Strategy in Practice Project

Assessment Type:

Portfolio consists of 2 components 80% strategy in practice project (2500 words) and 20% critical reflection on weekly discussions (500 words)

Format of portfolio to be submitted.

1- One file to be submitted in Word or PDF format

2- Layout: Font – Times Roman, Font size 12, Single line spacing, Text justified.

3- Cover page, with name and ID number, module code/name, tutor name (does not count towards word count).

4- Table of contents ((does not count towards word count)

5- Section – 1 Critical Reflections of weekly discussions. No references needed.

6- Section – 2 Strategy in Practice Project (use appropriate/pertinent/relevant sub-sections. Add any appendices, following by references to University of Wolverhampton Harvard standard (do not count towards word count)

Assessment Components

Strategy in Practice Project 80%,

Critical Reflection on Weekly Discussions 20% .

Word Count: 2,500 words. Pertinent referencing is required.

Word Count: 500 words. Note no referencing is required.

Assignment Requirements     Assignment Requirements

This is a work-based project. Select any of the topics covered in the module, identify a problem facing the business, an issue, a challenge, an opportunity, a threat etc. Using theoretical and analytical tools, models and frameworks, and literature covered within the module, first situate this issue, then present an analysis, followed by a recommendation that addresses/overcomes the issue. Assume the audience is managerial but you will need to Underpin your work with demonstrable academic theories, frameworks, models covered in the module. This is required to fulfil master level expectations.

Critical reflection on any 5 of 7 weekly discussions, commenting on your contributions and that of others AND what you learnt, what was new to you, where/how you see applications of particular ideas, themes, models, frameworks etc. Clearly situate yourself into the discussions throughout, incorporating reflexivity and explaining how this influenced your engagements.

Characteristics of a Good Submission           Characteristics of a Good Submission

Student has correctly focused on a manageable/sensible unit of the business.

Student shows good awareness of the organisational issue(s), challenge, opportunity, threat etc.

Relevant and pertinent theoretical and analytical tools, models and frameworks, and literature covered within the module have been used.

Clear recommendations that address the issue have been proffered.

Recommendations are evidence based i.e., emerge from the analysis

The report is written with a managerial audience in mind.

Correct referencing and citations are used.

Reflection is critical. Uses first person narrative.

Reflection is not descriptive.

Reflection includes own thoughts and actions, and considers how these factors have, or might influence, student understanding of the topics covered.

Reflection covers all 7 weeks of discussions.

Reflection shows good balance between student’s own contributions to the discussions and that of others.

Critical Reflection of weekly discussion (20%) Assessment Criteria

Coverage        Reflection covers at least 5 of the 7 weeks of discussion.    15%


Shows clear engagement with the discussions over each of the 7 weeks.



The reflection demonstrates the ability of the student to evaluate their thoughts, understanding, feelings, contributions and experiences in relation to the discussions. It considers your own assumptions, and perspectives, and how these might influence your understanding of the weekly topics and implications for your own practice or future learning.


Syntax/Grammar        The assignment shows due regard to appropriate style of writing     10%

Strategy in Practice Project (80%) Assessment Criteria

Introduction/background         The assignment clearly describes the organisational issue(s), challenge, opportunity, threat etc. to be addressed, and student role.            10%


Relevant and pertinent theoretical and analytical tools, models and frameworks, and literature covered within the module, are justified and effectively utilised. Appropriate visualization in the form of tables, charts are utilised and clearly labelled.


Recommendations     Recommendations evidently emerge from the use of tools of analysis, models and frameworks covered in the module    15%

Citation and referencing         The assignment uses correct in-text citations and these are clearly referenced. All references are meaningfully utilised.  10%

Syntax/Grammar        The assignment is written with a managerial audience in mind and shows due regard to appropriate style of writing      10%