Unit 10 Safeguarding in Health and Social Care

This unit is essential for all learners to understand the different types of abuse that can occur within the community, the signs of abuse and factors that can contribute towards individuals being vulnerable. You will identify all the legislation and policies that are in place and how professionals work within the guidelines and professional standards to safeguard both practitioners and users of health and social care services.  

You will also study the strategies that are in place for all health and social care professionals to work together to minimise occurrences of abuse in health and social care contexts. You have an important role in protecting members of the public from harm even before, during and after it has happened.


“Mr K” Alcohol affecting daily life

Mr K is a 63-year-old man is a known patient of diabetes and osteoarthritis, who attends the Emergency Department on a regular basis due to accidents and injuries caused by alcohol intoxication. He had numerous referrals to the Substance Misuse team from his family and housing manager due to falls, being vulnerable under the influence of alcohol, therisk from assault, being a danger to him, plus he had been the victim of break-ins to his flat and robbery. In this case, Mr K was not being abused by an outsider but his actions were making him extremely vulnerable.

Joint visits were arranged between the alcohol team with his family, housing manager and neighbours with social services. 

Mr K was yet again admitted to hospital following an injury he experienced from a fall. He undertook a medication regime in thehospital to alleviate alcohol withdrawal symptoms and remained alcohol-free. A joint visit was arranged to his flat following his discharge from thehospital between the social worker and alcohol team. The risk factors identified prior to admission were greatly reduced. Housing, social services, family and alcohol team agreed to liaise in the future if support was required.