Thesis Vs Dissertation

A college degree in the UK entitles to submit a project work that ensures the completion of the course. There are ideally two types, one is the thesis and the other is the dissertation. While both of them have many similarities, there are a few differences too. The thesis and dissertation have different functionalities in different countries too. However, in the UK the aspect is different. The similarities are, they both are extensive fields of research work. Both thesis and dissertation requires a great amount of paperwork too. The originality is also considered the same. The main difference lies in the area of research and the degree too. However, there is a difference in opinions on the same, where many universities follow different nomenclatures. Before we proceed, let us take a look at the neutral view of what these two terms mean in the Universities of the UK.

A thesis is a research work that is completely original and comes with many existing pieces of evidence that can be cited.

A dissertation is extensive research work on what is done earlier and adds an element to it that adds value to the research.

What can be understood from this? A thesis is an original work and a dissertation is not? No. Both the research projects are original. While the former deals with completely a new topic chosen by the candidate and the latter form a part of existing research work. The point to be noted here is, a dissertation is also an original work that forms a subpart of an already existing research. Maybe the research is getting upgraded to a further version of it.

For example, if making an aircraft is a project. Adding water as fuel is the dissertation. This looks simple to read and understand while the research is not as easy as we think.

Clinical Differences

A thesis majorly is done while a person is completing his PhD. As it s said this way, a thesis also caters to the completion of a master’s degree. Either way, a thesis is done only in the postgraduate programs or even more.

A dissertation, sometimes interchangeably used in the context of the thesis is predominantly done in the master’s programs while it is also accepted in completing the PhD. But what is imminent here, the dissertation is also done during graduation. There are universities in the UK that want their students to submit a dissertation to mark the completion of the course.

While we look at both of them this way, what we need to understand is, both the research work is the result of what is learned and researched. While a thesis is a whole new proposition, the dissertation is a new look at the old project. The theories and practices used in the thesis are unique while the dissertation has citations from the previously done research too.

We cannot deny the fact that the thesis would not require a citation. Of course, it does, it takes elements of evidence from various sources like the primary and the secondary source of evidence.

The dissertation has only one source of evidence called the primary source. At the same time, the newly developed concept or theory shall use citations from the other works too.

The entire thesis revolves around a central theme of a new creation. Every aspect of the thesis has a connection to the centrifugal information of the thesis. Whatever the citation is, whatever the evidence is, it must relate to the outcome of the research work.

The dissertation must always acknowledge the previous work. The newly created part must yield substantial information from the original work. Further, the dissertation shall revolve around the base work of the previously completed project.

A thesis is a complete work, the areas of improvement shall get added to it in future. But it marks the completion of the doctoral degree.

A dissertation in an actual sense is the improvement of the research work that is already done. It also marks the completion of a degree.

So, Can the thesis be used to create a dissertation?

While this is a vital question, research work done at the doctorate level shall not be allowed to improvise by a post-graduate candidate. In the University norms, a Doctorate’s work can be improvised by a doctorate only. Yes, it is called a dissertation when it is improvised.

In the broader aspect, a thesis is an extensive work of a new creation while the dissertation is just an improvisation of a new end.

The thesis uses others’ work as a stepping stone to creating a new one whereas the dissertation is an expansion of already learned one.

The most important aspect of both of these is, they require intensive research work. The citations to prove the point is more and needs to be concrete. In a dissertation, the citations must complement the original work, at the same time add value to the newly created one.

Each college degree program in the UK has different definitions of thesis and dissertation. What is offered here is a neutral version of both the terms and functions. Both of them are indeed used interchangeably in many contexts, their functions remain the same.

On the whole, project work must be a unique requirement based on the learning capacity. Be it a master’s degree or a doctorate, it requires uniqueness. The necessities in both cases are

  1. Thorough understanding of the concepts
  2. Usage of concepts at right areas
  3. Zero Plagiarism

While this marks the excellence of the work done, it requires a lot of time to research. More importantly, to make a point valid a lot of information needs to be gathered. On that front, a thesis requires a lot more work than a dissertation. In certain Universities, there may be a guide assigned for thesis work while the dissertation has none. There is always a person to support you in college, this can be denied too. Be it a thesis or a dissertation, get to know what the University requires and act accordingly. All the best!!!