International Human Resource Management


This essay aims to design a comparative analysis between two countries regarding the current education policy, come into the force in Institutional setup. To fulfill the purpose of
In this essay, STEM education policy has to be chosen as well as to develop comparative analysis regarding the chosen education policy the UK as well as the USA will be selected as
chosen countries.

The term policy can be defined as a deliberate system of principles that are used to set up a guideline for decision making and to acquire ratio outcomes at any setup. A policy
can be defined as a statement of intent that is implemented as protocol or procedures within a setup by any governing authorities. On other hand, education policy consists of policies as well as principles to shape the educational sphere within a country. According to Silva, Rappleye & Auld 2020, education policy can be defined as a collection of several rules and regulations by the government to govern the operation of the educational system within a country as well as state”. Abbott et al., 2019 states that education occurs through many institutional setups and in form of early childhood education. For example, early childhood education, graduate as well as professional education, kindergarten through high school education, skill development, job training, and so on. Therefore, it can interfere that education policy within a country or state can have a direct impact on the overall education system, as well as people engaged with this field of all ages. So, policy within a country or an organizational setup is important to address the existing issues- for example, what constitutes an acceptable behavioral setup at the organization by employees. And educational policy is considered to be important as it can help a school to
establish rules as well as procedures and to develop standards of quality for ensuring a safe and accountable learning setup. Without proper education policy, it may not be possible for a school or any educational institution within a country to maintain the structure as well as functional setup for offering basic education to the students in accordance with the need. In this essay, the focus has to be given to the STEM education policy for the country UK and the USA. According to the Government of the UK, STEM is an important setup at
educational setup as it pervades every part of life. In addition to that, STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, as well as Mathematics. Science is everywhere across the
world, whereas technology is expanding to a continuous extent and in every aspect of life. Similarly, Engineering is important to develop a city and bring any eco-friendly changes to our home. So, exposing the students to STEM-based education at an early age can develop an enormous scope of development for a future career as well as a personal setup. Curriculum activities based on STEM education can be considered as a real-life situation that can help any student to learn. According to National Science Foundation, in the 21st century, when science and technology are expanding their wings at a rapid rate, then STEM-based education to the student can help them to be successful in new information-based as well as highly- technology-oriented societies.

The current policy system states that provision for STEM learning should not be confined within early educational setup or schools. This educational policy, in current times,
has been set up with the opportunities to present the student in both informal as well as formal setups within an evolving eco-system. According to (Bell, 2016), STEM learning can
be defined as informal settings which are delivered in a multi-program landscape with the assistance of the Government of a respective country and agencies, professional bodies,
science centers, community organizations, and third-level institutions. According to the current STEM education policy, in various countries, it has the accountability to bring greater cohesion to deliver early and basic education to the children at the school and community level.


STEM is the broader term used for grouping together the academic discipline of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The STEM education policy is
designed for putting the foundation of the multi-faced science education starting from the early years of schooling. STEM education is an interdisciplinary as well as an applied
approach. In STEM education, the four disciplines are not treated separately rather it integrates those into a cohesive learning paradigm focused on real-world applications.
According to Rosicka (2016), STEM is an interdisciplinary approach for learning in the areas where rigorous concepts of academics are grouped with real-world lessens as students
put in science, technology, engineering as well as mathematics within a context that generate connection among the school, work, community and also the enterprises that enable
the development of STEM literacy, as well as that in turn, make the workforce capable of competing in the changing economy”. the core components of STEM education are, problem- based learning, personalization of learning, career rigorous learning, life skills, technology, innovation, community, the need of job market as well as future innovation and so on(Salzman & Benderly., 2019). STEM education policy has been implemented in various countries around the world. The USA, as well as the UK, is two such countries that adopted and implemented the policy at a very early stage. The educational setting of the USA is primarily divided into primary schooling which is also called elementary school in the USA, middle school, secondary school, high school as well as post-secondary school. And after the post-secondary, there is various other option available for higher education. The idea of STEM education in the USA formed in the early twenties and presently it become an integral part of the US education system. A report named “Rising Above the Gathering Strom (2005) published by U.S. National Academic of Science, Engineering and Medicine shows the prominent link between the knowledge-intensive jobs

