
Foundations of taxation law

International Strategic Management and Innovation

Assessment Topic - You are tasked with assessing the development and application of key elements of international strategic management and innovation by a ‘hidden champion’ of Germany: Pick one of the following three • Krones AG, •…
Emailing Assessment Task

HR Management and Organisation Design

Assessment Topic - Consultancy report - redesigning human resource management and organisational design Assessment Guidelines - Select a German organization with over 100 employees. Assume you have been hired as an external consultant. Collect…
FIN9006 Corporate Finance Assignment

DATA4900 - UX, CX and Ethical Innovation Case Study

Your Task • This assessment is to be done individually • Students are to write a 1000-word report in response to the UX, CX and Ethical Innovation case study provided and submit it as a Microsoft word file via the TurnItIn portal •…
MGT355 Global Operations Management Sample 1

DATA6000 - Industry Research Project

Assessment Description In order to synthesise what you have learnt throughout you Analytics degree you need to submit an industry research report. This report needs to: 1. Outline a business industry problem that can be addressed through…
HC1021 Interpersonal & E-Communication

MBA503 - Consultancy Webinar

Your task Individually, you are required to record a video in which you must address a company board. During this webinar, you are to provide advice and reflections about the decision-making processes followed during a recent organisational…
CAP203 Care of the person with an acute illness

MBA402 - Case Study

Your Task You are required to write a report to a corporate board summarising your views on corporate governance, sustainability and risk management practices. Assessment Description From Monday of Week 9 at 9 am, you will have access to…
Training and Development Assessment

MBS 568 Organisational Change Management and Consultancy

Learning outcomes for the unit On successful completion of the unit you should be able to: 1. Demonstrate practical understanding of the role and associated strengths and limitations of internal and external change agents in different change…
BSBTWK502 - Manage Team Effectiveness

Nurs 3005 Transition to Professional Practice 2

Assignment 3: Clinical Case Conference Report Cholecystitis (References 17) Introduction: The client is 66 years old lady who lives in Goolwa with her son in house. Son is full time student and work as casual pool. According to…
Recovery Care Plan

Learning Journal Entry 2 +44-7588-808382 Case Analysis Build-a-bear In the given case, it is observed that Maxine Clark has a creative and innovative…
Assignment 2– Strategic Direction

Discussion Post - Social 20

Discussion Peacekeeping vs Peace- enforcement* Conduct research on one UN peacekeeping or peace- enforcement mission conducted between 1956 and today. Some sources are provided on the related course content page and you may…