ASSIGNMENT 1: Professional Report

In every institution, the management should be on their toes to ensure that the sale target is reached. When leading, the manager should consider all characters and lead with the idea of “Why.” For every decision that is made, follow up should be done to ensure that the business flourish. Salespersons significantly impact the business’s growth, and scrutiny should be done during recruitment, hiring, and leading the team. The questioning will ensure that the best and talented people are hired and on their toes to deliver, considering that someone is always pushing them.   

 Excellent salespersons promote the overall well-being of the business and its managers. With a team of motivated, talented, and passionate workers, the business’s overall sales exceed the projected sales. Hiring the right people with the right skills and experience in sales should be a company’s top priority. With the skills and experience, they will be able to work under pressure and deliver. The sales department will ensure that the business brand is well represented and sold to the market. 

They will also ensure that the best customer service is provided and quality products are delivered. If the sales team is not making any sales, the business will start falling and eventually collapse, leading to its closure. Training should be thoroughly done to ensure that they know their roles clearly as a sales team takes a lot of time and energy because getting it wrong will be very expensive.

In every business, customers are essential and should be treated right as they contribute to the business’s growth. Frequent customers are vital in a firm and are more valuable than a one day customer. Building new relations is a good idea and enables the company to expand its clientele. However, to make the new customers loyal, it may take time, and it is expensive to make the cost of retaining customers less costly than acquiring new ones. 

Loyal customers tend to spend a lot of money in the business regardless of the prevailing economic conditions. Prices may rise, and new customers fail to purchase the services, but the long-time customers will still buy. All-time customers trust the business’s products, and regardless of people discouraging against buying the products, the loyal customers will buy. The customers will influence their friends and relatives to buy from the business, thus marketing its products. It is, therefore, better to maintain those customers than getting concerned with getting new customers.  

Competition may increase in the line of business, making the supply excess than the demand. There may be battles for customers, but a company with its customers will not feel the hitch. However, building new relations is also a good thing since the more customers, the more the brand is marketed. A wider clientele is in the wrong run the pride of most companies since sales increase. Weighing between the two ideas, retaining current customers is better than rushing into creating new relations.  

Every business should have a sales department which will ensure that good customer service is delivered. Customers’ satisfaction should be the priority of each company as the more the customers, the higher the sales/returns. With more returns, the business grows and expands in the future.

Work Cited

Challenging Your Customers During Your SaaS Startup’s Sales Process by @ttunguz.” Tomasz Tunguz, 13 Feb. 2015,