Enterprise Information System Sample


The paper is broken down into two sections and each of the sections deals with separate aspects. The first section primarily focuses on the epilepsy condition that is faced by a large number of people. Both the primary and secondary research process has been used to understand the gravity of the medical condition. One of the key areas that have been covered here is the EEG instrument. It is the instrument that helps medical professionals to assess the brain activity of epileptic patients. The main objective of conducting this section of the research study is to understand the severity of the epilepsy problem so that the best and most effective treatment EEG model can be designed. 

In the next section of the research paper, the focus is on the damages or injuries that are caused during cooking. It also highlights the cleaning aspects that must be taken into consideration in the kitchen. A number of recommendations have been designed so that safety and cleanliness can be maintained in the kitchen.


Epilepsy is a medical condition that affects millions of people in different parts of the world. The main objective of the study is to understand how the condition acts as a roadblock for the people who are affected by it. An EEG model has been designed so that it could be used to help the patients that currently suffer from epilepsy. The fundamental aim of the research design is to conceive, design and introduce an innovative EEG product that can improve the lives of people. Various sources of data have been used to have a better understanding of the medical condition and the specific features of an effective electroencephalogram instrument. 

The former research studies and journal articles have been referred to strengthen the primary research methodology. The primary study combines the electrophysiological monitoring method’s hardware circuit design and its software interface so that epilepsy can be effectively treated by professional medical teams (Heath, 2018). A comparison of the designed product has been done with the existing EEG model so that the prevailing gaps can be filled in the process. Recommendations have been designed to enhance the treatment of epilepsy. 

Literature Review 

Epilepsy: The neurological disorder

Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder that affects people of different ages. The brain disorder was first identified around the 17th and 18th centuries. An individual is diagnosed with epilepsy if he has approximately two unprovoked seizures. The people that are affected by this chronic disorder generally have more than one kind of seizure. 

The disease has the power to affect the overall functionality of an individual. In order to effectively tackle this condition, a number of tools and techniques have been introduced in the market to evaluate the electric activity in the brain (Deekollu, Besag & Aylett, 2005). According to the research paper “Seizure-related injuries in a group of young people with epilepsy wearing protective helmets: incidence, types and circumstances” by Aylett SE, effective treatment must be used on the patients so that their mental condition can be improved (Deekollu, Besag & Aylett, 2005). The helmets that are currently available in the market cause tremendous discomfort for the patients. Due to the poor design, there is the possibility of head injury. 

The main risk factors include that increase the chances of epilepsy are the rising age of individuals, the family background, head injuries sustained previously, stroke and other forms of vascular ailments, dementia, brain infections and seizures during childhood. Due to all these factors, epilepsy can lead to seizures, unusual behaviour, and unconsciousness.

Main symptoms of Epilepsy

An individual might suffer from this chronic condition because of various reasons such as heredity, head injury, head trauma, brain tumour, brain stroke, developmental disorders, etc. There is no identifiable cause of this medical condition in almost half of the people that have epilepsy. Since epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity inside the brain, the seizures can ultimately impact the overall process in which the brain functions (Daniel Murrell, 2018). The key symptoms of epilepsy condition include temporary confusion, some kind of staring spell, loss of consciousness or awareness in an individual, and the uncontrollable jerking movements of the legs and arms. The psychic symptoms may also include fear, anxiousness or déjà vu.

Generally, the epilepsy symptoms vary depending on the kind of seizure that an individual has. In most cases, an individual with the epilepsy condition tends to have the same kind of seizure every time. As per the article by Christian Nordqvist, people with the medical condition experience recurrent seizures because of the sudden increase in the electrical activity inside the brain (Daniel Murrell, 2018). It basically leads to temporary disruptions in the messaging model between the brain cells. 

Electroencephalography (EEG)

It is a popular monitoring model that is used to record and assess the electric activity of the brain. It is a non-invasive helmet kind of instrument that is placed on the scalp using adhesive. In the book “Designing EEG Experiments for Studying the brain” by Aamir Saeed Malik and Hafeez Ullah Amin, the EEG models must be carefully designed by using the latest innovative tools so that various applications relating to the brain can be observed in the process (Malik & Amin, 2017). They have highlighted various parameters that need to be considered to assess the brain behaviour of the patients. 

