MGMT3017 Supply Chain Capstone

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test

Provide your response to each question in the box below.

Q1: What is mise en place? Write down the tasks performed under mise en place in the workplace. Write your answer in 100-150 words. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Q2: Give any four (4) examples of different types of food preparation equipment. Give any five (5) examples for each type of equipment. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Q3: a) Write down four (4) minor adjustments that can be made to equipment.

b) Mention five (5) ways to maintain the condition of knives

Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Q4: a) Why is it important to check and clean equipment before using it? Explain in one (1) or two (2) sentences.

b) Write three (3) steps that need to be followed when assembling a mixer.

Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Q5: a) List four (4) cleaning agents used for maintaining the cleanliness of equipment.

b) Write five (5) cleaning practices suitable for a range of different types of equipment.

Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Q6: What type of kitchen equipment do you use for the following items? Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐

Dicing a tomato  
Peeling an apple  
Securing meat for carving  
Spreading icing on a cake  
Sautéing prawns  
Poaching eggs  
Mixing a batter  
Crumbing chicken  
Grating cheese  
Slicing carrots  
Roasting vegetables and meat  
Deep frying onion rings in tempura batter  



Q7: Insert Question hereWrite down five (5) do’s, and five (5) don’t’s for the safe handling of electrical equipment in the kitchen.


Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐

Do’s Don’ts


Q8: Match the correct knife to an appropriate application. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐

1 Bread knife   Turning and carving
2 Chef’s knife (French knife)   Large, heavy knife for chopping through bones
3 Paring knife   Larger cuts, slicing, dicing and chopping
4 Turning knife   Serrated edge for slicing bread or tomatoes
5 Boning knife   Removing the meat and skin from fish
6 Filleting knife   Large flat knife for spreading butter, creams and icings on cakes.
7 Cleaver   Trimming, turning and peeling
8 Palette knife   Trimming and boning


Q9: Explain the following precision cuts. Write one (1) or two (2) sentences for each. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐



Q10: Explain the importance of the following activities when handling different types of food in 100-200 words.

  • Washing hands before touching and switching between handling one food type to handling a different food type
  • Having specific equipment for different types of food types
  • Cleaning equipment and surfaces before and after handling different food types
  • Keeping food covered and preventing/cleaning any spillages/leakages
  • Maintaining good personal hygiene practices and wearing appropriate PPE when handling different food types.
Satisfactory response
Yes ☐


No ☐


Q11: What can we do to reduce the negative environmental impacts? List seven (7) ways we can do this. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
Q12: a) What do you need to do if there is unsafe or faulty equipment in the kitchen?  Write your answer in 15-20 words

b) Give eight (8) examples of possible equipment faults that need to be reported

Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐

Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines: Skills Test

Assessment type
  • Skills Test – Safely use commercial kitchen equipment to prepare a range of different food types.
Instructions provided to the student: 
Assessment task description:
·         This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.

·         This assessment task is a Skills Test.

·         This assessment task requires the student to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to safely use commercial kitchen equipment to prepare a range of different food types in this assessment task.

·         The student must submit the following documents to the assessor/trainer as evidence of their skill knowledge.

§  Completed template of ‘Select equipment to prepare different dishes’.

§  Completed checklists of:

·         Checklist 1: Use equipment to prepare food

·         Checklist 2: Clean and maintain food preparation equipment.

·         You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be notified by your trainer/assessor when your results are available.

·         You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess your competence in this assessment task.

Applicable conditions:
  • This skill test is untimed and is conducted as an open book assessment (this means you are able to refer to your textbook or other learner materials during the test).
  • You will be assessed independently on this assessment task.
  • No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
  • As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your skills, techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
  • Your trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions during this assessment task
Resubmissions and reattempts:
  • Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
  • The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing this task and require reasonable adjustments.
  • For more information, please refer to the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.
  Purpose of the assessment
This assessment task is designed to evaluate your following skills and abilities:

