The Campaign for Belu Water

Section B- An integrated marketing communications plan and campaign

The prior objective of this section is to procure an integrated marketing communication plan and campaign solely based on the explored section A. To achieve a long-term vision towards sustainable profits in the coming future the company Belu Water has to focus on transparency and efficient marketing to gain trust and reputation in the market. Product transparency plays an integral part in marketing and communication planning. It helps customers make better decisions as well as guides the company to learn the areas that have to be enhanced to gain more target customers (Borland & Lindgreen, 2013). The company has to change its business strategy and business model for better procurement of target customers. Even though it has a unique set of propositions in terms of serving carbon-neutral business strategies it still undergoes huge losses. Surveying at each interval is desired for effective communication and branding. Increasing public relations and effective CSR will gain this company significant profitability in its target market. The marketing plan and effective communication that this company must uphold are the following-

Direct marketing-

It is an effective way of communication to make customers aware of its product. The change that this company has formulated by shifting its business to Modern trade stores has to be informed to all its target customers to increase its sales. This attains a significant response from the customers which in turn leads to long-term customer relationships. Customers must learn every new change that has been formulated in the company to satisfy customer’s needs.

Communicating with other stakeholders-

Stakeholders are the key elements of the company. The supplier this company contains is very effective and deals with the company in a reasonable way. However, there were a few times when this supplier chain disrupted the company’s background creating several issues that became a significant threat to the company. Hence, they must be treated carefully as this sector is important for the company. Discussing the whole matter with them will lead to developing suitable strategies that will benefit both the company and the suppliers (Kumar et al. 2013).


With the graduation of the trend, people tend to fall for products that have wider visibility in the market. It has been significantly observed that with the help of the internet and media, a company can rise to its fullest. The company must forecast its latest news with the help of a technological platform. This, in turn, will create awareness among its potential customers. Providing them with efficient information about the company’s sustainable development and eco-friendly measures for the betterment of the environment can make profitable advancement. Customers will be updated with its newest advancement that will gain every potential customer.

Collaborating with non-profit organizations-

These kinds of organizations have a significant hold on the market which holds up the basic instinct of the citizen. Upon efficient collaboration with this sector and supporting them the process of campaigning will gain a significant amount of customers from the target market (Leonidou et al. 2013). This will ensure the customers that Belu Water Company is using eco-friendly measures and takes efficient care of its environment which will attract several potential customers to its organizations. The company has to reach every sector of the market for efficient communication.

Personal selling-

This communication strategy is also effective in gaining potential customers from the target market. The company has forcefully started its Modern Trade stores for its selling purpose which was not well accepted at first. However, if the company does efficient marketing of this product through its campaigning on various platforms can gain a competitive advantage. Placing up its retail stores in every part with effective campaigning of its product and making customers aware of its new strategies will significantly gain potential customers. In one way for effective communication and campaigning, it has to increase its visibility in the market which will increase its credibility with the view of its target audience. Increasing its level of interaction with the customers via newsletters, campaigns, media, and the internet will gain a competitive advantage and people will trust this brand even more (Nebenzahl & Jaffe, 2013).

Section C – Creativity and Innovation

In this era, every person prefers online platforms in the form of social media, the Internet, TV, and other relevant services. The company Belu Water must open up its online portal site as well as stay connected via social media to let people stay updated with their latest trends. Promoting the latest customer feedback on social media such as Facebook can gain several other potential customers. This will have a positive impact on the customers as people get influenced by the views of other people. Categorizing the areas that are served by Belu Water can make people learn about the places and positions where the company has set up its retail store. Placing the brand name in a Google listing is useful as people tend to use Google to learn the positioning of each store in the current day. A custom landing page has to be made for each campaign activity as it will help to track down conversions and people will learn about the latest movement of the company (Perreault Jr, Cannon & McCarthy, 2013). The company can later use this source to provide much more effective service to the customers.

Promoting the brand through daily newspapers increases its freshness in the target market. This has a significant effect on the customers as this creates a positive impact on the target market making people create awareness. It is a simple idea but very effective in terms of marketing strategies. Teaming up with the local daily newspapers to show the latest news of the company can raise a sense of familiarity in the customers and additionally attain good humor among the customers of the company. Using the marketing strategy of billboards can also make people learn about the company’s product as people will show their reactions while passing by. Image recognition technology is being used globally which is well adapted by the customers in real-time. The poster campaign is very effective in raising awareness among customers.

