Systems Analysis and design


Question-1: Report

Introduction-Adaptive Methodologies

In today’s world, there are a number of methodologies for adaptive development is available. So here in this report, the specific agile development methods are used widely which will be useful for this Free Feet Socks Limited organization in developing their project. The agile software methods are referred to as the agile techniques at times. Some of the popular agile techniques are discussed here such as Scrum, extreme programming (XP), and adaptive software development which would be relevant to project in FFSL (Alkhateeb, et al., 2017). These agile methodologies will differ in the approaches made to the development of software and the type of management that is proposed. The agile methods such as Scrum and feature-driven-development focus extensively, on project management in FFSL and its collaboration practices. While the other agile method is extreme programming (XP) heavily concentrates on the practices of software implementation.

  1. Adaptive methodology- Scrum
  • Description:

For accomplishing the innovative projects Scrum is considered to be the effective agile framework. The business owner Alan Masters has started this FFSL organization that used to take all the orderings and selling by him. Later the business has grown and gave an opportunity for many part-time and full-time employees. This scrum software works well with the complex, innovative, or new development of products’ scope of work (Alter, 2016). So the organization can now choose this which would be the best adaptive methodology as it is looking forward to the further expansion of the company with a new project. The new project that is undertaken is underwear and home goods such as scented candles. This methodology is proposed to be effective as it has got the endless possibilities and the framework of Scrum is deceptively simple.

  • Advantages:

The scrum methodology will be allowing the project where the documentation of the business requirements would be hard to quantify for its successful development. At present, the FFSL business is having manual control of stock and customer relationship systems which use to work well earlier and they used to manage the accounts with the shelf accounting system (Dennis, Wixom & Tegarden, 2015). However, now this methodology is fast-moving, and cutting-edge developments can be coed quickly and tested with this method where the accounting mistakes can be rectified easily.

  • Disadvantages:

In this firm, the salespeople are defined for their own geographical area in selling the products of FFSL. So the task should be well defined if not the estimating costs of the project and time might not be accurate.In the stores, the selling of the FFSL goods is not taken up by more than one salesperson (Duan & Yu, 2013). But as a part of the new project, it is better for the members to work in a team and commit so that it will not fail otherwise it would not be complete.

  1. Adaptive methodology- Extreme programming (XP)
  • Description:

Extreme programming (XP) is known to be one of the agile methodologies. By using this methodology the organization can share all the principles that are involvedin their firm such involvement of customer strongly into the development process of software, effective communication among the team members and iterative cycles of development. This company is using the shelf accounting package and email services for communicating with suppliers and customers (Erturk, 2016). Currently, the use of the computer in the firm is at a low level. With this methodology, they can get close interaction with customers and understand their requirements and then the project can beundertaken as per their needs.

  • Advantages:

The biggest advantage of this extreme programming methodology is that it will allow the FFSL firm in developing its own software by saving costs and time for project realization. Currently, the orders are taken through phone calls by the representatives and monitored till the time they are delivered to the customers which is a tedious process (Grbovic, 2013). But by this software programming time can be saved and the representatives can be assured that the products are delivered to the customers on time.

  • Disadvantages:

For checking the progress of the orders the representatives will call the head office. It means that the staff of the headquarters will be handling phone calls from salespeople. However, this can be avoided by designing software for taking the orders and for knowing the progress. But the big disadvantage is that extreme programming is focused more on the code rather than on the design (Guruacharya & Hossain, 2017). This might be an issue because for software applications good design would be extremely important.

  1. Adaptive methodology- Feature-Driven development
  • Description:

For software development being an iterative methodology, it is designed in serving the wide-ranging group of teams that are working on a new project that is based on object-oriented technology. In the past, the FFSL organization was having manual systems for stock management and customer relationship management, but the manager with the new purchasing manager and the customer manager is thinking that the information system will be offering improvementssignificantlyto the work processes that are currently in place. So this type of model would be decent for this company as it is passing from the phase-based method to the approach that is iterative (He & Dey, 2014). This agile methodology is known as the feature-driven-development methodology which is known to be highly functional and creative enough for dealing with diverse complexities.

  • Advantages:

Steven Smith the customer manager is expecting the salespeople and the representatives of the party to plan in ordering the products online as they are involved in making sales. So this methodology will do better for them as it helps in moving the newly developed bigger products with continuous success. The salespeople have to check-in online at every retail outlet which is the main requirement so that for every visit they make it gives the idea of whether sales are being made or not. By this, the outcome will be in a better way. The sales calls of the representative can be tracked (Li, Lee & Lui, 2013). Some pre-standards are to be set by this software development that it can be programmed for the procedures of the company.