The recording that is ultimately produced by using the EEG helmet is very valuable for people that suffer from epilepsy condition. This technique of recording and interpreting the electrical activity in the brain is useful since it helps to trace the connection between one part of the central nervous system of the body with another part. In fact, this instrument is considered to be an effective diagnostic aid that can be used in case of severe head injuries, brain tumours, etc. Thus this instrument can be used on patients that suffer from severe brain death (Malik & Amin, 2017). The image below shows the way in which the electrodes react when the electrical activities take place inside the brain. The abnormal movement indicates that an individual suffers from some kind of brain disorder.

Research on Epilepsy and designing of innovative EEG model

Primary Research

In the current times, there is the need for an innovative EEG model so that the epilepsy condition can be identified in a better way. The traditional EEG model causes various kinds of discomfort for the patient. The primary research activity has been carried out so that the main gaps that exist in the current EEG instrument can be removed in the process. The observation model was used so that the main limitations of the electronic instrument can be identified and the same can be removed by using innovative technology and ideas (Ebner et al., 1999). The primary research process was carried out by interviewing people with epilepsy. The people who use the EEG machines were interviewed so that the main issues that are faced by them could be identified in the process.  


The interview process was adopted so that a direct interactive approach could be adopted to capture major issues relating to the epilepsy condition, the usefulness of the EEG model and the elements that can be improved to improve their treatment model. The qualitative research was implemented as was the most feasible option to take the views and opinions of the people with epilepsy condition. About 5 people with epilepsy were interviewed from a local healthcare facility about their condition. Their guardians were present during the interview process so that their input could be accurately captured during the primary research process.

Input from the primary research respondents 

Most of the respondents stated that the current EEG model that they were using was not very convenient for them. In fact, the model increased their headaches. They wanted to have a simpler model that could ease their epilepsy medical condition. The primary study forms the foundation for the designing of the new EEG instrument.

EEG Instrumentation based on primary research input

While designing the EEG instrument model, the input from the primary sources was taken into consideration so that a convenient helmet could be created. The observation process indicates that the loop areas need to be reduced so that patient safety can be ensured. The image that has been highlighted below shows an electrode cap (A), connector box that contains the current-limiting resistors (B), the battery power pack (C) and the 32 channel EEG amplifier. This design has been carefully selected so that a sufficient signal range can be possible while monitoring the electrical activities in the brain (Khandpur, 1992).

Research on Epilepsy and designing of innovative EEG model

Miscellaneous factors that must be considered

While designing the high-quality EEG model to effectively monitor brain activity, it is necessary to take into consideration a number of factors so that the productivity of the instrument can be enhanced in the process. The designed EEG model must meet the exact requirements of the conventional EEG model. The built-in electrode impedance monitoring and the 50/60 Hz notch filter must be introduced in the model to increase the ultimate monitoring outcome (Ritter et al., 2009). One of the key features of the new and innovative EEG model is that it must be able to facilitate the correlation between specified EEG events. It would basically strengthen the analysis and the accuracy of the procedure.

Safety Aspects

The safety of the patient who is using the EEG instrument is of utmost importance. Thus while designing the innovative and technologically advanced instrument the hazards that can arise in the setting must be taken into consideration. The main hazards include the current that is induced in the electrodes and the attached wires by the changing fields. Similarly, the heating of the head of the electrode, the current that is induced in the loop must be carefully handled (Schultz & Schultz, 2002). These hazards bed to be carefully managed otherwise it could cause severe damage to the patients wearing the EEG instrument on their scalp (Allen, 2009). It is necessary to understand the safety implications while designing the model to assess the electrical activities of the brain. The static field is another safety issue that arises in the epilepsy monitoring setting. The non-ferromagnetic materials need to be used in the model so that this safety problem can be effectively tackled while monitoring brain activity. It is necessary to use the best possible and safe components in the EEG model so that the scalp of the patient will not get heated up in the process. 

