Whenever we are writing any thesis or assignment there is always a way of representing our thoughts not only in writing but when even we are speaking in a formal environment. There are particular words which are restricted to use due to social constraints. Taboo words mean those words which are inappropriate to use entirely or in a particular situation. These are the words that seem immoral or inappropriate to use. It is called Taboo language.

Meaning of Taboo words: Taboo words are those words use of which is either restricted totally or in a formal environment. 

For example:- Many times we use the word “Shit!” to show a sudden reaction, but the use of the shit word is appropriate in any situation?

Taboo words- Types and Example

There is different classification of Taboo words according to different linguistic. But in academic use, we can consider the following types. So, there are different types of Taboo words which can be differentiate on the behalf of their use:

Too Informal

While writing any thesis or assignment we need to be formal but many times we use intentionally or unintentionally some informal words which we should not use. Sometimes a word can sound formal while speaking but the same word sounds informal while writing.

For Example: Using “a lot of” or using “won’t” not sound informal. Instead of using a lot of we can use ‘several’ and instead of using short terms we can directly say ‘would not’.

At the same time, the Avoidance of some word at the starting can be done. 

For Example: – instead of writing “And the students are really excited” replaced by “The students are really excited”.

“So why are you not coming?” replaced by “Why are you not coming?”

We should avoid the incorrect starting of a sentence mainly in writing.

Too Vague

We should always keep our language Precise and Concise. Always try to keep your language-specific and clear. If we are using unclear words then it may create another meaning for someone else. So, it is always beneficial to use clear and specific words.

For Example: – Many times we say “I have many things in my bag like book, notebook, and so on”. Here, using ‘So on” can be replaced by “etc.”.

Too Exaggerated

Many times we exaggerate things just to give emphasis on our things or to prove our point.  Using superlative degree or intensifiers often tend to be dramatic. We should keep in mind that Exaggeration is not always necessary and we can put our point in a simple way. 

For Example: Using words like “greatest”, “most”, “perfect” can be inappropriate as the word “perfect” is a word that is not as normal as people use it. Not everyone and everything can be perfect.

Too Unsophisticated 

Use of too simple or at the same time too complicated words can feel less effective. We often try to use, complicated words just to give a different effect or maybe to give a strong impression. 

For Example: – The word “Small”, instead of saying “small children” we can use “Young Children”. 

Similarly “Useful idea” instead of “big idea”.

Too Subjective

The use of many words can show our biasness towards a particular fact or statement. Using these words seems like we are already sure about a particular situation.

For example; if I say “obviously” then it represents that I am already sure about the occurrence of a specific incident.

Basically, the Use of “of course” is invalid. 

Generally Incorrect

Use of some phrases and words are frequently used inaccurately. Continuously, if you make such mistakes and you start assuming they are correct. However, it’s important that you don’t repeat them while writing.

For example, we frequently ensure the speaker is saying ‘would of’ instead of would have. Also, we have seen people using more than one-second form of the verb in a single sentence.

Generally Unnecessary

Don’t use any phrases and words that don’t add any meaning to the sentences. You should aim to make your academic paper as possible concise. 


There are different words that we cannot use either anywhere or in a specific society/culture/situation. Such words are known as Taboo words. We can make our project or any thesis more effective by taking into consideration of such words. We should try to keep our point precisely, without much exaggeration and the incorrect way. If we avoid such words or phrases, It will make our presentation more effective.