MGT355 Global Operations Management Sample 1

Title: Individual Report: The Marketing of a Brand or Organisation from the UK‟s Fashion Industry

Suggested Word Count: 3,000 words

Knowledge Based Outcomes:

  1. Understanding of the key issues in managing marketing operations within an organisation
  2. Understanding of the tools and techniques employed by marketing managers in developing and managing their strategies, plans and operations
  3. Understanding of the importance of, and mechanisms for, control and evaluation within marketing management
  4. Understanding key trends in marketing management

Skills Based Outcomes:

  1. Analysis of information and/or a situation
  2. Problem solving and decision making
  3. Reading, synthesising and reporting of current marketing management topics

You are strongly advised to carefully read all instructions.

According to the Confederation of British Industry (2015) “The UK’s creative economy is in vibrant health with strong sectors generating benefits across the wider economy”. This view is supported by the British Fashion Council ( who assert that the thriving UK fashion industry reflects “the voracious appetite of the UK consumer” and is worth in the region of £50bn to the UK economy, when taking into consideration its direct, indirect, induced and „spillover‟ effects…”


Select an organization/brand from the UK’s fashion industry (e.g. Footwear – Men‟s, Women‟s, Children‟s; Cosmetics/Beauty; Jewellery/Watches; Accessories; Luggage/Bags; Hair Products and Lingerie). You may select any
organization/brand, however the organization selected must have a website and must be sizeable enough to provide you with the quantity and quality of information necessary for the purposes of this assessment.

Your task is to undertake research into your chosen organization/ brand and its marketing environment.

Produce an individual report based on your research, in which you:

  • evaluate what you consider to be the two key challenges in managing the organization’s marketing operations. For instance, you may want to consider how the organization is responding to specific challenges from the external environment or its competitive environment. (Approximately 1000 words)
  • provide an analysis of the current marketing activities being undertaken by the organization and the extent to which they are achieving the organization’s objectives. You are expected to access secondary sources such as the organization‟s website, annual reports, product information, etc, to assist you in determining the organizations objectives. You should include an indication of the metrics that the brand/organization are likely to apply in assessing the success of their activities. (Approximately 1000 words)
  • evaluate how the brand is embracing two key trends in marketing management. (Approximately 1000 words) For example you may wish to consider trends resulting from the impact of globalization, technology, changes in buyer behaviour etc.

It is expected that you will support your analysis:

  • with evidence (such as, illustrative examples of what the organisation is currently doing, data, relevant citations from referenced sources, etc)
  • by applying relevant marketing concepts, tools and techniques to support the analysis/evaluation
  • by providing a clear insight into the contribution of marketing to the success of the organisation.

You are expected to address the marketing mix and other relevant marketing practices in your work.

The work submitted for assessment must be original – if there is evidence of any work that is not wholly attributable to you, the University’s policy on Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism will be applied.

You are required to submit assessed work through Turnitin prior to submitting it in hard copy.

Submit a paper copy of your work along with a Turnitin receipt and a completed Faculty of Business & Law Assessment Coversheet, to the Library Desk, by no later than 2.00pm on Thursday 12th January 2017. You are
strongly advised to ensure that you retain a copy of your work .

The penalty for non-submission of assessed work through Turnitin is that the mark is withheld, and the assessment board may deem the work to have failed.

You may submit drafts through Turnitin prior to submission to generate reports. The last submission prior to the deadline will be deemed to be the final submission for assessment purposes.

The combined marking criteria and grading framework is provided overleaf

o The assessment needs to be referenced using the Harvard system of referencing and include a list of references at the end of the assessment
o The assignment is in one part and counts for 100% of the overall module mark.
o The University‟s Regulations concerning Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism apply to this assignment

1st (70+%)
86% – 100% The work examined is exemplary
76% – 85% The work examined is excellent
70% – 75% The work examined is of a high standard

The work provides evidence of significant understanding of marketing management theory and its application to the selected organisation. All decisions are logical, coherent and fully justified and explained succinctly and cogently. The presentation is of a very high standard demonstrating a professional approach which is generally free of errors.

2:1 (60-69%)

A very good assignment. It demonstrates a reasonably high level of understanding of the learning outcomes. The work provides evidence of understanding of marketing management theory and its application to the selected organisation. All decisions are logical, justified and explained however are less strong in terms of insight and originality. The presentation is of a high standard and predominantly free from errors.

2.2 (50-59%)

A good assignment. It demonstrates a sound understanding of the learning outcomes. The work provides evidence of understanding of marketing management theory and its application to the selected organisation, although this may be somewhat limited. Most decisions are appropriate however are less strong in terms of insight, logic and  originality. The presentation is adequate.

3 rd (40-49%)

A satisfactory assignment. It demonstrates an understanding of the learning outcomes. The work provides evidence of understanding of marketing management theory and its application to the selected organisation, although this is limited. Decisions are appropriate however lack coherence, insight and logic. The presentation is adequate, but lacks cohesion.

Grade F (<40%)

Unsatisfactory assignment. It demonstrates a lack of understanding of the learning outcomes. It contains some elements of marketing management applied to the context however is not wholly appropriate. The work lacks logic,
coherence, originality and insight. The presentation is poor with a number of errors.