Blockchain can be used effectively to let people know about the story of the product served by Belu Water. It will eventually increase among the customers in terms of researching the company’s social responsibility online and subsequently will raise the generation of responsible customers steadily. Displaying the supply chain is also effective through the use of blockchain (Popkova, Dubova & Romanova, 2013). Advertising campaigns are useful for breaking down the stereotypes and various challenges faced by the company. The more the company will break through the more it can work on its innovative ideas on campaigning. Going through the campaigns of other companies, the company Belu Water can gain an idea of innovative ideas and creativity in its campaign. Learning the marketing strategies and business models of other competitors will help to gain effective campaigns as these companies will also have similar goals. Hence, the company Belu Water has to think differently and produce innovative ideas to fulfill the demand of the target market as well as inspire the customers by brainstorming. Belu Water has to be updated with the latest social media updates and daily news to perform better in the market. Knowledge of the demographic segments is desired for being creative and formulating innovative ideas. Communicating with the people by asking for feedback and direct marketing can gain knowledge of consumer’s needs and the latest trends which will enable the company to achieve a creative breakthrough (Rust, Lemon & Zeithaml, 2004). Serving the customers with efficiency can increase the brand name of the company which will keep the company stay ahead of its competitors. Approaching customers with innovative ideas, that competitors lack will provide an additional advantage to the company in the target market. Going through the areas that the company Bele Water lacks and achieving innovative ideas from that lacking point will also provide an additional advantage as well and the brand will reach the target audience efficiently.

Section D – Reflection

With the help of David Kolb’s (2001) model of experimental learning styles, I have been able to formulate the above research by going through various scholarly journals and other website research.  The experimental learning theory or ELT has provided me with a holistic model of the learning process and adult development in terms of multi-linear development which is typically consistent with what I learn, how I can grow, and the ways to develop it. It is a distinguishable theory that is utterly different from other learning theories which focus mainly on behavioral learning theories and cognition over effect. It denies the role of subjective experience in terms of the learning process. This methodology has significantly helped me to learn new strategies and areas that I must develop for better performance in this competitive era. The basic knowledge of this model is for enhancing own skills in the form of adapting changes and to flowing with the latest trends and processes that are arising in the business world. With the help of the methodology, I was able to perform the primary research of the company Belu Water which has significantly focused on various environmental and internal aspects affecting the business of the company. The shift in the marketing strategies of this company Belu Water from traditional retail stores to Modern trade stores was significantly a challenge to the company but if this strategy is formulated with advanced technological and other marketing approaches with innovative and creative ideas then this company will rise to its peak.

The secondary research was completely based on the effective marketing campaign and planning with creative and innovative ideas which will help this company to reach its target audience and serve the customers efficiently. Collaboration with various non-profit organisations will significantly help this company to attain a sustainable procedure for its business which will have a positive impact on its potential customers. I believe that this report has provided all the necessary information that will provide the company with huge success through the process of effective campaigning even if it is lagging in the market. However, the macro-environmental factors and their impact on the business of the company Belu Water could have been also described effectively to provide more business strategies for the company which will be benefitted for the business of the company. I discovered that I have developed my personal and professional skills by completing this project in terms of the global management system (Shih et al. 2013). Each section of this project has provided detailed information about the company which has let me enhance my abilities and skills which will be benefitted to me in the future. I can now definitely open up my new company or even if I work for a company, I believe I have significantly learned the possible areas that have to be kept in mind while marketing a product and how to raise the quality of the marketing strategies with innovative and creative ideas. Through this approach, I can certainly give my best while working in the future.

The adaptability to changing trends has to be acquired completely to fulfill the strategic approach of the company. I have learned efficient demand for satisfying customer needs for the successful accomplishment of goals. The stakeholders of the company are essential aspects of a company, hence I have to be well aware of their needs and provide efficient services to each one of them for the better growth of the business (Zou & Cavusgil, 2002). I have learned that the use of technology I rapidly increasing in people day by day, hence I have to move with the pace as it will help me to attain and comprehend the basic needs of the people. Feedback from people can help to analyze my skills as a student to be better in the future while accomplishing my goals. Hence, model Kolb’s has efficiently guided me to learn the marketing aspects of the company Belu Water and also the areas that I need to develop for my future goals.


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