  • Disadvantages:

This methodology is definitely not suitable for smaller projects and the single developer which is the company is trying to do. This is because the customer manager of FFSL Company is willing to make the bigger orders less frequently because he wanted to take the advantage of the smaller shipping costs for each piece of the merchandise (Mahmoud, 2016). In such a case, this is not the appropriate idea as it is dependent highly on the leading developer which is demanding the total structure. If at all the company is taking this software then no written document will be provided.


Agile Scrum methodology a project management system that is incremental is based on product development sprints in two to four weeks. So this would be the best methodology for the FFSL organization in expanding their company with new products. It has got many benefits such as better communication with suppliers, customer relationships can be managed efficiently, and planning for product development can be made effectively. As a result, the expectations of the company can be met since it will be resulting in increased productivity. The execution will be faster by implementing this methodology and the products of high quality that are ideal will be attracting the customers and the sales will be grown easily (Rosenblatt, 2013). However, it is adopted by numerous organizations which have experienced success exponentially through this system by building progressive iterations of the product.

Question 2: Memo

To: Customer manager

From: Manager

Date: XXXX

Re: A plan for the development of the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Dear XXX,

I would like to inform you regarding the improvements in the FFSL Company by introducing some new effective methodologies. At present, no employees in the FFSL have a strong command over the computers and their usage for getting their work completed external to the standard applications. Hence, I am proposing the acceptance of the new system which is my main concern. So here I would be describing the brief set of a plan for the development of the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).


HCI which is known as the human-computer interaction can be defined as the study of how people will be interacting with computers and to what level the computers have been developed or not for having a successful interaction with human beings. There are substantially many numbers of key corporations and academic institutions which are taking up the study of HCI. With some of the exceptions historically, the developers of computer systems did not pay much attention to the ease of use of the computer. Today most of the users of the computer will be arguing that the makers of the computer are not paying enough attention still in making their products user-friendly. However, the developers of the computer system might result in the argument that computers are products that are extremely complex in designing and making. The demand for the services that are provided by the computer has always been found to be outdriven the ease of user demand.

Plan for HCI for FFSL

The plan for human-computer interaction for the FFSL firm has been shown in the following figure. It includes a number of stages by attaining which the computer system can be developed as per the requirements of the company in terms of software. It can be made user-friendly by providing training on the software that has been adopted by the company (Valacich, George & Hoffer, 2015). This can make the use of the system by human beings very simple.

The business strategy of FFSL is it has decided to focus mainly on building and implementation of the application of the customer relationship management and it wants to run a project separately for the purchasing project. For this, a specific agile methodology can be adopted by the firm, and then all the employees can be trained on the same. Monitoring and reporting of the application can be made by allowing the salespersons to fill in the application in every store they visit. The segment roles come into the picture where the applications will be reviewed by the management team and the applications with mistakes will not be approved. Then the necessary action is taken by planning were the records of the FFSL will be having all the details of the customers such as name, number, address, last visited, etc. so that the use of the system by the sales representatives in the firm will be easy. In the entire population, each area is defined some particular sales members finding out the gaps in the sales would be easy through the data that is available. By making use of the current state analysis the use of the system can be made easy for each of the members of the organization. This can be achieved by making all the processes online such as placing the order online and monitoring the progress. In order to do so, the sales team has to first log in with the details into the software.


The technology acceptance model can be defined as the theory of the reasoned action taken in the areas of information systems. It is suggested by this theory that if the FFSL organization can determine the ease and usefulness of use of the system and the intentions of the individuals in using the system then it can serve as the mediator for the better productivity of the products. If the intentions of the users are perceived then it can be learned easily. By making use of one of the three approaches of technology acceptance model the FFSL can actually extend its attempts such as by introducing the factors from the models that are related to the products of the firm, by introducing the factors that are additional or alternative in promoting the productivity of the firm and by examining the individuals who are interested in knowing the usefulness of the system. Hence by making use of this technology the company can take a step forward in assessing their employees and training them in that specific field by making them know the effectiveness of getting adapted to the system.


Systems Analysis and design


Modeling and Diagramming

Question-3: Event Table

Event Type Trigger Source Activity/Use Case System Response/


Registration of the sales team in every outlet Verification of the information The sales details will be entered by the representative Sales of firm Registration It is for the company purpose so will be approved Customer manager
Login of sales representative Verification of the information To make entry of the visit Sales of firm Verification Approved by the system Management team
Online placement oforder Customer Monitoring by sales team Representatives Progress Approved Customer
Search for the desired product Customer Product enquiry Customer Looking for the availability Details of item Customer

Question-4: Domain Model Class Diagram

Systems Analysis and design

Question-5: Design Class Diagram

Systems Analysis and design

Question 6: Use Case Diagram

 Systems Analysis and design



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