
Strategic Information System

Book Review-This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein

Students are required to prepare a book review of a maximum of 2000 words in length. Students should choose from one of the following books:     Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, trans W. Blanco, (New York: Norton Critical Editions,…
Individual Written Assessment – Understanding yourself as a leader

Risk Assessment

Introduction Risk is the possibility of an individual or a situation that involves exposure towards danger or loss (Glendon, Clarke & McKenna, 2016). Risk can be assessed and evaluated with proper risk assessment and management procedures.  The…
HRM 20018 Employment Relations Sample

BMSK4003 Digital Skills and Research Methods Sample

Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of modern technologies within the workplace as a tool for marketing, information gathering and communication. Introduction In the 21st century, technological advancement has undergone a remarkable rise…
HRM 20018 Employment Relations Sample

Thesis Vs Dissertation

A college degree in the UK entitles to submit a project work that ensures the completion of the course. There are ideally two types, one is the thesis and the other is the dissertation. While both of them have many similarities, there are…