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Learning and Application is an interconnected element. Of course, Learning gives knowledge, but applying in the right areas makes a person employable. Universities in the UK strive hard to find the balance between the two. A good amount of knowledge and an employability approach makes any degree course worth a choice. It is not only in the hands of the students to prepare themselves to be employable, but also requires an equal amount of support from the Universities. The staff must work towards the excellence of the candidate to learn the art of application in the real world. The blend of knowledge transfer and action-oriented industry approach gives a student’s career in the right direction. In this regard, many Universities have tried and tested methods as well as comprehensive strategies to give 360-degree support to the students’ career.

Let us take a look at the top Universities who have a flamboyant track record in producing employable graduates all these years.

University of Nottingham

Standing tall in 62nd Place in the world, the University of Nottingham is named for its guided employability programs for the students. Top class life skills workshops and industry interaction with the students make them the best in producing employable graduates every year. The career fairs that happen regularly for various sectors are worth mentioning. The students get to attend many interviews during their course. The University has a good employer connect and it adds to the excellence. 

University of Bristol

Named for its magnificent employer connect, University of Bristol is one of the world’s best Universities to offer the world with top-class employable candidates. The employer reputation to this University is high compared to most of them in its cadre. The students are highly benefitted by the regular career fairs in the diversified field of interest. The career development cell makes it possible for all the specialisations to match with their right choice of industry. Though dropped by 11 positions globally, it stands strong amidst the best Universities in the World.

University of Leeds

Situated in West Yorkshire, University of Leeds is the place where excellence meets bright career opportunities. The career accredited programs that are held a year-long for all the students give them an edge over other Universities. The strong academic foundation and timely career support give Ace candidates to the industry. The employer indicator chart rates the University of Leeds’ so high that the employer connect is commendable. The career choice modules are added in their course curriculum and they are validated on a timely basis too.

University of Edinburgh

Raised 11 positions in the world recently, University of Edinburgh is a dynamic varsity that has exclusive career development strategies and courses. The most prominent Edinburgh award is given to students who have completed the summer internship program offered by the University. Further, this award is also given if the students gain work experience while they are studying. They rock-solid career strategies for students and it can be seen from their consistent rise in their standards in a very short period. Blend of academics and career development exposure makes this University the best for the students to land in their dream job soon.


London School of Economics and Political Science

A classic example of the old University still stands strong in its academic excellence. The Varsity that produced the world’s most prominent members like John F. Kennedy, David Rockefeller, David Attenborough and many more, has their reputation intact till date. Powerful career strategies are developed and it was in place right from the beginning. They are always named for world-class lecturers and professors, the career excellence services are a feather in their crown.

The University of Manchester

The career centre of the University of Manchester has made wonderful choices for the students’ development. A consistent approach towards employability enhancement gives an edge to the students here. The academic knowledge is seamlessly connected with the industry choices. Further, the overall guidance offered to the students to direct them the right way. The learning is never-ending and the destination is the best career, you will find it at the University of Manchester for sure.

Imperial College of London

Named for its research collaborations worldwide, Imperial College of London has a broader spectrum of career development activities. The internationally acclaimed institution, they have concrete strategies to mass-produce highly employable graduates every year. The career choices are made very early in their course curriculum and the students follow the path diligently. Supported with excellent academic coaching, Imperial College of London is an excellent place to study. It stands 30th among the world’s best Universities, aims to rise higher in the coming years with consistent performance.

University College of London

Research-based teaching methodology makes the University College of London one of the best in the world. Every course has research integration incorporated. Named for prominent figures in the world studying here, it is a lifetime opportunity to pursue a course here. A few to be named are Mahatma Gandhi, Alexander Graham Bell and Robert Browning. It is listed in the top 3 Universities in producing employable graduates, UCL has world-class facilities for career development. The exclusive career development programs enhance the skill sets of the students organically. The academic courses are gelled well with the career enhancement activities to make it a seamless process.

University of Oxford

One of the oldest Universities of the world, the University of Oxford has housed 28 of the UK’s Prime Ministers so far. Adding to the elite list of people, the University of Oxford has produced 69 Nobel Prize winners and 160 Olympic Medalists. Established in 1096, the University of Oxford speaks excellence and nothing. Every course offered here has world-class lecturers and professors. It has the best career support and it does not need any reference to be mentioned. A powerful employer connects and high-class students brand themselves to be the best.

University of Cambridge

Top of the list comes the Internationally renowned the University of Cambridge. Named for its excellence in teaching, this world-class University is the best in producing the employable graduates too. The scheme based learning and other powerful strategies involved makes the student’s career-ready. The number of career fairs and the number of industry placed students are increasing every year. Many know celebrities like Emma Thompson, Stephen Hawking, Lord Byron have graduated from this University.

Universities aim to produce a perfect candidate. Perfection is attained when academic excellence meets career choices. The Universities are providing their best support and most of the time, they are incomparable with any in the world. The students are by far benefitted by these steps and are successful too.