1. Cloud architectures

A.  The board of SoftArc Engineering could assume the most credible approach from the three prominent cloud computing architectures including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. The selection of IaaS and SaaS as reasonable options for the company can be validated through a description of the two architectures which would validate their application for accomplishing reasonable outcomes from the revised strategy of the organization. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) can be considered suitable on the grounds of its capabilities to provide the essential infrastructure services that could be required in case the organization for relocation of its Brisbane-based data center’s facilities (Benmessaoud, et al., 2014). The infrastructure services could be accountable for improved disk space, memory, services, and the utilization of network devices which reflect directly on the positive dimension of IaaS. SaaS (Software as a Service) is also associated with the positive implications of increased comprehensiveness of the applications that can be easily accessed by the customers on demand (Bourguiba, et al., 2014).

B.  It is also essential to determine the advantages and setbacks of the cloud computing architectures selected for the implementation of the hybrid cloud methodology in SoftArc Engineering. The positive implications associated with the IaaS architecture reflect on the acquisition of consumer competencies for the provision of services such as networks, processing, fundamental computing resources, and storage. On the contrary, IaaS could be associated with pitfalls such as expensiveness and the responsibility of customers for the varying dimensions of VM Management (Caminero, et al., 2013, August). Furthermore, the concerns of limited control over service and the physical location of the VM could be accounted for as profound disadvantages of the IaaS cloud computing architecture. SaaS is associated with the advantage of increasing flexibility of consumer access to applications that could be realized through a wide range of client devices without allowing the privilege of consumers to change the cloud infrastructure and capabilities of individual applications. Detrimental aspects of the SaaS reflect the limited control of customers over data processing in the cloud system and the limitations of control over software parameters (Hintemann, 2015).

2. The risks associated with this new Hybrid Cloud strategy

The estimation of potential risks that can be associated with the hybrid cloud strategy could be useful for realizing efficiency in the strategic initiatives. Loss of control is a formidable risk that can be associated with a hybrid cloud strategy due to the implications for the management to supervise every part of the technology strategy. Unprecedented software updates and the exclusion of the updates from the control of the enterprise can be assumed as profound risks (Malhotra, Agarwal & Jaiswal, 2014). The risk can be addressed by resolving the integration conflicts that occur in the case of other programs and critical business applications.

Cloud security is a major risk that encompasses the necessary implications for security management, risk management, and the improper construction of service-level agreements. The risk can be addressed through explicit references to the monitoring of the integrated use of public and private cloud facilities alongside the management of the deployment architectures (Mattmann, et al., 2014).

Compliance risks emerge in the case of a hybrid cloud strategy from the cloud security implications. The compliance requirements are reflective of the adaptation of every aspect of the cloud strategy to the industry precedents. The compliance risks could be addressed by ensuring the flexible and secure flow of information among public and private cloud environments.

3. General Information Security steps and controls

The prominent measures that can be implemented to ensure information security in the hybrid cloud computing strategy of the organization are reflective of the essential requirement of supervision. First of all, the implementation of effective governance through a prolific interpretation of the compliance and risk estimation processes is an applicable measure in case of improvement of the information security in SoftArc Engineering’s hybrid cloud strategy. The enforcement of privacy policies in the cloud computing framework can also be implemented for the security of data (Parann-Nissany & Sheffer, 2016).

Management of people and identities on the cloud computing platform can be assumed as viable information security guidance. The information security dimension of the cloud applications has to be evaluated comprehensively to obtain an impression of the possible areas where the cloud infrastructure poses threats to the violation of information security privileges. Observation of security controls about the physical facilities in the cloud infrastructure such as data devices, networks, drives, and memory could also be considered plausible measures for the resolution of information security measures in the hybrid cloud strategy (Salih & Edreis, 2016). These dimensions could be appropriately monitored through a comprehensive illustration of the security requisites for the exit process.

