BMAF008-20 Planning Your Career in Business

The thesis of my research paper is to study the history of art and how the past artists created their work. The artists generally used the Neoclassicism style in the creation of their work and they mainly had similar styles in the creation of their works. In the 19 th, century artists had embedded technology in their work by using electricity to illuminate their artworks. The artists mainly used materials of chrome yellow, chrome orange, emerald green, cobalt blue, and zinc white which were more pigmented and brought about clarity of the paintings. These colors were also very distinctive and allowed the audience to pay attention to the details. The light and shadow structures was done by the artists after the integration of electricity to aid in accentuating the shapes and textures of the artwork. The play of light and shadow structures helped the artists create detailed shapes in their artwork forms. The artists used their shapes and textures in the artwork to create a deeper meaning of the art. Generally, the light and shadow were used by the artists to reveal the meaning of the arts by clearly highlighting the details of the artwork. The artwork was used by painters to create a connection between the various cultures in the world by incorporating different painting styles.


Jarman, B. (2020). NCAW | Volume 19, Issue 2 | Autumn 2020. Retrieved 18 November 2020, from

Thomas, A. (2020). Hyperallergic: Sensitive to Art and Its Discontents. Retrieved 18 November 2020, from

Smarthistory. (2020). Retrieved 18 November 2020, from