HI5003 Individual essay

Individual Report: Case Study Details of task: Select any one of the following companies: 1. Bunnings Warehouse 2. National Australia Bank 3. Atlassian Report Format Details: 1. Presenting the organisation (10%) – (i) a brief discussion on the background of the company
you have selected; (ii) a list of major players; (iii) key recent changes in the industry of your chosen company is located 2. External analysis (25%) – macro-environmental and industry analysis 3. Internal analysis (25%) – (i) core competencies, Identify the main features of the company’s strategies (ii) critically analyse the main elements of its strategies. 4. Strategy implementation and Triple-bottom-line performance (10%) – critically analyse how company implements its strategies to achieve intended goals. How the present strategy impact on the triple-bottom-line in business. 5. Key challenges (10%) – challenges should be discussed in the context of current business environment with appropriate example 6. Recommendation (10%) – recommendation should have been made for the firm’s future strategic development in light of the previous analysis 7. Presentation and Referencing (10%)- At least 10 references. (i) use the Harvard Referencing System; (ii) use a combination of academic journals/papers (theoretical) and company/industry reports (practical); Academic journals, business reports, companywebsite, newspaper article could be used; (iii) correctly structured and well written report
Please note: You must collect recent information from company website and daily newspapers. Please make sure that you do extensive research and collect all necessary information to write your report. Words in tables and diagrams are counted in word limit. The analysis is contained in the sentences and paragraphs. Tables and diagrams should not drive the analysis; instead, tables should provide summaries of what is contained in the body of the report. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that it is impossible to produce an acceptable report if you have not researched widely. Some have failed the assignment because of lack of sufficient research, so it is important to start work on it early. Students MUST keep both a hard and soft copy of their assignments in case of computer failure. Submission via email would consider complete upon the successful opening of the file by the Unit Convenor.