  • Skills to assemble and use equipment safely and hygienically.
  • Skills to perform safe operational practices using essential functions and features of the equipment.
  • Skills to check the cleanliness of equipment before use.
  • Skills to identify and select knives and other routine and specialised equipment.
  • Skills to detect and report unsafe or faulty equipment.
  • Skills to confirm food preparation requirements.
  • Skills to reduce negative environmental impacts.
  • Skills to use suitable knives to make precision cuts.
  • Skills to make minor adjustments to maintain the condition of the equipment.
  • Skills to maintain equipment cleanliness using suitable cleaning agents.
  • Reading skills to locate information in lists and standard recipes to determine food preparation requirements as well as interpret manufacturer instructions for equipment used in a commercial cookery context.
  • Numeracy skills to measure and use familiar quantities of cleaning agents on food preparation equipment and work with numerical features of equipment to weigh and measure ingredients.
  • Skills to plan and organise food preparation tasks sequence efficiently.
  • Learning skills to locate critical information on manufacturer specifications.
  • Technical skills to use food preparation equipment.
Task instructions
  • This assessment task requires you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to safely use commercial kitchen equipment to prepare a range of different food types.
  • You are required to be in their proper uniform.
  • You must carefully analyse the recipes given in Appendix D provided to prepare the dishes.
  • You must read the Food Safety Program thoroughly. This food safety program will be provided along with this unit.
  • Trainer/assessor will provide the equipment required (Refer to Appendix C) to complete this assessment task.
  • You must use the provided templates while writing your answers.
  • Trainer/assessor will provide details on the time constraints and deadlines to prepare the dishes.
  • Your assessor/trainer will assess the performance as per the performance criteria and checklist provided.

Assessment Task 2 – Skills Test

Skills Test:

 This task must be completed in a commercial kitchen or a simulated work environment servicing customers. A simulated work environment in this context means a space that has been set up with all the equipment and facilities used in a commercial kitchen.

Note: Please refer to the (Appendix C) for the list of equipment, resources, organisational specifications, and cleaning material to utilise in the process of preparing meat dishes according to the industry standard.


The Veggie Grill is a restaurant located north of Perth. The owner of the restaurant is Mr White. The kitchen staff consists of a team of 10 cooks and kitchen hands. The restaurant is very well managed and has a high level of compliance with regards to occupational health and safety.

You have been interviewed for a chef’s position at the restaurant. As part of the interview process and to make sure that you understand how to maintain compliance with regards to health and safety requirements; Mr White wants to observe you performing a range of activities. These activities will assess your skills and knowledge to:

  • Safely use commercial kitchen food preparation equipment to prepare a variety of different food types/dishes
  • Clean and maintain the food preparation equipment used

Mr White has provided you with the following information:

  • Dishes to be prepared
  • Food types to be used
  • Pieces of equipment to be used
  • Standard recipes to be used when preparing the recipes. (Please refer to Appendix D to find information on recipes to be used

Activity 1: Confirm food preparation requirements and select food preparation equipment

This part requires you to confirm the quantity and serving requirements from the food preparation list and standard recipes with your trainer/assessor.

After confirming the food preparation requirements, you need to gather all the ingredients that you will need to prepare the above-specified dishes.

Furthermore, considering the information given in the recipes (Appendix D), you are then required to select the type and size of knives and equipment suitable for the requirements.

For each knife and equipment identified, you need to document the safety measures on how to operate them.

Activity 2: Use equipment to prepare food

This activity requires you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge needed to safely use commercial kitchen equipment to prepare a variety of different food types.

You need to use commercial kitchen food preparation equipment to prepare the variety of dishes specified in the scenario.

When preparing the dishes, you must:

  • Follow the standard recipes provided in Appendix D
  • Follow the procedures for food safety practices when handling and storing food. Refer to the Food Safety Program provided along with this unit
  • Complete the task within the specified time constraints. Your trainer/assessor will provide you with details regarding the time constraints and deadlines to complete this activity.

For each dish to be prepared, you must follow each step documented in the checklist and place a tick mark in the checkboxes after completion.

Activity 3: Clean and maintain food preparation equipment.

This activity is a continuation of Activity 2.