Possible market for the EEG model

The graph below highlights the EEG market in the U.S.A. from the year 2014 to 2025. The increase in the research and development in this market segment has led to an increase in the demand for the device. Most of the companies are spending millions of dollars to strengthen the effectiveness of the product. For example, in the year 2015, Natus Medical, Inc. had invested $ 30.4 million for R&D purposes. In the prevailing competitive market setting, there is a need to design more effective and convenient electroencephalography tools (Gow & Olson, 2015). 

Research on Epilepsy and designing of innovative EEG model


According to the pie chart presented below, the main market audience in the North American continent that purchases the EEG instrument is the hospitals. The demand for diagnostic centres has also increased in recent years due to the growing awareness of neurological disorders (Gramfort et al., 2013). Currently, there is an increase in the demand for advanced diagnostics products in nations like the U.S.A and Germany. This is due to their highly advanced and developed healthcare infrastructure. Thus the details that have been captured here indicate that the market for the proposed EEG model is high due to the increased awareness of the medical condition.

Research on Epilepsy and designing of innovative EEG model


Existing products to treat Epilepsy 

Currently, there are a number of products that have been introduced in the market to identify abnormal brain activity or seizures in an individual. The most popular products that give tough competition to the EEG instrument have been highlighted in the tabular form. Medical bracelets, smartwatches, mattress devices, cameras can be used for the purpose of monitoring the abnormal seizures in an individual. But the main edge of the EEG instrument is that it helps to identify the abnormal electric movements in the brain by using the most scientific model (Heath, 2018).

Existing products in the market
Product Model Description
Medical Bracelets These bracelets can be worn by people suffering from epilepsy.

It allows the medical providers to identify an individual with epilepsy. This seizure alert device can help to make sure that direct emergency personnel can provide necessary medical treatment to the patient.

Mattress Devices These devices are placed under the mattress of an individual. They react to the shaking that causes vibrations. The most common examples include the Emfit MM sleep monitor.
Smart Watches The seizure detection watch is available in the market whose primary aim is to monitor seizures in an individual.

Advanced machine learning technology is used in the product so that it can identify convulsive seizures and even give an alert to the caregivers.


Conclusion and Recommendations

The recommendations that have been designed are based on the primary research process. The fundamental aim of the research paper was to understand epilepsy disorder and the issues faced by the patients. The primary study was an important component that helped to design an effective EEG model to simplify the monitoring process for the patients. The respondents said that the current EEG models that are available in the market have a number of limitations that make the EEG process somewhat inconveniently and uncomfortable for them. In order to eliminate the prevailing hurdles in the process, an improved and innovative electroencephalography instrument has been introduced based on primary data and information. The objective is to reduce the difficulties and challenges of the people that suffer from epilepsy.

Conclusion Recommendations
The EEG model must be able to record the brain activity from all the regions of the scalp In order to increase the effectiveness of the EEG model, the size of the helmet must cover most of the region of the scalp so that the electric activity can be assessed thoroughly. This can minimize the chances of errors in the monitoring process and make the process simpler for epilepsy patients.
The most effective wiring technique must be adopted Sufficient grounding of the EEG instrument must be ensured so that the brain activity of multiple patients can be analyzed at a single point. It would strengthen the scanning process of the patient’s brain.
Use of innovative electrodes in the EEG model The use of electrodes in the EEG instrument is crucial while assessing the electrical activity in the brain. The recording electrodes must be free from any kind of drift and noise. The gold disk and the silver chloride electrodes are considered to be highly effective because they decrease the disruptions and noise in the monitoring process. It would help the patients and minimize their discomfort.



