditional joy and unending happiness within you. All it needs is an intention to do good for society and being proactive in finding out ways to contribute to the community.

Bring Small Changes In Your Daily Life 

When you are feeling secluded, you need to come out of your shell and open up to the people who surround you. Building a social network is an effective way to come out of your feeling of isolation. Identify social groups that you can be part of. By expanding your social network, you will begin to feel better about yourself and more connected to the world. Regular interaction with the group members and sharing your views with them will improve your mood.
Go to public places like parks, or join in any gym, yoga class, or hobby class, where you can find like-minded people of your age group. A simple greeting and regular interactions can go a long way in making meaningful friendships and associations for the future. They can be a good source to share your emotions, ideas, and opinions. Socialization will help you in life and feel good about yourself and in getting a direction. Be In Touch With Your Family And Loved Ones the main reason for feeling lonely is when you lose content with your support system. 

To a major extent, it is because of the super busy life of students in US and UK universities. However, you should know that your family members have been the ones who have always been with you with your highs and lows in life.
They have been a major source of constant motivation. To prevent getting so much involved in studies and feeling lonely, you need to strike a balance between your academics and personal relations. It needs constant effort and time from your side to revive and strengthen your communication with them.
Dedicate a few minutes daily to catch up with your parents via making a quick call at the time of returning from lectures, or going to shop to buy daily essentials. It will do the job.
Find Sources To Energize Yourself
Students who study in US and UK universities often feel burdened with plenty of projects that they have to complete under tight deadlines. They do not have time to come out of their room and mix up with others. Though studies require a lot of time, spending the whole day studying in a room will make you dull, lifeless, and lethargic. You can easily become prone to loneliness.
If you find yourself in this situation, then the first thing you need to do is to come out of the room. Relax. Go for a walk, do some yoga, or simply observe nature. It will give your brain the much-needed break and re-energize you. You can even consider changing your place of study to a library or a cafe. Participating in extra-curricular activities is also a good idea.

Change Your Group Of Friends

Sometimes the feeling of isolation is because of the friends with whom you hang out. Some students at universities can be inconsiderate and unresponsive. Friendship can be conditional, shallow, or forced. Their toxic company can leave you with a feeling of hurt and loneliness.
You may not be able to find a good friend with whom you just need to share your views and get honest advice. Before this feeling of inner seclusion eats you up and transforms into severe mental issues such as anxiety and depression, you need to start becoming social and extrovert.
This can be a challenge for those who are introverts by nature. Work on yourself to make more friends who get along with you well. With the right company of friends, you can start feeling better about yourself and no longer feel lonely.
Make Wise Use Of Social Media And Technology
It has been seen that students in US and UK universities are addicted to social media. The use of social media channels such as Instagram, Twitter, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook, etc. is on the rise. By reducing your time spent on phones and laptops, you can limit your virtual interaction. In this way, you will feel more connected to the people around you.
Seek Assistance
Even after trying all these methods, if you do not see any improvement in your loneliness, then you need to get in touch with the support services offered by your University. If your loneliness has increased to a point that you have been experiencing signs of depression and anxiety, then you should even approach charities and NGOs that offer professional help to students who suffer from mental health issues.


the above instructions will help you to overcome your loneliness in no time, while you feel isolated at universities. reach out to your support group and people, contact the country-wide helpline and university support service to seek timely assistance.