APC 313 Assignment- Financial Markets Sample

A team is the combination of two or more people coming together to achieve a certain purpose. Teamwork is when the team combine similar details to accomplish the achievement in a specific time range. An effective team is when team members share responsibilities equally without reliance of specific people. Communication in a team helps to accomplish goals in shortest time possible. Being in a team, one must be an active to avoid being a liability to their team members. The aim of this essay is to discuss features for a prosperous teamwork and ways to improve patient care.

Question one

The following are the main features for a successful teamwork (Driskell et al., 2018). Taking ownership of specific awareness and abilities to operate under peak circumstances. Each team member should be responsible by knowing their tasks and collaborate with each other for desirable outcomes. The team should be united and work together to archive a greater purpose (Sereti et al., 2018). Successful team should agree upon each other and decide as one. Finally, the team should have understanding skills among each other.

Question two

Teamwork can improve patient care by having common values and principles. Having strict rules enables the team members to undertake their responsibilities and activities as required. By having innovative skills, members can be able to tackle problems and develop solutions. Honesty and humility skills makes team members to be able to interact with each other respect their superiors. Effective communication helps team members ask for solutions when one needs a problem solved (Beal et al., 2020).

In conclusion, effective teams should be able to function together and accomplish goals easily. Teamwork requires regular communication between each other. Laziness and absent mindedness are discouraged, and a member is supposed to be active and not a liability. Being creative and innovative provides unique solutions when required. Being humble and honest with each other makes the team members to be respectable and provide help when needed.


Beal, R., Changder, N., Norman, T., & Ramchurn, S. (2020, April). Learning The Value of Teamwork to Form Efficient Teams. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 34, No. 05, pp. 7063-7070).

Driskell, J. E., Salas, E., & Driskell, T. (2018). Foundations of teamwork and collaboration. American Psychologist73(4), 334.

Sereti, M., Mavropoulou, A., Stylianidis, P., Politopoulos, N., Tsiatsos, T., & Douka, S. (2018, September). Design, Creation and Evaluation of TEAM, A Serious Game for Teamwork Development. In International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (pp. 743-754). Springer, Cham.