Assignment 2– Strategic Direction

Assignment brief for the Assignment 1 and 2 with deadlines


Assessment 1 consists of 3 elements. It aims to provide a vehicle for you to apply what you have learnt in the classroom based sessions, from guest speakers and from your reading.

You will be choosing a particular underdog brand. An underdog is a brand which is not a market leader.

Each element is weighted 20% to make up a total of 60% of the module grade.

Element 1 (20%)

The first element is an individual piece of work that requires you to study the client brand in-depth, resulting in a 7 minutes maximum seminar presentation that outlines your understanding of the following:

A brief description of the brand’s historical development
The firm’s brand elements, i.e. logos, symbols, packaging, slogans, trademarks
Brand hierarchy, brand portfolio
Strategic branding alliances, the brand’s current positioning in the marketplace

How the firm is addressing branding through each of the marketing mix elements (including the extended service mix).

The audit should conclude with an overall assessment of the brand’s health, and an analysis of the perceived sources of brand equity

Presentations for the first element will be the seminars of week 5, on 16 th February

Element 2 (20%)

The second element is an individual piece of work in which you are encouraged to work in informal teams of 2-4 students.

Your aim as an informal team is to design the template for a market research study. This will then allow you to individually conduct research which provides information about brand perceptions of a particular customer group. As an outcome of the individual research conducted you will be required to identify the particular brand attributes that customers associate with the brand category and your chosen brand, the extent to which these attributes are unique to the brand, and the attitudes that customers hold about the brand.

Having conducted the research, you will present a summary of your individual findings in the seminars on 23 rd March. Each individual will have a maximum of 7 minutes to present.

The third element is individual and will consist of a range of recommendations that are clearly based on strengths and weaknesses found during your brand audit and the findings from your consumer research.

Your recommendations should evidence learning and understanding of the various concepts encountered during the module and must be academically underpinned and referenced. Your recommendations should be presented in the format of a ‘pitch’ / infographic, that clearly sketches their development, using your information gathered from your reading and from the brand audit and perception research as justification. Each individual will have a maximum of 7 minutes to present.


For this module you are required to maintain an electronic learning log. This should clearly demonstrate the following:

Section 1- Your learning aims for this module, assessment of prior knowledge, skills and experience, likely obstacles that might prevent you meeting your learning outcomes and you intended learning strategies and tactics to maximise your achievements.

Section 2 – Documentation of your week by week learning

Section 3 – End of module reflection on your development and challenges encountered.

Section 4 – A development plan for identified areas of improvement