as well as the innovation issues in the society. And also shows the students of USA are not performing in the desired manner in the STEM disciplines and they are stay behind in terms of performance compared to the students of other countries. The report clearly shows a threat to the poorly prepared workforce (Hoeg&Bencze., 2017). Besides that, the 2006 report of Program for International Students Assessments or PISA shows that the USA ranked 21 among 30 countries on the assessment of scientific knowledge as well as competency, which further also highlight a large number of underperforming students in the USA.
These reports play a huge role in fuelling the discussion of workforce need and education of US and as a result, a bipartisan congressional STEM Education Caucus was
formed by the US education ministry, which gives the statement, “ The knowledge-based economy of US is driven by continuous innovation. The core foundation of the innovation
underlies in the dynamic, well-educated, skilled and motivated workforce well equipped with STEM skills”. From 2006 onwards the STEM program of USA aims to prepared a STEM workforce that effectively contributes to the economy. As a part of STEM-focused initiatives, the US pursues the goal of making every student who graduates from high school
have the essential STEM knowledge. To achieve the goal the three strategies and designed and implemented with the US educational setting. The first one is the alignment of K-12
standards, assessment structures with the post-secondary and workforce expectations. The second one is the analysis and builds the capacity of each state in terms of teaching and
learning focusing on the development of data systems and educational models for increasing the overall quality of the K-12 STEM teaching force (Anderson, 2020). The third and the last one is the identification of the best practices of STEM education and implementing them to school levels, effective curricula, Career and Technical Educations or CTE which make the students prepared for the STEM associated occupation and help the country to produce an advanced and well-equipped STEM workforce.

The STEM education movement gets major momentum in the year 2011, which was reflected in the massive adoption of the STEM programs at the school levels. The former
President of USA Obama launched a five-year strategic plan for supporting STEM education. non-STEM jobs had been increased by around 9% on comparison the STEM jobs had been increased by 17%. In the 2014 budget presented by the Obama administration, an investment of $3.1billion had been allocated for the STEM education policy which is around 6.7% increase than the investment allocated in 2012. The investment had been mainly focused on the STEM innovation networks, recruiting and supporting STEM teachers, advanced research projects, building the STEM infrastructure in the schools and also in higher education. In the present time, STEM education in the USA starts from the elementary school levels, where general awareness has been created regarding the disciplines and interests of the students are tried to build at the initial years (Penprase, 2020). With middle school and high school, the incorporation of the STEM progr4ams gradually increases so that after high school a large section of students can select STEM courses for their higher education and make carrier in the field.
The basic educational structure of the UK to a large extent is similar to the USA. In the UK there are five stages of education which are: early year’s education, primary
education, secondary education, Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE). In the UK, till secondary education is compulsory for every student, in other words, education is compulsory for the age group of 5 to 16. The segment of Further Education is not compulsory and in most of the cases covers the non-advanced education which leads the students towards the Higher Education or HE in which students carry forward their education in universities. The incorporation of STEM education in the educational setting of the UK was first introduced in the ‘Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004 to 2014″. Though the origin of the policy in the UK educational setting generated back in 2002, when Sir Gareth Robert, one of the most renounced and respected engineers of UK was asked by the education ministry of the country to review the science and engineering skill in the country (Rifandi & Rahmi., 2019).

