AVA20010 Aviation Legal Framework

The project is being conducted to understand the desirability of cars among cars in the Australian car market. The project is also intended towards understanding the market penetration that the companies established in car manufacturing in Australia have among the consumers. Moreover, it needs to be stated that in conducting the analysis a survey has been conducted to answer the undertaken research question. Determining the frequency during the peak times and the leisure hours will help in understanding the acceptance of the car brands among the customers of the company.  In fulfilling the undertaken task it needs to be stated that the data has been collected using the concepts of primary methods of data collection. The location from which the data has been collected has been Burke road Australia. This section of the road is one of the most congested cross-sections and from where most of the city traffic passes. Based on the collected data the results have been prepared using the analytical approach. Inferences have been derived. Finally, conclusions have been provided for the research.   

Data collection 

Table 1

Date  Time 
Street name Burke Road City  Melbourne
Brand 8:00 am to 8:30 am  12:30 pm to 1:00 pm  5:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Cars  Manufactured in Australia 
Ford  25 14 28
Holden  26 38 24
Toyota 35 20 27
European  cars 
Renault 6 12 10
Pegaut 3 2 1
Skoda 4 5 4
Volkswagen  5 6 9
Volvo 1 0 1
Luxury cars 
BMW 0 1 0
Audi 0 1 1
Lexus 1 0 1
Mercedes Benz 0 0 0
Jaguar 0 0 0
Porsche  2 1 1
Lamborghini 0 0 0
Other Asian Manufacturers  
Honda  6 1 9
Nissan  2 1 5
Kia 6 0 7
Dyewood 5 1 5
Sang Yong 1 1 2
Subaru 4 3 3
Daihatsu 1 1 3
Total  162 110 165


In this regard, it needs to be stated that the frequency of the cars has been estimated during the different points of time during the day. The busiest periods and the leisure periods have been estimated during the day and the frequency of the cars have been calculated from here.    

Table 2

Phase  Car  Percentage of car  Surplus or (Deficit)
Australian car  Non-Australian car  Total car  Australian car  Non-Australian car  Mean  Surplus or (Deficit) of Australian car  Surplus or (Deficit) of non-Australian car 
8:00 am to 8:30 am  86 76 162 53% 47% 81 5 -5
12:30 pm to 1:00 pm  72 38 110 65% 35% 55 17 -17
5:00 pm to 5:30 pm 86 72 165 48% 52% 82.5 -3.5 3.5


Figure 1: Incidences of Australian cars and non-Australian cars in different periods of time

(Source: Created by Researcher)

 The percentage of the cars passing the point during each point of the hour has been evident here and the presence of Australian-made cars has been more.  It has been evident that the prevalence of Australian-made cars has been more in all three periods.  This has been reflected in the graph provided above. 



In analyzing the data it has been evident that the presence of the Australian-made cars during the selected hours have been 53%, 65% and 48%   respectively.  It has been evident from the data collected and presented in Table 3 it has been evident that the prevalennon-Australian manufactured in Australia has been close to 50% and above.  This is Reflecting the majority share of these cars among the customers.  In fact, it has also been evident from the collected data that even during the non-peak hours the prevalence of Australian-made cars has been more than 50%  of the total crass passing through the road. This shows that the prevalence of Australian-made care have been more this might be due to various factors (Hoffmann, Abraham, White, Ball & Skippon,  2017). Here it can be stated that the nationalistic feeling might have significantly attributed to the fact. Moreover, it needs to be further stated that the prevalence of the cars manufactured by these companies has been due to qualitative factors as well. The perceptions of the customers might be in this regard that the quality of the cars manufactured in Australia has been better than the cars manufactured elsewhere. The other factor that might be responsible in taking such decisions by the Australian citizens might have been due to the availability of the serviceable parts and the service mechanism of the countries in this regard.  

