Law Assignment Sample - Caltex oil v Dredge

3.0 Introduction

A methodology is discerned to be a blueprint of the research that is being conducted which further includes the methods needed to conduct the investigation in order to achieve the aims and objectives. The present complete research largely depends on the research methodology, and it is vitally important that research methods be deployed to acquire the final results of the research. The following chapter aims to specify the research methodology adopted to find and formulate the results. Through this research methodology chapter, the significance of the research methodology, data collection methods, findings, and ethics are explained briefly. 

3.1 Data Collection

The principle information sources and assortment approaches are the essential and auxiliary methodologies. In this specific exploration, the analyst will utilize optional information sources and use the auxiliary way to deal with gathering information. Auxiliary information sources are the distributions and works of past specialists identifying with the subject being examined. The inclination for this specific methodology originates from the way that such information is anything but difficult to access and spares both time and costs associated with doing an examination. There are various research articles that will be utilized to get the applicable information for this examination. The researcher will get the information from different web crawlers and from the school library. This methodology is advantageous since the analyst can get an assortment of choices of optional sources which is significant as it provides the specialist the guidance for the examination. Acquiring information from online sources will involve entering in explicit key expressions that identify with the subject of study.

In order to achieve the goals of the study, the researcher used descriptive/analytical methods to describe the subject, analyze data and show the relationship between its components, its processes and its effects. It is a form of scientific analysis and interpretation to describe a phenomenon or special problem quantitatively through data collection classification and analysis. (Obidat et al, 2001)

Research Method

Qualitative methods, such as semi-structured interviews will be applied in this study to provide the means to explore deeply a given case study. Primarily, in the quantitative approach, there is the inclusion of numerical data and hence the numeric and statistical approach is used, and thereby the experiment is also designed which uses data collected through the survey process. A study by Taylor et al., (2015) discerned that the use of quantitative research is more related to the concept of understanding the science and thus to establish the relationship between the variables, this approach is adopted. In order to understand in-depth, the new generations of learning, the qualitative approach is represented as the most dynamic methodology as it includes the accumulation and examination of the subjective information, thereby recognizing the qualities and the essentialness of human experience. Therefore, in the qualitative approach, the researcher aims to explore the experience from the perspective of the participants or the human qualities being explored. Whereas, on the other hand, the qualitative approach is much more of a subjective approach that is comprehensive and overall results in some discovery (Jackson, 2015). The qualitative approach tends to lead to the development of new concepts and theories based on actual experiences.