HI6028 Taxation, Theory, Practice & Law Sample

This essay must be written in a reflective style evidencing both your contribution to the project and the visual display concept as well as your reflection on the process of managing a creative retail project. This must be supported by appropriate references from written sources together with supporting visual data (e.g. images, photographs, website screen-shots, graphs, charts, diagrams).

Throughout the essay you must document and refer to the process of the project visually with images, evidencing practically what you have personally contributed to the project. For example, this may include: ideas and inspirations, sourcing props, experimenting with typeface for signs, sketches and planning diagrams, testing photography, making props and signage, documentation of installation of the creative window display concept.

The report must also contain a short introduction and summative conclusion. In writing this reflective essay you must consider and include answers to the following:

What research did I do and why?

What creative challenges did I face? How did I find solutions?

How did I conduct and complete this project? What were my methods?

What sources (e.g. texts and visual data) did I use and how were these useful?

What did I learn about myself working in a team-based context on this project?

What did I learn about working in the context of luxury fashion retail? What special considerations did I have to think about?

If I could start again, what would I have done differently?

You may wish to include an appendix with further evidence and documentation of your primary data collection to enhance your essay.


The essay must be presented in a professional format with each section clearly delineated with an appropriate heading or sub-heading and all visual data must be fully integrated into the essay. You may wish to include an appendix with further evidence and documentation of your primary data collection to enhance your essay.

All references must be acknowledged with in text citation and a final references list using the Harvard Referencing System (see the Coventry University Guide to Harvard Referencing available via Moodle); both text-based and visual data references. You must make use of a range of 25-30 suitable resources including the core module text, books, academic journals, and fashion-industry-based sources.

Other information

IMPORTANT! Everyone Must Individually Hand in All of the Following via Moodle:

NB: If you do not submit each part for this assignment you will automatically become a re-sit candidate for this module!

Part 1 Group Presentation

X1 Copy of the whole Team Presentation as a PowerPoint File

The presentation must include:

Slide 1 – Your Name and Coventry University ID Number in Bold,

Final Slide(s) – Full References List for Text-based sources and a Table of Illustrations for Visual Data

All slides used in the team presentation

Part 2 Individual Reflective Essay (1000 words)

X1 Copy of the Individual Reflective Essay as a Word.doc file

The essay must include:

Non-Anonymous Marking Cover Sheet

A Cover Page with your Name and Coventry University ID Number in Bold

Contents Page

Table of Illustrations


Main Body of the Essay (i.e. subsections should be given appropriate titles)


References List

Part 3 Visual Concept Window Display

Before the Group Presentation (Part 1) each team will physically set-up and install their Visual Concept Window Display. The time and place for this will be agreed and negotiated by the academic team in conjunction with the luxury brand client. Each team will be provided with a specific day or time slot for their set-up and installation. All teams are expected to work co-operatively together to ensure their Visual Concept Window Display confirms to the required health and safety standards.

Assignment Guidelines


You have been asked to produce a reflective essay. It should contain the following:

Appropriate Non-Anonymous Marking coversheet (as attached in this document – please ensure appropriate Non-Anonymous coversheet is attached to your assessment brief)

Title Page, including the given title in full.

Contents Page

Table of Illustrations


Main body, which should also be organised under appropriate headings.


Appendices, which should be numbered.

Make sure you refer your reader to them as required.


Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:

In an appropriate Typeface e.g. Arial, font size 12

1.5 line spacing.

The page orientation should be ‘portrait’

Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2.5 cm

Pages should be numbered

Your name should appear on the cover page

Additional Skills

Attend a Spotlight session as advertised here on Moodle.