The research paper focuses on “cooking damages that are caused in the kitchen” and the “cleaning process” that needs to be conducted to strengthen the overall hygiene in the kitchen setting. The operations that take place in the kitchen must be carefully managed so that proper hygiene and safety can be maintained throughout the process. The most common activities that are done in the kitchen are washing dishes, chopping fruits and vegetables, and preparing food. The food that is prepared using knives must be carefully handled in order to prevent accidents and injury. The main risks in the kitchen arise due to knives and fire (Kumar & Bhuvaneswari, 2012). A number of aspects have been included in the study to strengthen the safety model in the kitchen. The key areas that have been highlighted using the secondary sources include the knife handling techniques, safety aspects relating to stove operation and cooking process and the overall kitchen safety. In order to upgrade safety, it is necessary to have a clean kitchen environment. The main objective is to understand the relevance of safety in the kitchen setting.

Research Objective and Research Question

The primary objective of this section of the paper is to understand the relevance of cleanliness in the kitchen setting. 

The research questions that have been addressed at the end are

  • What methods can be adopted to prevent and manage injuries caused by knives or burners in the kitchen?
  • What steps can be taken to strengthen cleanliness in the kitchen once the food is prepared?

Literature Review


The secondary sources have been used to cover the theoretical aspects of the subject relating to kitchen safety. The kitchen environment is one of the most dynamic environments at home or a restaurant. The poor management of the kitchen operations can lead to serious consequences (Price et al., 2015). The main areas that have been highlighted here include the techniques to handle the knife and sharp objects in the kitchen, safety aspects that must be considered while using the stove. The elements that have been incorporated in the literature review intend to improve the safe atmosphere in the kitchen.

Knife Handling and Safety in the Kitchen

Every kitchen has a knife that is used to cut fruits, vegetables and meat. Knives are regarded to be important tools that are a necessity in the kitchen. There are numerous objects that are used in the kitchen like the electrical appliances, stoves, hotplates, microwaves and ovens, sharp objects (Martens & Scott, 2017). They must be carefully used to avoid preventable accidents or injuries. The knives are one of the critical items that must be kept far away from children. They must be stored in the knife block or knife drawer so that accidents can be avoided. Dirty knives must not be kept in the sink but they should be washed immediately and kept in a safe storage place.

Safety aspects to be considered while using stoves and burners

The kitchen stove must be carefully handled in the kitchen environment. The individuals who operate the stove must take multiple precautionary measures so that accidents can be prevented. In the kitchen, people mostly have to work around hot stoves or ovens. They must follow a number of safety precautions to avoid accidents and injury. It is advisable to use the back burners while cooking because it minimizes the chances of fire and other accidents (Pertierra, 2016). The temperature of the stove must not be tested using bare hands because it can lead to severe burns. For the purpose of ensuring safety in the kitchen, the burners must be turned off when they are not in use. The gas connection must also be switched off to avoid accidents. Such simple precautions can help to prevent accidents in the kitchen.

kitchen safety

Safety in the kitchen area is of prime importance because it has got a direct connection with the overall well-being of the food preparer and the people who consume the food. People need to adopt a safe model while operating in the kitchen area so that the most suitable kitchen practices can be adopted to minimize the chances of accidents in the environment. According to the article “Domestic Kitchen Practices” by Dr Wendy Wills the processes that are used in the kitchen must be carefully planned so that the burden of accidents and mistakes in form of foodborne diseases can be controlled (Wills et al., 2013). The kitchen practices that are used in the area need to be carefully designed based on the kitchen space and ventilation. The use of kitchen equipment like stoves and knives must be done by experts.

Kitchen Cleanliness is a necessity


The cleanliness of the kitchen is of high value because it has a direct impact on the health and well-being of people. The foodborne illness that affects thousands of people around the globe can be controlled by adopting appropriate kitchen cleaning habits. The fundamental step to ensure food safety is to clean the used appliances and utensils after the food is prepared. According to the study “Domestic Kitchen Practices: Findings from the ‘Kitchen Life’ Study” by Dr Wendy Will, the cleanliness of the kitchen site, surface and things including floors, work surface and food and utensils must be carefully managed so that the cleanliness can be evenly maintained in the kitchen (Wills et al., 2013). The kitchen practices play a vital role to identify the risk areas and eradicating them. The best kitchen practices must be adopted to minimize the burden of foodborne diseases. 

