Job Satisfaction of Employees in Banking Sector in Australia

Research Question

  • A research question guides and centers your research.
    -clear and focused, as well as synthesize multiple sources to present your unique argument.
    -ideally be something that you are interested in or care about.

Example 1:

  • What effect does social media have on people?
  • What effect does daily use of Instagram have on the attention span of university students?

Example 2:

  • Why does UK have a better healthcare system compare to US?
  • Why does UK have a better healthcare system compare to US?
  • How do the US and the UK compare in health outcomes and patient satisfaction among low-income people with chronic illnesses?

A Good Research Question

  • Choose a general topic of interest
  • conduct preliminary research on this topic in current journals to see what research has already been done.
  • Think: Who is the audience?
  • start asking open-ended “How?” “What?” and Why?” questions.
  • evaluate possible responses to those questions.


  • Possible Question:
    Why are social networking sites harmful?
  • Revised Question:

    How are online users experiencing privacy issues on such social networking sites as Facebook and Instagram?