
AF3/3/LN/102 - Business Communication

AF3/3/LN/102 - Business Communication

Description of Assignment: Every year students leave secondary education to enter into full-time employment. However, many are not aware of the requirements of a professional work ethic, nor do they understand how to communicate accordingly.…
PGBM141 Professional Management and Leadership

Assessment Task 2 – Report on HRM Planning

Length: 2000 words ± 10% (including executive summary, introduction, heading and subheadings, recommendations and conclusion but excluding title page, reference list and appendixes) Reference Style: APA Style Document…
Analysis of a Case Study on Social Marketing

Analysis of a Case Study on Social Marketing

Maximum length: 1600 words This assessment looks at cause-related marketing which supports a cause, or social marketing that furthers a cause. You are to critically examine and compare the RSPCA Adopt a pet campaign reviewed at AND the…
Understanding Human Resource Management

Understanding Human Resource Management

Learning outcome to be examined in this assessment To successfully complete this assessment, students should be able to: 1. Identify the various forms of organisational structure, culture and management styles and to be able to give examples. 2.…
Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Assignment

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Assignment

Assessment weighted at 100% assessing all module learning outcomes. Activity: Prepare a management report of 3,500 to 4,000 words* on an organization within one of the following industry-sectors**: 1. Agriculture – perennial crops(A01.2) 2.…
ITECH 5500 Professional Research and Communication

Guidance for Essays

Option 1 ‘…documentaries are performative acts whose truth comes into being only at the moment of filming…’ (Bruzzi 2006:10) Write a 2000-word essay examining the statement above. Your essay should include an in-depth examination…
MGMT3017 Supply Chain Capstone

Knowledge Management

Assessment task: The goal of Knowledge Management (KM) is to increase the quality of the contributions people make to their organizations by increasing their motivation, helping people to take responsibility, to collaborate and share what…
Critical Thinking for Managers

International Tourism

Format Structured report Word length 2,500 words (the final report) Task of the final report: The task is to research and present a report about the memorable travel experience based on a list of travelogue and the contemporary theories.…
Foundations of taxation law

BME0003 - International Economics

Choose ONE of the following questions: 1) Porters’ diamond trade theory and other new trade theories outline the case for government policies. What kinds of policies would you recommend that government adopt? Are these polices at variance…
Theory, Practice & Law Assignment

SCO-20040 City, Culture, Society

One completed Google Doc Form on the KLE and one electronic copy are required Presentation and referencing Your work should: - Not include your name anywhere on the electronic document you submit to Turnitin - Be font size 12 - Use page…