
This critical essay aims to demonstrate the role of schizophrenia spectrum disorder and evaluate its position in terms of RN/Paramedic, research robustness, and reference to a psychosocial issue, apart from that it also focuses on aspects like the impact of schizophrenia in terms of a patient’s life and the health and well-being of the family. To critically evaluate the source “Carrotte, E. R., Hartup, M. E., Lee-Bates, B., & Blanchard, M. (2021). “I think that everybody should be involved”: Patient Education and Counseling, 104(7), 1583-1590.” have been taken into consideration (Carrotte et al. 2021).

In addition, it aimed to test the relationship between Shared Decision Making, personal well-being, and treatment satisfaction, and to know a bit more about how carers are involved and their views regarding Shared Decision Making”. In the study initiated by (Carrotte et al. 2021), Most respondents indicated that they would like to be involved in a decision-making process. In their experiences, participants generally felt inadequately involved in treatment-related decisions. However, these findings are initiated by considering mixed methods where a qualitative interview, as well as a quantitative survey, was considered while reaching the findings where a total of 78 samples were taken into consideration. Therefore it can be said that the study plays a crucial role in terms of individuals with schizophrenia and their opinions in terms of shared decision-making by considering a qualitative interview and quantitative survey.


Methods of the Study

In a study or any other assessment task, it is very important to understand the study design where the research methods and other aspects related to research that have been taken into consideration that elaborate the reliability and validity of the research can be elaborated to evaluate all aspects of the research study (Carrotte et al. 2021). In terms of this particular research initiated by (Carrotte et al. 2021), a mixed method has been used why you gather the data where an online survey has been taken into consideration as well as the help of polluted interviews the author has generalized the overall aspects regarding the shared decision making aspects of schizophrenia patients. In terms of a total design, a convergent research design has been used where both the qualitative research data and quantitative research data have been taken into consideration while initiating the survey. In this scenario, the participants play a crucial role and the criteria are one of the essential aspects of initiating the survey or the interview. Therefore in this research initiated by (Carrotte et al. 2021), as a participant’s criteria, the participants over 18 years old are the only taken into consideration who have experienced schizophrenia spectrum disorder has been taken into consideration. Apart from that, the participants over 18 years old who have experience living with someone who has schizophrenia spectrum disorder are also taken into consideration. The recruitment for the survey, as well as the interview, has been done using social media and through internal Peer networks. Some of the survey questions are also regarding the demographic aspects of the participants such as gender age location ethnicity diagnosis and type of treatment assessed are also being asked to check the criteria and eligibility of the participant. However, postal data also have been collected to assess the classified level of remoteness. The interview was not to bring where only some general questions were asked from some of the participants to generalize the overall data where only the voice of the participants was recorded.

Advantage and limitation

According to the words of Jolles et al. (2019), shared decision-making barriers are one of the crucial aspects in terms of schizophrenia and this study is one of the effective studies that can help to understand the barriers of shared decision-making in the context of individuals. in this scenario, the transdisciplinary approach has been used where the disciplinary approach has been blended to include the advantages, strengths, and limitations. The main advantage of the study is it can help medical professionals to develop proper guidelines for shared decision-making. However, the study is limited to only the barriers and other aspects like advantages, scope, and other aspects have not been covered. This study also shades light upon the fact that ” perceptions around capacity for decision making was a clear issue that arose in the study through the in-depth interviews as many participants feel that they had not been actively involved in their treatment-related decisions when they had decision-making capacity” (Légaré et al. 2018). This research also helps the future practices of medical aspects where barriers like stigma, education, knowledge, power imbalance, holistic care, and self and career characteristics are also identified.

Relation to SDM

To critically evaluate the aspect of the study, it is very essential to understand the strengths witnessed and the limitations of the research and the study which can be beneficial to access the essentiality of the study in the context of shared decision-making. As the study is based on individuals with schizophrenia the advantages disadvantages and limitations will be also based on shirt decision-making in the context of schizophrenia. The main advantage of the study is that this study has focused light on the barriers and the mindset of the patient with schizophrenia in the context of CRT decision-making. For example, according to the study initiated by (Carrotte et al. 2021), the power balance is one of the critical and essential factors of shared decision-making where the individuals suffering from schizophrenia elaborate that many times in their treatment there are medical experts who were judgemental and even dismissive about the disease which made the participants mentally uncertain about the disease. Therefore according to this barrier, it can be easily said that Power balance is one of the essential aspects of shared decision-making where flexible goals needs and choices need to be discussed with patients with schizophrenia. Apart from that according to the survey and the interview individuals also failed that there should be a proper negotiation with a particular doctor is needed and the opinion they are knowledgeable about the disease can be extremely essential for the doctors to hear to prescribe any medications for a particular patient (Carrotte et al. 2021). From the above example, it can be easily said that this particular study initiated by (Carrotte et al. 2021), can help the medical expert to set guidelines in terms of shared decision-making while assessing patients with schizophrenia.

Personal Implication

As a medical student, this article can help me to address the barriers of shared decision-making in terms of schizophrenia to understand the mindset of the individuals who have schizophrenia and make guidelines and assess them most effectively and efficiently as possible. From the above study, it can be understood that education and knowledge is one of the essential factors for patients with schizophrenia. Therefore it is very essential to elaborate the medical understanding of the medical expert to the patient for them to believe that it is reliable for them to take medications or any other guidance accessed by the doctors. Apart from that, as a medical professional, it is also very essential not to charge or be dismissive about any patient while communicating with the patient as many participants according to the study phased such aspects while being treated by a professional medical expert. Another aspect that can be taken into consideration when assessing patients with schizophrenia is holistic care where according to the study, Therefore, such aspects can be also taken into consideration while accessing the Patients.


From the above context, it can be concluded that shared decision-making is an extremely essential aspect of shared decision-making especially for individuals with schizophrenia. For this reason, it is extremely essential to understand the barriers of the disease to access the patient effectively and efficiently.


Carrotte, E. R., Hartup, M. E., Lee-Bates, B., & Blanchard, M. (2021). “I think that everybody should be involved”: What informs experiences of shared decision-making in supporting people living with schizophrenia spectrum disorders? Patient Education and Counseling, 104(7), 1583-1590. [Retrieved From:]

Jolles, M. P., Richmond, J., & Thomas, K. C. (2019). Minority patient preferences, barriers, and facilitators for shared decision-making with health care providers in the USA: a systematic review. Patient education and counseling, 102(7), 1251-1262. [Retrieved From: ]

Légaré, F., Adekpedjou, R., Stacey, D., Turcotte, S., Kryworuchko, J., Graham, I. D., … & Donner‐Banzhoff, N. (2018). Interventions for increasing the use of shared decision-making by healthcare professionals. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (7). [Retrieved From:]