Economics Assignment

A group therapy alludes to a type of psychotherapy including at least one therapist serving a group of clients with related health problems. Such a treatment is ordinarily utilized in different areas, for example, medical clinics, emotional well-being facilities, and public venues. Many of the emotional problems which group therapy involves disorders, health anxity,  Mood Disorders,  Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. Addressing all these conditions calls for good interaction between the therapists and the group of clients.

Group therapy works on the basis of cooperation and the collaboration of all participants in the therapy program. The program is grounded on four main stages with which stage relies of the preceding stage for smooth running of the activities involved. Each stage has a well-stated purpose and a range of different expectations that must be met before progressing to the next stage. There are four phases of this type of psychotherapy which are the initial stage, the transition stage, the working stage, and the final stage. The initial stage entails establishing the expectations of the group. In this stage, expectations such as trust, roles of each group member, and the goals are clearly defined.

The transition stage presents the most difficult time to group members. The stage entails the act of the counselor taking charge and taking the group through an effective transition period from their past lives to the group setting.  The third stage is the working stage, a stage that involves digging deeper into addressing the key issues that the group is meant to address. The final stage is the stage where the group members are expected to give feedback on their experiences.

Response to Group Therapy 2,

A group therapy alludes to a type of psychotherapy including at least one therapist serving a group of clients with related health problems. Such a treatment is ordinarily utilized in different areas, for example, medical clinics, emotional well-being facilities and public venues. A group therapy is intended to assist individuals with recuperating from difficult feelings set off by agonizing encounters. A portion of the numerous enthusiastic issues that bunch treatment incorporates panic disorder, Social Anxiety Disorders, health anxieties, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, Mood Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Tending to every one of these conditions requires a decent cooperation between the therapist and a group of clients.

A group therapy is founded on the premise of participation and the coordinated effort of all members in the treatment program. The program is grounded on four principle stages with which stage depending of the previous stage for smooth running of the exercises in question. Each stage has a very much expressed reason and a scope of various desires that must be met prior to advancing to the following stage. There are four phases of this type of psychotherapy which are the initial stage, the transition stage, the working stage and the final stage. The initial stage involves setting up the desires for the gathering. In this stage, desires, for example, trust, functions of each gathering part and the objectives are plainly characterized. 

The transition stage is the subsequent stage and a phase that presents the most troublesome opportunity to group members. The stage involves the demonstration of the advisor assuming responsibility and taking the group through a compelling change period from their previous existences to the gathering setting. The third stage is the working stage, a phase that includes diving further into tending to the main points of interest that the gathering is intended to address. The last stage is where the group members are required to give input on their encounters