Health insurance acts as a vital tool that helps the general people to secure their health condition by receiving timely medical care and treatment (, 2018). The insurance is of high relevance in the healthcare finance setting since it ensures that the health systems are capable enough to upgrade the quality of treatment that is offered to the end service users. Expanding the health insurance model helps the ailing patients to have a safety net around them (Urban Institute, 2018). 

The structure of the healthcare financing plays a crucial role in this delicate set-up as it makes sure that adequate funds are available with the care officials and facilities so that top quality care service can be offered to the patients. In fact, the model influences the overall behavior of the service providers and the quality of the service that is offered by them (ACCESS Health International, 2018).

When people have a health insurance, it helps them to have access to professional and qualified care experts and physicians and thus expands their benefit package in order to cover catastrophic medical conditions (MSD Manual Consumer Version, 2018). In the uncertain setting, the knowledge of healthcare financing model is necessary to choose the appropriate health insurance package (, 2018). 


ACCESS Health International. (2018). Healthcare Finance – ACCESS Health International. Retrieved 27 March 2018, from (2018). Importance of Health Insurance. Retrieved 27 March 2018, from

MSD Manual Consumer Version. (2018). Overview of Health Care Financing – Fundamentals – MSD Manual Consumer Version. Retrieved 27 March 2018, from (2018). Healthcare financing in India. Retrieved 27 March 2018, from

Urban Institute . (2018). Why Health Insurance Is Important. Retrieved 27 March 2018, from