In the study “Food Safety in Home Kitchens: A Synthesis of the Literature” by Jacqueline Berning, the poor food safety model in-home kitchen increases the chances of foodborne illness and it reduces the quality of life (Byrd-Bredbenner et al., 2013). The handling of food and vessels with unhygienic hands leads to food-related ailments at homes. Consistent practice must be followed so that cleanliness of the kitchen can be maintained. The ultimate purpose of a clean kitchen is to prevent the contamination of food. 

Cleaning of the kitchen oven

As per a study, the British people do not like to clean their kitchen ovens. In fact, it is considered to be the most avoided home cleaning activity. As per the poll that was conducted on www.web-blinds.com, only 7.5 days per year is spent by U.K. homemakers to clean their homes including the kitchen area. Around 71 per cent of the respondents avoid cleaning their ovens (Heath, 2018). 

The information from the primary source indicates that the various components of the oven must be carefully cleaned so that utmost hygiene can be maintained. While cleaning the model, the user must be careful because any mistake can lead to an accident. While cleaning the oven certain steps must be followed so that all the components of the oven can be cleaned in the process. The oven racks and oven cavity must be carefully cleaned from the inside. Baking soda is a common substance that is used to coat the inside of its interior surface. After some time, the racks are cleaned separately to remove germs and other bacteria. Ultimately the oven must be wiped with a damp cloth to remove moisture. Plastic can be used to remove any residue of baking soda. A final wiping can be done before the oven racks are put back inside the oven (Heath, 2018).


Research on Epilepsy and designing of innovative EEG model

Cleaning the plates once cooking is done


The cleanliness of plates is an integral process that is regarded to be an extension of the cooking process. The proper cleaning of the plates is extremely necessary to ensure hygiene. Once the cooking process is over, the used plates, washing boards, and other utensils must be washed with hot soapy liquid s that no germs can penetrate the surface. This process ensures that germs are removed from the internal and external surfaces. Paper towels must be used to wipe the wet plates. Then these utensils must be stored on clean shelves 



Methods to prevent and manage injuries caused by knives or burners in the kitchen– 

A thorough control over damages and accidents in the kitchen area is necessary. The knives and hot stoves must be carefully handled. The food preparer needs to take precautionary measures while handling them. The knife must be kept in the knife drawers and they must be kept in safe places so that children cannot have access to it. It would help to minimize the number of accidents that occur in the kitchen (Kumar & Bhuvaneswari, 2012). It is advisable to use the back burners of the stoves to avoid accidents in the kitchen. After completing cooking, the gas connection must be switched off immediately. These simple yet necessary steps must be followed to have robust control over the damages in the kitchen setting 

Strengthening cleanliness in the kitchen – Proper cleanliness must be maintained in the kitchen so that food hygiene can be maintained and accidents can be avoided in the area. After the food is ready, the used oven and utensils must be cleaned using substances like soap or baking soda. It will help to fight the germs that are present in them. Hot water can be used while cleaning so that the bacteria can be washed away thoroughly.



The main focus of the research is on the cleanliness in the kitchen setting and the prevention of injuries due to knives or stoves. Careful attention must be given to the safety aspects of the kitchen so that accidents can be avoided. The kitchen area must be carefully handled while preparing the food items so that injuries and accidents can be prevented. For the purpose of strengthening the safety and cleanliness aspects, children must not be entertained in the kitchen area of the house. Such a measure can help to minimize the chances of accidents in the kitchen area. It is important to clean the used utensils after the preparation of food items so that the bacteria and germs can be removed in the process. The main aim of the study is to strengthen the safety aspects in the kitchen so that the users can cook in a safe setting. 

Conclusion Recommendations
Cuts and burn injuries in the hand In order to avoid such incidents, the knives must be carefully used and kept out of reach of children. Similarly, hot utensils must be placed in a separate section so that burns and other injuries can be avoided.
The injuries are pretty common due to poor kitchen practices The kitchen habits must be carefully cultivated so that attention can be paid to the dangerous objects, utensils and equipment.
Cleanliness is a vital component in the kitchen setting For the purpose of ensuring cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen, the utensils and other equipment must be properly washed and dried.



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