4. Recommendation

The transition of cloud computing applications in public or private cloud environments could be justified as a viable opportunity to accomplish viable outcomes such as improvement of operations, reduction in costs, and the variability of applications as well as their feasibility for the cloud infrastructures. The implications of application resilience could be observed from the observation of certain architectures that account for best native cloud practices alongside the requirement of minimal changes to improve the resiliency of applications.

The application resiliency on complex patterns could be addressed through the implementation of efficiency in the design, planning, and execution activities of the cloud applications. The evaluation of applications for resiliency as well as their compatibility with the cloud native architectural principles could allow the organization to capitalize on the promising aspects of enterprise efficiencies and cloud economics.

Loss of data is a major concern for cloud computing infrastructures and hence the requirement of backup and data recovery techniques is imperatively observed in the case of the BCP of SoftArc Engineering. SBA (Seed Block Algorithm Architecture), Parity Cloud Service (PCS), Linux Box, HSDRT, Cold/Hot Backup Strategy, and the ERGOT ( Efficient Routing Grounding on Taxonomy are some of the promising backup and data recovery tools that can be applied in case of the organization (Swathi, Srikanth & Reddy, 2014).

These resources are associated with cognizable advantages such as simple implementation, low cost, application in case of failure detection, privacy, reliability, and exact match retrieval which can provide viable insights into the efficiency of the Hybrid cloud environment.

5. Requirements that SoftArc Engineering will need

The requirements for the remote server administration, service level agreement management, and the resource management implications for the cloud service delivery models can be apprehended from the checklists. The checklists primarily refer to the basic operations and enterprise operations which provide an estimation of the existing features and the required features in the cloud system (Swathi, Srikanth & Reddy, 2014).

The resource management implications can be profoundly reflective of the requirements of instance and metadata explicitly about the service. Resource tagging strategy is efficient for the realization of plausible routes to follow and track resources. Another formidable requirement in resource management is vested in the integration of resources in the internal resource management frameworks of the organization (Vaezi & Zhang, 2017). The requirements in the context of remote server-based administration could be observed in the form of capabilities of the system to monitor server images, instrumentation and control of OS credentials, and the management of changes in OS hardening baselines, firewalls, and supervision of intrusive attacks and unauthorized changes.

The SLA management requirement that could be included in the BCP of SoftArc Engineering refers to the review of the SLA. The foremost requirement that could be drawn from the SLA management implications refers to the provision of aspects that facilitate the transfer of intellectual property rights about the data.

6. SQL Server 2012 Database servers to the AWS cloud

Steps to Migrate

The steps that can be implemented for the migration of SharePoint instance and SQL Server 2012 Database servers to the AWS cloud can be illustrated as follows. The first step refers to the creation of an AWS account of the organization which does not involve any charges. The next step would include the launching of a network and Active Directory stack through the utilization of a sample template (Swathi, Srikanth & Reddy, 2014).

The third step is the launch of the database stack using custom AMI and provisioning the database tier. Then the following step reflects on the launch of the app stack using the custom AMI and implements the Windows Server 2008 R2 EC2 that is associated with the installation of the SharePoint server.

Thereafter the launch of the web stack through WFE servers is the next step that is reflective of the use of a license key (BYOL), a trial PD key, and the trial or test installation. The deployment and configuration of the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) can used to balance the traffic among the WFE servers. The final step is associated with the configuration of the SharePoint farm to obtain a proof of demonstration.

Critical points and issues

The critical issues that can arise in the migration process could be apprehended from the individual steps. The launch of the database stack could be associated with the implications of data redundancy that could influence the provisioning of the database tier. The launch of the app stack could be subject to critical issues regarding the compatibility of the license key and the trial PD key (Swathi, Srikanth & Reddy, 2014).

Thereafter the critical issue with the migration process is identified in the launching of the web stack implying formidable indications to the utilization of 2 Web Front End servers that could be associated with concerns of documentation of IDs and their input in the template such as VPC ID, Domain Member Security Group ID, the Server Subnet IDs and the Load Balancer Security Group ID.


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