In analyzing the data it has been further evidence that the total numbers of cars observed have been observed during the entire day which has been 437. Out of which the most frequently observed cars have been the cars manufactured by Holden. These cars have been mostly sighted during the peak and non-peak hours of the day. This portrays that the cars are mostly being used by the people staying at home and is used for all purposes.  Therefore it can be further stated that the car manufactured by Holden has been mostly as family cars and office cars.  It has also been evident from the above data set that the cars manufactured have been mostly by Ford, Honda, Toyota, and Renault (Gilbert, Furusawa & Scollay, 2016). The prevalence of these cars has been mainly due to the office and the rush hours. It gets portrayed from here that these cars are used as cars for daily use for the customers of the city.  Moreover, it needs to be further stated that the prevalence of luxury cars in the city has also been less and has been sighted rarely during the day. This portrays the economic factors of the city. The usage of cars portrays consumer behavior. In this regard, it becomes evident that the prevalence of the people in the middle-income groups has been more.  

The presence of non-Australian-made cars has been equally prevalent but the market has been shared by the companies in the field. The availability of foreign-made cars has made the market of the cars more disperse. Here in this regard, it needs to be further stated that there has been a surplus of the Australian-made cars during the office hours and also during the bob peak hours have been more the overall data with. Similarly, it can be stated here that as there has been a deviation from the mean of the non-European-made cars.

Figure 2: Incidences of cars in Australia

(Source: developed based on the data from Table 1)

In this regard, it needs to be further stated that the below-mentioned graphs have shown the frequency of the different makes of cars at a given point of time. Here it has been further above graph that the incidences of Renault are more during the office hours. Here it has been evident that this maker of cars in Europe (Fuchs, 2016). Here it can be further stated from the above graph the frequency has been determining in analyzing the factors it has been further evident as the quality of the European cars is up to a grade.

This research has reflected that the number of cars manufactured in Australia is high from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm. whereas the number of European and Asian cars has been seen as highest in the office periods (Mitra, 2016). Therefore, it can be said that the cars, manufactured in Europe or Asia are generally used for public transport purposes as the public transport vehicles are mostly seen during office times. In this regard, it is also to be said that the result has also reflected that luxury cars are rarely used by the people of Australia as the research, conducted by the researcher has reflected a significantly low number of luxury cars in the place of the research. Hence, it can be said that Australian cars are in an advantageous position as per as the research is concerned. On the other hand, it can be said that the cars used for public transport are sold in a higher quantity as compared to personal cars. Thus it can be said that the Australian cars are high in number as per the research.


In concluding the project it has been prevalent that all types of cars are being sold in the country and are being used by the citizens. In this regard, it has been evident that the qualitative factors are factors essential for making sales in the country. Therefore the Australian cars and the European are being sold mostly. Here it needs to be stated that the company can increase the qualitative factors for improving their sales figure. Here it has also been evident in analyzing the frequency of cars that brand image has also made an important part in making the purchase decision of the customers. In analyzing all the factors it has been evident that the presence of Australian-made cars is more than that of other cars in the country. It can be safely stated here that the hypothesis took here that the incidences of the Australian-made cars in the country are more than the other cars are true. It has also been evident that the Japanese-made cars being cist effective has not been able to make a market in Australia as they have failed to promote the reliability factors of their cars among the Australian citizens.   


Fuchs, M., (2016). Industrial transition: new global-local patterns of production, work, and innovation. Routledge.

Gilbert, J. P., Furusawa, T., & Scollay, R. D. (2016). The economic impact of Trans-Pacific partnership: What have we learned from CGE simulation? (No. 157). ARTNeT Working Paper Series.

Hoffmann, C., Abraham, C., White, M. P., Ball, S., & Skippon, S. M. (2017). What cognitive mechanisms predict travel mode choice? A systematic review with meta-analysis. Transport Reviews, 1-22.

Mitra, A. (2016). Fundamentals of quality control and improvement. John Wiley & Sons.