 This activity requires you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge needed to clean and maintain the food preparation equipment that you used while preparing the dishes specified in Activity 2.

When cleaning and maintaining the food preparation equipment, you must:

  • Gather the food preparation equipment used for preparing each dish.
  • Follow each step documented in the checklist and place a tick mark in the checkboxes after completion.

Appendix C: Equipment and resource required

 Fixtures and large equipment:

  • Commercial-grade workbenches (1.5 m/person)
  • Double sink
  • Food processors
  • Graters
  • Griller
  • Refrigeration unit with shelving
  • Slicing machine
  • Storage facilities

Small equipment:

  • Assorted pots and pans
  • Blenders
  • Can opener
  • Containers for hot and cold food
  • Colanders
  • Cutting boards
  • Food handler gloves
  • Knife sharpening equipment:
  • Sharpening steels and stones
  • Knives:
  • Butchers and boning
  • Chef
  • Filleting
  • Palette
  • Utility
  • Vegetable
  • Mandolin
  • Mouli
  • Planetary mixers
  • Scales
  • Small utensils:
  • Peelers, corers and slicers
  • Tongs
  • Whisks
  • Stainless steel bowls
  • Thermometers

Cleaning materials and equipment:

  • Cleaning cloths
  • Commercial cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals for cleaning commercial kitchens, equipment and food storage areas
  • Dustpans and brooms
  • Garbage bins and bags
  • Hand towel dispenser and hand towels
  • Mops and buckets
  • Separate hand basin and antiseptic liquid soap dispenser for hand washing
  • Sponges, brushes and scourers
  • Tea towels

Organisational specifications:

  • Equipment manufacturer instructions
  • Mise en place lists and standard recipes
  • Organisational food safety plan
  • Safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals

 Variety of commercial ingredients used in food preparation specified in the performance evidence

Industry-realistic ratios of kitchen staff to customers.

 Appendix D: Recipes



  • 1 large onion cut into rings
  • Plain flour for coating

Tempura batter

  • 80 g self-raising flour
  • 40 g cornflour
  • 250 ml very cold soda water
  • 1 egg
  • 50 ml garlic and paprika mayonnaise


  1. Preheat clean deep fryer to 190 .
  2. Separate the onion rings and coat with flour.
  3. Sift both flours together.
  4. Whisk the egg and cold soda water together.
  5. Quickly whisk in flour.
  6. Mix the onion rings through the batter then place carefully into hot deep-frying oil.
  7. Remove and drain when light golden in colour.
  8. Serve immediately garnished with garlic and paprika mayonnaise.
  9. This batter should be used immediately as it must be very cold to ensure crispness.



  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 3–4 drops sesame oil
  • 30 g spring onions, finely sliced
  • 30 g cabbage, fine chiffonade
  • 30 g carrots, fine julienne
  • 30 g mushrooms, finely chopped
  • 30 g bean shoots
  • ¼ teaspoon grated ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon crushed garlic
  • ½ teaspoon soy sauce
  • Spring roll wrappers
  • Egg white


  1. Heat oils in the pan.
  2. Add ginger and garlic and cook briefly.
  3. Add remaining vegetables and allow to sweat until just tender.
  4. Stir through soy sauce. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
  5. Lay wrappers with points facing north/south.
  6. Brush edges with a little egg white.
  7. Place a portion of cold vegetable mixture onto the wrapper, fold over twice. Then fold sides to the centre and continue rolling forward into a neat firm cylinder.
  8. Cover and refrigerate until required.
  9. To cook, deep fry rolls at 180 . until golden brown.