The review was the first strategic movement towards strengthening the UKs future research and development and innovation aspect. In order o identify the situation, a survey
has been conducted named ‘SET for Success’, the report of which identified the issue of not enough students are perusing science, engineering, technologies and mathematics oriented fields. The report also shed light on the importance of mathematics for science and innovation and incorporation of it with the SET (Science, engineering, technology). As a
result, the official introduction of STEM policy through “Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004 to 2014” had taken placed. In the year 2005, the HEFCE or the Higher Education Funding Council of England has identified several STEM sub-subjects which are strategically very important and vulnerable, are getting neglected due to the lack of demand and higher education institutes are also cutting those courses due to the same reasons and also the courses are quite expensive to run with lesser students (Dillon., 2015). To deal with the issue, the government of the UK decided to provided support for the delivery of those subjects.
then Education Department of UK prepared the Skills mapped of STEM landscape which shows 470 STEM initiatives were already taken. The effective management of these too
many schemes became a major concern for the government and it sought to rationalize the program by focusing only on those initiatives which are most effective and could have a greater impact. In the year 2006, the National STEM program was introduced and implemented by the Department for Education and Skills. The goal of the program was to set up a coordinated network for providing the Government support to the various addressed STEM skill issues at the school and college level. The National STEM program was completed in the year 2010. From 2010, the Department of Education and Skills continued for recognising the need and importance of STEM disciplines in the school level and undertook various initiatives for improving the participation and attainment in STEM education by the students. Some of the major initiatives that are taken for this purpose are the conduction of Big Bang national science and engineering fair, the formation of the National Science Learning Centre, introducing various campaigns like “STEMNET and creation of your life” and so on. In the year 2014, the Confederation of British Industry or CBI published a report that highlights the STEM skills generation lead UK towards a knowledge-intensive economy. Till the year 2010, there were 40% of the UK workers who were classified as “knowledge workers” and by 2020 the figure reaches to around 50%(de Freitas, Lupinacci&Pais., 2017). future the jobs will be more of STEM skill oriented as the dependence of science and technologies are increasing day by day. In such a scenario, the STEM policies taken by the country will help to shape the workforce as per the need and requirement of the future global
job market. The STEM education not only provides the technical knowledge and skill on STEM disciplines but also various other necessary skills such as critical thinking, numeric
analysis, logic and mathematical reasoning and so on. The competencies generated from STEM education able the workforce of the countries to excel in various STEM and also not STEM sectors.
Mand Labs. Mand Labs. (2020), the term “STEM” is continuously gaining popularity in the academic sector, worldwide. According to prior discussion, it can interfere that STEM can be used to simplify the diverse range of subjects that come under four categories. STEM  education is one of the popular education policies in the USA, where education policy itself has been set up by implementing STEM education at a very basic level. To carry out a comparative analysis of STEM education at the undergraduate level in major countries, the international education system of the UK and the USA has been taken into consideration. The average annual fees in the United States of America are comparatively higher in comparison to the UK in case of STEM course. The average tuition
fees for the STEM course in the USA is US$ 50,100, which is comparatively higher than the United Kingdom (£9,000- £ 38,000) (Morgan& Kirby, 2020). The number of STEM courses is comparatively high in the case of the USA- according to the data published by the US Department of Commerce, 76 per cent of the total international students used to enroll in STEM courses. In the United Kingdom, the statistics are second-highest- almost 52,635 of total foreign students have enrolled their names in the Engineering and Technology program during the FY of 2017-18. According to a survey, carried out during 2016-17 with the assistance of the Council of Graduate Schools and Graduate Record Examination Boards, 55% of the total graduates in the US were enlisted names in STEM fields. The main reason behind such popularity regarding STEM education programs in the USA among international students is that the USA has some popular and best-known STEM colleges across the world. On other hand, according to the statistical survey, published by CaSE or Campaign for Science and Engineering, theUK has also a strong research base in the STEM field and it is considered to be responsible for 17% of the most significant academic areas across the world (Vakil& Ayers, 2019). Like the United States of America, the UK is considered as one of the most significant and popular destinations for international students for STEM education programs due to the standardized quality of classroom education and superior scope of career prospects.  According to Obama, the prior president of the United States of America, “think about America within our reach: a country which is considered to be a leading stated to educate the people. America is such a country which has the accountability to attracts many new generations though offerings of high-paying and high-tech manufacturing job scope”. By taking a look at the tenure of Obama, sustainable growth in STEM education programs can be observed which is also related to the endorsement of many public-private partnerships, career training, and skill development at community institutions. And the legacy is continuing during the tenure of Donald Trump. In the recent financial year, the Trump Government has signed a memorandum for STEM education funding. Though, according to the third annual US News and Raytheon 2016 STEM index report, the states have a certain shortage of STEM professionals, despite a sharp increase in the number of courses and educational policies related the STEM degrees at community institutional fields. During the tenure of the Trump Government, $200 million has been granted per year basis to promote the STEM education program (Henderson et al., 2017).
