Strategic Information System


The study below illustrates a personal development plan to achieve specific goals in the workplace. Several studies have been conducted to identify why people behave in a certain manner at their workplace. In addition, the studies also tend to discover why people get it hard to change. To be successful in the workplace, employees need to overcome competing commitments, set up goals they intend to fulfill within a specific time, and brainstorm on what is done and yet to be done (Kegan & Lahey, 2001, p. xx).

Personal change is an important concept one should consider to enable him to achieve his goals in the future; therefore, change is inevitable in our life. To achieve positive change, it’s necessary to identify one’s weaknesses and strengths. Personal change is an essential skill for workers; however, some employees find it hard to change.

Some of the reasons that cause employees to resist change at their workplace are fear of power, fear of new skills, and avoiding the stress of joining new teams.(Kegan & Lahey, 2001, p. xx). Managers at the workplace should help other staff overcome the challenges hindering them from changing to better the organization.

Competing commitments are the factors that prevent employees from achieving their specific goals in their respective organizations. An assumption can be made that competing commitments tend to consume a lot of effort that is supposed to be deployed to achieve personal goals. Therefore, to achieve personal change, one must identify the competing commitment and unfold them (Kegan &Lahey, 2001, p. xx).

To manage change, one has to put certain effort to ensure the achievement of the goals is not delayed. Perhaps to achieve a goal of job competence, an employee should ensure that he attends job training to be updated with new technologies and ideas to help him perform accordingly in an organization.

Personal development plan

To construct a development plan, one must consider personal goals, develop personal skills, recognize threats, identify requirements, and set up a deadline.

Long-term goals? Specific career goals Skills required Skills you need to work on Action to take
Promotion Became a manager Leadership skills

Management skills

Leadership skills Leadership training course.


The above table illustrates the personal development plan of an employee.

The development plan above illustrates a change in an employee’s competence in the workplace. The employee intends to improve his skills as motivated by his goals of being promoted and becoming a manager in the future, hence improving individual and organizational performance.

According to the evening discussion with Robert Kegan, many people are willing to conduct change in their life; however, they fail to discover what to do to achieve the change and improve their lives. A development plan should indicate the personal goals and the required actions and processes to achieve the goals.

Driver for change and assumption

The key purpose of the diagnostic test map for immunity change is to identify the competing commitments and view the assumption associated with them. Assumptions made by the employee regarding the competing commitment hinder them from conducting change in the workplace.

The big assumption refers to what many employers think they cannot fix hence viewing it as a lack of qualified skills. This hinders the employees from conducting required change at the workplace to make healthy teamwork which other employees consider as creating unimportant relationships among one another (Kegan & Lahey, 2001, p. xx).

The driver for change in the above study is needed to achieve personal goals within a certain time frame. The employee’s goals are divided into long-term and specific career goals: getting promoted and becoming a manager, respectively. The predicted outcomes of the above development plan are improved job competence by the employee, which is advantageous to specific employees and the organization.

In conclusion, change is inevitable; however, it is the individual’s responsibility to decide on issues to change about the different environments at work or other environmental areas. In addition, the initial step to change is to discover personal goals and move forward to highlighting the goal’s requirement and the competing commitment and finally performing the necessary change.