

IND311 Industry Project (Advanced) ASSESSMENT 3—Part A

Assessment Final Report and In-Class Presentation Individual/Group Group (five people) Length Part A—Report (3,500 words +/–10%) Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below…
MB707-21S2A - Organisational Resilience

Strategy Development

Word limit: 2,000 words (±10%) Marks: 20 Due Date:  5 pm Friday, Week 11 (Soft copy to be uploaded on BB AND hard copy along with a FULL safeassign report need to be submitted) Use the Theory relating to Adaptation, Aggregation and Arbitrage…
CORE 1010: Essay Writing

Unit 5 Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business

Assignment title                          Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business: Project Scenario/Vocational Context You have recently been employed as the in-house legal advisor for ‘Klarims’, a small business…
MGT1101 Assessment 2 Part 1

Policy Power and Politics in Health care System

Assessment 1: Five (5) Short Answer Questions Weighting: 40% Word count: 1500 words Due Date: 31 st March Aim and purpose of Assessment the aim of this assessment task is to respond to a self-selected group of topics that are based on…
HI5029 - IS Project Management

IND150 - Text Analysis

Length                                1000 words and 15 minute oral presentation Learning Outcomes     Unit Outcomes 2,3,4 Task Description In assessment 1 you completed a mind map of the process of colonisation.…
AVA20010 Aviation Legal Framework

AVA20010 Aviation Legal Framework

Assignment 1: An individual essay, 1. Choose one of the following topics and write an essay. Topic Discuss the opportunities as well as challenges for smaller/medium airports vv big airports in terms of managing security control and…
AVIA5015 Exam Question

AVIA5015 Exam Question

Instructions: This exam is available from Friday 4 to Friday 11 November at 11:55pm (Sydney time–Australian Eastern Daylight Time). This exam must be submitted by 11:55pm on Friday, 11 November (Sydney time) Late submissions will…
ASS058-3 Assessment Guidance Template

BUMGT2606 Case Study – Semester

The New Supervisor Grace Reed had been working at the County Medical Society Answering Service for 18 months when she received a promotion to shift supervisor. Grace was quite excited. She had worked very hard to develop the technical skills…
International Trade and Finance Sample

PSYC15065G – Psychology: Core Concepts

Major Assignment (30%): Conformity, Authority, Obedience Essay Format - 1) Title Page: A title page template is provided for you to follow on page 2. 2) Introduction Paragraph: Introduce the topics that will be discussed, and include a…
EBP107 Evidence-Based Practice

SIM335 - Managing Projects

This is an individual assignment - complete both tasks 1 and 2 Background: The assignment is intended to bring out the benefits and limitations of different approaches to project planning and control by relating these to the circumstances…