According to the current policy of STEM education in the USA, the STEM curriculum is becoming elementary and mandated for the primary schools.The STEM
education policy and program of the states have also included the “hands-on” learning approach to accelerate the STEM skill and knowledge among the students. For example:
“Tristar” is a new educational program of STEM education setup. Which in recent times has refurbished a Lockheed L-1011 in the mobile-technology classroom program. in this
program, the students, rather the school children in Kansascan get the scope to learn about mobile technology and learn STEM hands-on within two-story jumbo jet (Bell, 2016). It has been assumed that such an educational program can disrupt conventional classroom education and can grow the interest among the children to be inspired for learning STEM
subjects at school and college level.To refabricate this educational program, the US government has taken several initiatives. For example, removal of disparity in gender and
pay.According to several market research reports, it has been found that at several educational setups, discrimination on the basis of gender begins as early as grade school.
According to the Harvard Business School Reviews, women in technology and science steam related job are 49 percent more likely to leave that industry in comparison to the male
population. According to the US Census Bureau, the wage gap between the women and men in the United States of America is nearly US$ 16,000 annually.In recent FY, Donald Trump has signed two laws that can provide authorisation to the NASA and the National Science Foundation to encourage the girls and the women of the country to adopt STEM education (Current state of STEM education in the US: What needs to be done? – Mand Labs. Mand Labs. 2020).
In comparison to the USA, the STEM education program is growing at a steady pace in the UK. This is due to the existence of several loopholes in the educational backdrop of the
respective country.According to the report published by PISA or Program for International Student Assessment, it has been shown that UK has backlogs in the stream of Maths and
Technology in comparison to other OECD countries, during the FY of 2015/16.Though, according to PISA, during the year 2017/18, the country is doing comparatively good in
science – and it is the only area, where the UK is above the average rate in comparison to any EC  countries, worldwide (Science education reforms in the UK. (2012). Though, according to the data published by Royal Society, many children of the respective country usually lose their interest rate in subject like Mathematics and Science during the secondary school level or at the age of 11 to 16 years. Additionally, the lack of properly skilled and trained teachers in STEM education programs and specifically in mathematics and science can also be considered as an exacerbation of the current problem in STEM education programs in the UK. In such a situation, SCORE has mentioned in its primary curriculum draft that funding A and support are essential to improve subject knowledge at STEM education programs (Tomei, Dillon& Dawson, 2014).At the high school or institutional level in the UK, in spite of efforts to influence the graduates to enter into the profession, the Royal Society has reported an extreme shortage of science and mathematics teachers. These are the basic challenges that the UK government faces to implement STEM educational programs at the ground level in comparison to the USA (Montgomery& Fernández-Cárdenas, 2018).Though, since the financial year of 2014/15, the overall scenario of the STEM education program has started to change- greater STEM support at primary schools, improvement of understandings and attitudes towards engineering and science among the young students, influencers and communities, coordination of the enrichment activities to influence the effort to reach to the school by the children from underserved areas and increased support for the teachers of STEM program – are some recent initiatives taken by the UK government to accelerate the STEM education program at any educational sectors (Marginson et al., 2013).
For a long time United Kingdom has been holding its reputation for the excellence in academies. The United Kingdom is the home of some of the oldest institutions in the world that are well known for learning as well as teaching. For instance, Oxford University that has been established in 1096 is also situated in the United Kingdom. The Oxford and Cambridge
University of United Kingdom stood in the first and second position in the Times Higher Education Rankings that took place in 2018. The Imperial College which is situated in London, United Kingdom, held the eighth position in the rankings. The United Kingdom stands in a well-known position in terms of the academic region (Hoyle, 2016).
According to the non-profit company, that is, the CaSE or the Campaign for Science and Engineering, the United Kingdom is famous on a worldwide scale for its lead in science and
engineering. Most of the world’s important academic papers have been given out by the A  United Kingdom academic research share, and to be accurate, they provide 15 percent of it. Comparing the United Kingdom with any other country in the world, the United Kingdom has won more Nobel Prizes than any of them, but with the exception of USA. Carrying out such a name in the academic area is a huge concern for the United Kingdom and as they have been following the STEM education system. But they must give more priority to it, as they have so many well-known institutions they have their own teaching methodologies, which makes them unique than the other nations. The creation of smartphone technology is also by Britain. United Kingdom is accountable for the technology planted in 35 percent of each and every electronic device as well as in 80 per cent of digital cameras. United Kingdom is a mass developer of electronic parts, thus it is also very much ahead in the game of technology. All these things will be much more developed if United Kingdom will follow the STEM education policy in their education system. Along with keeping their own education system in mind, United Kingdom can follow the STEM education policy as well. Prioritizing the STEM education policy will enable the students to focus more on science, technology and engineering. This will strengthen out the average limitation in the technological and engineering arena. Eventually, it will boost up the development of the country (Timms et al, 2018).