  • 4 slices white bread – crust removed
  • 20 g parmesan finely grated
  • 1 tsp dried mixed herbs
  • Flour for coating
  • eggs whisked for coating
  • chicken breasts – skin removed
  • Olive oil
  • Pinch each salt and white pepper
  • Cooked tomato concassé
  • Finely chopped parsley


  1. Place bread into a food processor and work until a fine crumb is achieved.
  2. Place crumbs on a flat tray and place in an oven at 100C until dried out.
  3. Allow crumbs to cool then mix in parmesan and herbs.
  4. Cover chicken breasts with plastic wrap and using a mallet or rolling pin, flatten to an even thickness.
  5. Place chicken through flour, then egg wash, then parmesan crumb mix.
  6. Place crumbed chicken on a tray or plate, cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before cooking.
  7. Heat oil in a pan and add chicken.
  8. Cook to light golden colour on both sides.
  9. Place on absorbent paper to drain excess oil.
  10. To serve, the chicken and garnish with cooked tomato concassé and chopped parsley.



  • 1 fillet of fish, e.g. whiting
  • 100 g plain flour
  • Pinch salt and pepper
  • 150 ml beer batter
  • Cooking oil (for deep frying)
  • 60 g tartare sauce
  • 2 lemon wedges
  • 2 large sprigs flat-leaf parsley


  1. Preheat the deep fryer to 180 .
  2. Pat fish pieces dry with clean kitchen paper then lightly season with salt and pepper.
  3. Pass fish through flour to lightly dust, then dip into beer batter, ensuring an even coating. Allow excess to drip off.
  4. Carefully lay the pieces of fish into the hot oil (don’t drop from a height as this will cause the oil to splash).
  5. Using a deep frying lifter, gently move and turn the fish pieces until an even light golden crust is formed.
  6. Lift fish pieces out, allow to drain well, then place onto absorbent paper.
  7. Serve immediately or keep warm until required (the longer the fish sits, the soggier the batter will become).
  8. Serve with tartare sauce and lemon wedges.
  9. Garnish with sprigs of parsley. 



  • ½ cup fruit, diced, e.g. peaches, bananas, pineapples, strawberries, mangos
  • ¾ cup plain yogurt
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 tbsp sugar (optional)


  • Peel the fruit, if appropriate, and cut up into small pieces.
  • Put all the ingredients into a blender and puree them together until smooth.
  • Pour into a chilled glass and serve with a straw.



For the steak and sauce

  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 4 shallots, very finely chopped
  • 250g freshly ground beef
  • 8 thyme sprigs, leaves picked and chopped
  • 2tsp Dijon mustard
  • 2tbsp plain flour
  • 50ml crème fraîche
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 6 tarragon sprigs, leaves picked and finely chopped
  • dressed green salad, to serve

For the Pommes Frites

  • large baking potatoes (such as Maris Piper or Russet), peeled
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil


  1. Heat the oil in a pan and add about 3 /4 of the shallots. Cook for 5-10 mins, stirring occasionally, until soft and starting to caramelise in places. Set aside to cool.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the beef, thyme, 1 tsp Dijon and the cooled shallots. Season with black pepper but no salt at this stage (this can cause the meat to dry out). Shape into four patties and dust with flour. Put on a plate, cover with cling film and chill for at least 30 mins (or up to 2 hrs).
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the Frites. Slice the potatoes into skinny chips, tipping into a large bowl of cold water as you go. Drain, then transfer to a large pan and cover with fresh water, seasoning with salt. Bring to a fast simmer, boil for 1 min, then drain well. Tip the chips onto a clean tea towel or some kitchen paper, spread in a single layer so they dry and cool quickly. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.
  4. Tip the chips into a bowl with the vegetable oil and 1 tsp salt. Toss to coat, then spread out over two large baking trays — Cook for 45 mins or until crisp and golden.
  5. When the chips are about 15 mins from being cooked, heat a large frying pan with a drizzle of oil. Season the patties with salt on both sides and cook for 3-4 mins each side, or until they have a dark brown crust but are still slightly pink inside (or cook them for a little longer if you’d prefer them well done). Transfer to a plate, cover with foil and set aside to keep warm while you make the sauce.
  6. Return the pan to the heat and tip in the remaining shallots. Fry for 1-2 mins to soften, then remove the pan from the heat and stir in the crème fraîche, remaining Dijon, the egg yolk and tarragon, as well as any resting juices from the beef patties. Season well. Serve the steak with the Pommes Frites and a green salad, with the Béarnaise sauce on the side.