HI6028 Taxation, Theory, Practice & Law Sample

Tools used

Advertisement will be done mainly through billboards, radio, social media, and flyers. For public relation purpose, cards will be provided in the stores and in communication with clients. Indoor and outdoor advertising is mainly used in the promotion of cellular service due to the service demonstrations being less used in this industry. The outdoor advertising in form of billboards and flyers will provide the audiences with more information in the public spaces. Virtual advertising in the form of radio and social media will give digital exposure to the customers. The various events and the announcements of occasional offers can be provided to
the clients through such virtual platforms. Online social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and LinkedIn can help the company to provide digital posters, advertisement content, and the sharing of company messages in a wider audience reach than outdoor advertisements. A radio advertisement is targeted only towards the consumers who are available in the radio channel market segment, thus the audience reach can be limited. Cards and flyers to the clients are provided as per the client interaction which is of less use in the current scenario for the promotion of such cellular services.


a. The billboards will be hung for 3 months.
b. Social media channel set-up to be done one time and the posts will be frequently done thrice a day.
c. Radio ads will be produced every week and four times
d. 1,000 flyers will be distributed in the first month only Cost of using
a. Billboard monthly cost = $250x3x30 = $22,500
b. Social media cost= $300 on an average monthly basis
c. Radio advertisement = $600 x4 x 4 = $9,600 on monthly average basis
d. Flyers monthly cost= 1,000x 30x$5x$2= $3 million per month Thus, the total cost is $3.5 million on a monthly average for the initial stages.

Getting Noticed

The event that is to be performed for getting the attention of customers in the market segment is door to door. This event is chosen in order to provide the cell phone repair service in every Ontario household’s home. The door-to-door event will create a direct interaction with every household in the Ontario province of the Canada region. It is to be taken into account due to the likeability of door-to-door provision by the customer’s preference. Ontario households being clustered in specific territories will provide more promotional revenue from a populated city, Toronto. The main tactics to be used in the event is to deal in the single and full
package of service repair of the cell phone promotion. The single package is estimated to drive more promotion favourableness than the full package. Thus, Doorstep Repairs is estimated to provide the full promotional event in Ontario province with the 6 million population targeted in the full province.
The frequency of such door-to-door operation will be mainly twice a week. Thus, the two days used in the week will be used for the promotion of door-to-door services in each territory division of Ontario province. The estimated promotional event $3.5 billion in Ontario province for 2 times in a week is $7 billion on average in a full monthly basis for the full promotional event held in a month. The promotional event tactics will involve social media only 3 posts every week while the flyers and the cards will be distributed twice in the promotional event in an amount of 25,000 in average in the territorial division. The cost of such an event
$29,250 is estimated to be the salary range of a cell phone repairer on an annual basis. This skilled job in the province is of not much of highly qualified knowledge and therefore, the demands for it is not that high. $50 to $115 is estimated to the average expense done by the household in the cell-phone repair service, therefore in a territory of more than 40 households will provide the cell-phone repairer, an average salary of $50×40=$2,000 per month. The long-term growth found in the increase of cell phone usage in Canada from 15% to 36% has raised the expenses of the event. This event’s cost is estimated to be rise in the near future in
5 years’ time period time estimation. The population of target business location in Toronto, Ontario is estimated to be 6 million. Thus, the event has to be centred across 6 million households targeting the largest populated city in Ontario. The full package of the cell-repair service will amount up to $500 as a package for each household. The battery repair and mobile damage repair service is most common in the household repair services get strategized into the event. The tactic of providing single services in the market that are more commonly used in the households will provide more profit than a full package of $500. $200
should be emphasized more to every household in Ontario, thus, it will provide more revenue in the company. In the door-to-door event, mostly the cards and the flyers will be used for promoting to the clients on service demonstrations and repair service. Thus, for every 50 households estimated in a territory, the flyers will be required is 50,000 flyers. Thus, 50,000 flyers with 20,000 cards used in the household territory of the promotional event will provide an average expenditure of the $ 4 million in a monthly basis. But this promotional event will promise an estimated revenue of 6 million x $500 = $3 billion from the Ontario population. The primary promotion event should be focused mainly on $4 million packages involving the flyers and cards with the added cost of the social media on Toronto only. Service repairmen used in the promotional event will cost to $29,250 x 8 = $1 million.

Program Evaluation

The full cost of a promotional event will be an average of $4.5 million to provide mass promotional events in a match with the province’s population. It is estimated to increase at 2% with the addition of other skilled labor repairmen in the promotional event. The full package promotion will however reduce the cost to 5% as a backup plan for future benefits.