Contemporary Issues in Project Management

General Guidelines

  • The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or an illustration from somewhere you must give the source.
  • Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all your sources of information.
  • There is a glossary at the end of the assignment that will help you understand the command words used for the assignment.
  • Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use readily understandable English.
  • Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”.

This Unit will be assessed by assignment

You are strongly advised to read “Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Document” before answering your assignment.


Introduction and background notes (vocational context)

You have been appointed as the head of a health and social care organisation. One of the immediate task is to engage your staff in a seminar focusing on the psychology of the person centred approach. This obviously calls for your understanding of different Psychological theories relating to health and social care. The under pinning philosophy is that adequate knowledge of the theories would help foster and improve care especially with relationship management as tagged essential in your job description as related to the service users.

Task 1: LO1 Understand theories of lifespan development

(Recommended word limit maximum 1000 words)

You have worked in a range of health and social care organisation with a variety of service users throughout their various life stages. (*Life stage means infancy; early childhood; adolescence; adulthood; late adulthood; final stages of life and death). You are preparing to submit a report for the next health and social care conference. In your report you will:

What you must do

  1. Compare the different theories of life span development (for example Erikson vs. Freud and Psychodynamic vs. Cognitive) [P1.1]
  2. In your report explain some specific understanding the following psychological theories (behavioural; cognitive; psychodynamic and humanistic) have relating to different life stages of human development.
    [P1.2, M2]

Task 2: LO2 – Understand social and biological determinants of human behavior displayed in health and social care context (Link to Unit 4)

(Recommended word limit maximum up to 1000 words)

Case Scenario

Gemma is 5 years old. She is a happy child and likes to play with her toys. Her parents are worried because she has not started to speak yet. Initial assessment did not reveal any serious diagnostic problem. However the health visitor insists further test is carried out by paediatricians and speech therapists.

What you must do

Produce a report for your health care staff and Gemma’s family to help allay the fears for her condition.

  1. Explain social and biological factors that influence human behaviour that supports the case study. [P2.1, M1]
  2. using the case study above analyse the importance of social roles in the context of health and social care settings. [P2.2]
    • To achieve M1, an effective approach to study and research has been demonstrated in the theory of nature versus nurture and its implication on human development and behaviour.

The purpose of Task 2 case study is that it provides a scenario that exhibits the nature versus nurture debate showcasing social and biological factors that affect individuals’ behaviour. The social and biological factors in the case study will be analysed and the concept of sick role will in different context will also be analysed.

Task 3A: LO3 – Understand how psychological theories are applied to health and social care practice – Part 1

Recommended word limit 1000 words


You have recently been appointed a social worker for the local authority of Camden. These 2 case studies are presented to you below.

Case Study

A) Pat is 8 years old and has a mixed family life. He has a father that is not involved with him. He is overtly involved with TV programs more video games online with other for teenagers. He goes to school and swears at the teacher and this tends to affect his relationship with other students and staff. His learning has also been affected hence he struggles with numeracy tasks that is below his milestone.

B) Jennifer is a 65 year old service user who recently was discharged from hospital for a hip replacement. The nurse attached to her was considered unfriendly in a post treatment survey. With anger and frustration Jennifer recalls the times she requested for beverages and cashew nuts – her favourite’s, with the nursing staff reminding her that hospital is not a home .Jennifer has no intention to go back notwithstanding the doctor’s advice saying there is need for a second hip replacement.

What you must do

Produce a guiding booklet for your health care staff on the following questions.

  1. In the first part you must analyse the application of psychological theories in relation to individuals in the case study who are experiencing elevated levels of stress. [P3.1, D1]
  2. In the second part of your report you will analyse how psychological theories relate to behaviour disturbances and relate your answers to the case study. [P3.2, M3]
    • To achieve M3, the content of your work shows coherent, logical development of your understanding the
      link theories have with cases such as schizophrenia.
    • To achieve D1, realistic improvements have been proposed on coping strategies and various stress
      management techniques for individuals suffering from stress related illness.

The purpose of the Task 3A case study is that it provides a scenario of various stressors that individuals experience and how it can affect people’s wellbeing (Physical, social, emotional, psychological, financial etc.). In essence Task 3A will enable learners to assess psychological

Task 3B: LO3 – Understand how psychological theories are applied to health and social care practice – Part 2

(Recommended word limit maximum up to 2000 words)

Report Writing

A three day National conference had been organised with a mandate to making presentations to at a conference sponsored by World Health Organization. The conference involved discussions on various types/ causes of mental illness such as schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, anxiety disorders and eating disorders. (Day 1)

Dealing with patients at different stages of care i.e. diagnosis, treatment, intervention and medication. The effectiveness of various therapeutic techniques. (Day 2)

The psychological theories, application and their potentials towards relationship improvement within the mental health sector. (Day 3)

On your return from the conference the Chief Executive Officer in your borough wants you to put up the presentation in an article form to be published in the local newspaper.

What you must do

  1. The first part of your article you will analyse how psychological theories informs understanding of mental disorders. [P3.3]
  2. The second part of your article you will evaluate the application of psychological principles affecting behaviour change in health and social care setting. [P3.4, D2]
  3. In the final section of your article you will analyse how psychological theories can enhance understanding of relationships in health and social care. [P3.5, D3]
    • To achieve D2, substantial activities or investigations have been managed and organised on time using research to appraise problems in relationships with people hooked on with unhealthy lifestyles and the implications to cost and burden of disease.
    • To achieve D3, you should evaluate the use of psychological therapies to support individuals with mental health problems in health and social care.

Essential Context

Using your experience with service users in health and social care, explain how a psychological approach has supported your understanding of how psychology informs health and social care practice.

Essential Requirements/Guide
Students must produce an analytical report based on primary and/ or secondary data, together with supporting materials.

What you must do

Provide one evidence from the following list to show you have conducted research in using psychological approach in health and social care in your respective field.

Students are encouraged to draw on their own experience.

This is a creative course work that requires conducting primary and secondary research. Ask yourself how has psychology enhanced your understanding of health and social care? A guide will be choosing an illness or disorder and link with a psychological approach. Use one or more of the tools to see how you can devise an article or witness report. If you already work in a care setting you can get your manager to sign to your witness testimony, with the company header and a signature. Provide research report demonstrating the area of health and social care you have
investigated. It will be expected that learners will focus their report on one health and social care setting.