
The research has hereby analyzed the perception presented by the UOWMKDU students in regard to cooking of frozen food. It has been seen how the different retail shops in South Eastern Asian countries like Malaysia, Japan, etc have made cooked frozen food highly popular in the market. Through the study, it has also been seen that these kinds of processed food, which is cooked and then prozen for convenience, is especially popular among students and office staff who have shortage of time in their hand due to work life. Regarding such popularity the study has blamed
the rapid urbanisation process which they have analyzed in the paper to find its effect on the popularity of frozen food. It can be said that through the data analysis and research conducted, the paper has successfully analyzed the cause of customer satisfaction and differentiation of taste and flavour in processed food as discussed in the preceding sections

5.1 Summary Of Findings

The study has, as told before, gained success in providing justification to the proposed questions through intricate research and data analysis. For the finding, the usage of quantitative methods has been seen to be very useful in finding statistical data for finding answers to the propers research quotations. The authors have based their findings on the 80 survey samples and answers from google form surveys within a variety of people in UOWMKDU.
Findings for UOWMKDU student’s perception on the flavor of cooked freeze food offered by 7e: The paper had posed the question of likeness towards the favour used in the cooked frozen food. People are often acquainted with the taste of freshly made food which is served hot. Therefore, the study wanted toi understand what difference does processing of a food with preservatives make in terms of flavour. It is known that in these kinds of processed food many favourings are added which might not appreciate the authentic taste of that particular food. The study art first analyzed the number of people who were consuming the processed food. For accuracy, the study even analyzed the frequency at which it was being consumed. It can be said besides multiple other factors, the frequency helped in understanding the likeliness of the food among the UOWMKDU students. The analysis where it was shown that 49% of the people liked the flavours of the frozen cooked food, further attested their likeness towards it. The study has then further analyzed every aspect that regulates flavour such as moisture content, seal condition, pungency, etc. In case of lack of moisture content, although the maximum response was neutral, the all over graph shows more positive response than negative. This concludes that the processed foods lack moisture which is very appetizing for consumers. Packaging and sanitization has become highly important in the OVID times. The negative response towards the condition of packaging shows that the surveyres are dissatisfied with the hygiene maintenance. Lastly, the strength of favouring packaged foods has been a conflicting response. Equal number of the majority had voted that packaged food contains less and more strengthening flavours than cooked food respectively. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the main notion towards favouring depends on the personal choices of the people. Findings for UOWMKDU student’s perception on the texture of cooked freeze food offered by 7e:
In case of packaged food, another major difference that was noticed by the authors in comparison to cooked food in terms of texture. Through research and review of various secondary literatures, the paper has discussed how processing of food with preservatives affect the texture. In the graphs that have been prepared on the basis of the interview and survey done within 80 students of the UOWMKDU, their response towards the texture of the processed food has been analysed. This analysis helps in calculating the likeness towards the processed food and also generates an idea about the popularity and customer satisfaction that the processed cooked food poses. In case of
satisfaction regarding the processed food, more than half of the respondents replied with positive remarks. The positive response that was received in this case therefore shows that the processed food is providing satisfactory to  ood quality food in terms of texture. The qualitative responses have however shown how the respondents are not satisfied with the food texture. The answers which market comments regarding its freshness further attests to the cause of such dissatisfaction. In case of storage under controlled temperature, the graphs made based on responses shows that in general, the surveyors are satisfied with the storing condition. The study also took into
consideration the instructions that are provided in the packaged food since that is very important when it comes to producing the perfect texture out of the product. According to the responses, the majority surveyors have positive remarks towards the reheating instruction which therefore concludes that 7e has succeeded in satisfying customers in this regard. Moisture content also affects the texture of the food highly and as seen before, the responses were either neutral or negative wehic concluded that the food was too wet in comparison to people’s liking.


5.2 Recommendation

Through the analysis that has been done in regard to the various factors that condition the satisfaction received from processed food, many shortcomings in the 7e company’s processed cook food have been found. In the following section, some solutions and recommendations in regard to the problems as well as the research have been posed respectively.  Possible solutions Improve the variety of flavourings The analysis has shown that in case of which food has more stronger flavour, processed food or cooked food, there was a mixed response from people. As discussed previously, the mixed response concluded the personal preferences of each individual. Therefore, the companies can
increase their variety of flavourings in order to suit almost every kind of choice since taste is a very subjective matter. This will then help to gain more customer satisfaction. Bring regulatory measures over moisture of the processed food The responses from the survey also signaled that there were problems regarding the wetness of the processed food. That is to say, the food was too wet which in turn was affecting the flavour as well as texture and therefore affecting the level of customer satisfaction. In regard to such issues, the  company can put some regulatory measures for the amount of water to be added to the food. Also, the company can indulge into more research to check if the wetness of the foods can be regulated.

Improve packaging

In the survey, the company had received quite an amount of negative response in terms of their packaging. It was seen that the present situation of COVID 19 has created a parronia surrounding health and hygiene. Health centers have provided strict measures in regard to what are the health  and hygiene conditions that should be followed in terms of food packaging. Therefore, it is recommended that the company should take the current situation into consideration and improve their quality of packaging. This will ensure safety among the students and create a sense of satisfaction regarding their health and hygiene.

Recommendation for future research

To conduct relative surveys in toder to check the improvements made in regard to the issues In the study, the authors have done an extensive survey in regard to multiple questions on the flavours and textures of the processed food. It is therefore recommended to future researchers to utilize the data that has been retried from these surveys both in terms of qualitative and quantitative for future surveys. That is to say, the researchers can create a relative survey, which looks into the changes that have taken place in the attitude of the surveyed people regarding the similar aspects but after a certain period. This will therefore help in understanding the progress made by the
company in terms of providing solutions for the above mentioned issues.
To incorporate psychological factors in understanding the texture and flavouring satisfaction It is also being recommended to the future researchers who intend in conducting a study in the similar field that they incorporate psychological factors in analysing the causes of satisfaction that is received from processed food by the UOWMKDU students. As seen in the analysis, the likeness towards a certain flavour or texture is partially dependent on the personal choice of a person and the typical food that they have grown up eating. Therefore, future researches can incorporate the angle of psychology while analysing the causes of satisfaction. Not to mention, incorporation of
such data can also help in creating a pool of information which can be utilized for development of
the product by the company as well.


5.3 Conclusion

Therefore, the above discussion has shown how the analysis of the information collected in the form of surveys both qualitatively and quantitatively has helped in formulating responses for the posed research problem. Graphical analysis has helped in forming conclusion science and provided scientific measurements of the responses. The perception of the UOWMKDU students regarding flavour and taste that was received can be said to be overall satisfactory. Most of the students depend on the processed food. However, the increasing concern regarding the health in COVID times has been seen which as recommended, should be poised by the company.