Another plus point of introducing STEM education will be that it will attract international students, who are willing to study specific core subjects in science or engineering or mathematics. United Kingdom is already one of the most famous spot for studies and graduations. Introducing the STEM subjects will appeal to more and more international students for studying core engineering as well as mathematics. According to a study, it is shown that the United Kingdom already has been the topmost choice of international students due to the high-quality education as well as excellent career outlooks. We can only imagine, what will be the scene if the United Kingdom prioritizes STEM education and offer STEM subjects. There is a high chance that they will be overflowed with students from all around the world given the reputation of the United Kingdom academy. It is found in a study that students from all around the world have this zest for mastering the globally transferable skills that they will learn in their respective courses, but by introducing the STEM subjects in their courses, it might add new interest for the students to excel in engineering or mathematics by choosing their own core subjects. There might be one issue that will create obstruction in introducing the STEM education policy and its success, that is, Brexit. Normally the United Kingdom attracts all the finest researchers from all around the world, but after Brexit, there is a concern between the scientific communities that it will be difficult for the United Kingdom to attract the finest researchers from all over the world. This issue is only in the case of the United Kingdom and it is a sure shot opportunity for the USA to attract the finest researchers for their benefit. USA is also very strong in terms of the academy and has won more Nobel Prizes in academy than UK itself (Watermeyer et al,  016). The government has been reached out to the universities of United Kingdom in regard to allowing the European students to be granted freedom to study in The United Kingdom. They must be allowed to continue their freedom in higher education universities after Brexit too. It was found out that the government has allowed the EU students to apply for English institutions as well as they will be able to apply for student loans and grants for their desired courses in the institutions. Introducing STEM education in the American education will policy will be very beneficial for the country. As the USA includes a wide range of talent pool in its country, additional strong knowledge on STEM education and skills will enhance the chance of jobs for the future generation as well as it will support all the major areas of the economy, comprising of healthcare, information and data, communication technologies, energy, transportation, agriculture, manufacturing, and defense along with uprising sectors such as quantum information science as well as artificial intelligence (Vakil and Ayers, 2019). According to a study in 2000, America is in short of employees in the engineering and technology sector and based on the study it is calculated that around 70 percent of the shortage in the engineering and technology sector will be restored by the introduction as well as focuses on the STEM education and STEM courses. As the shortage was basically in data science, software development, computer science and electrical engineering, introducing STEM education policy into their existing education policy will cover all the above-mentioned sectors in its course and will give priority to these sectors. The introduction of a STEM education policy will also allow the students to entertain a diversity of scope of careers that they might be interested in. As there is a belief that “Tomorrow’s workers are Today’s learners” as well as the learning experience in the STEM education policy is much more focused and this will directly impact the students on which career they should choose, as they will be learning much more efficiently with the help of STEM education policy. America is already a developed country but it always has to be leading in the technology and engineering sector as the whole world follows it. Thus USA needs to strengthen these sectors and they can empower it by introducing STEM education policy in their education policy as the students, who are the future of the country will be well educated and skilled in the core STEM courses, that are, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (Kelley and Knowles, 2016).


This essay has shed some light on the impact of STEM education policy on two different countries. Here the two chosen countries are the United Kingdom and the United States of
America. Both the countries have a very different education policy than each other and thus impact of STEM education policy will be different on both the countries. In the USA it takes years to complete a Bachelor’s degree, while on the other hand, it takes 3 years in the United Kingdom to complete a Bachelor’s course. Just like this, in order to get accepted in a UK institution, the student needs to pass either a Foundation program or the A-levels, while on the other hand, in order to get accepted in USA, the student has to take the SATs or the Scholastic Assessment Tests. Thus in this essay, the term of STEM is discussed, that is, the academic discipline of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Park et al, 2020). Also the overview of the term policy as well as education policy is given in this essay. There is a brief discussion of the background of the selected policy, that is, STEM policy, and along with its background, its recent important developments, as well as status, has also been discussed in this essay. Then a brief discussion is provided of the contrast of the implementation of the STEM education policy on both of the countries. At last, some future directions that will help both USA and UK in implementing the STEM policy and how it will benefit both countries have been provided in this essay.


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