Law Assignment Sample - Caltex oil v Dredge

Assessment deadlines: Online test (25%) due in week 7 Individual Poster (4 pages, 750 words max.): TBA

Online test
Test will be open on 4 November at 8:00AM and will close on 12 November 10:00PM. You can take the test at any time in that period (but only once). You will have 60 minutes to answer 25 multiple choice questions. Note that once you start the test it CANNOT be paused (you have to compete it in one go). If you do not submit within 75 minutes your test will be submitted automatically.

Instructions for assessment: poster
For the purpose of this assessment component, you MUST select one company from the list of 5 (the list can be found on moodle in the Assessment section).
Please note that you are not asked to provide an in-depth analysis and discussion, it is a poster. You will still need to carry out research and various analyses in order to address the requirements. Also, marks will not be allocated for displaying generic models or discussing these, so do not waste your words on description (or critical appraisal) of models you have been asked to use. It is all about application and marks will be allocated only for that. Please
follow the brief and do exactly what you were asked to do!


For the chosen company, address the following:

Task 1: Business Environment (20%)

External analysis (business environment).
(In total list 6 to 8 external issues in the business environment. Each issue should be named and concluded as an O or a T. No need to address each category).
Clearly state the industry the chosen company is competing in and the context of your research (e.g. geographical location). Then identify 6-8 external business issues in that environment (clearly naming each and concluding each as an Opportunity or a Threat). There is no need to cover each category (e.g. if there are no important legal issues do not list any). Concentrate on important issues specific to that business environment. Provide a short explanation for each issue listed (200 max. in total for the whole PESTEL; provide sources – in-text references). Use PESTEL table in the template provided (on moodle in the Assessment section) to address this task.

Task 2: Organisation’s resources (20%)

Resources (human, physical, intangible) (10%)
Identify 5 specific and unique resources for the firm (from the following categories: human, physical and intangible) naming each and concluding it as a Strength (S) or a Weakness (W) for the organisation. Provide a short discussion/explanation for each (why do you think it is an S or a W), a maximum of 200 words in total. Use Resources table in the template provided (on moodle in the Assessment section) to address this task and do not forget to provide in-text references as appropriate.

Financial resources (10%)
Calculate (or provide references if obtained from elsewhere) 4 ratios (ROCE, Current, Gearing and Interest Cover or Incoming Gearing) and interpret each ratio (what does it mean for the financial position of the organisation). Is financial position of the organisation their Strength or their Weakness)?
Use Financial analysis table in the template provided (on moodle in the Assessment section) to address this task.

Task 3: Organisation’s capabilities (activities/competences) (20%)
Identify important distinctive competences (activities/capabilities) for the organisation using the following models:
• Value Chain: List 7-10 distinctive activities (competences/capabilities) for the organisation (use Value Chain table in the template provided, on moodle in the Assessment section, to address this task).
• VRIO: Select 5 activities from the Value Chain and apply VRIO to these (copy these 5 activities to VRIO table) in search of Core Competences. Use VRIO table in the template provided, on moodle in the Assessment section, to address this task.
• Select one of the competences listed in VRIO table and discuss your reasoning behind V, R and I for that competence (100 words max.). Assume that all activities have Organisational Support (satisfy the O criterion). Use a table in the template provided, on moodle in the Assessment section, to address this task.

Task 4 (30%)
Apply the TOWS matrix (TOWS is provided in the template on moodle in the Assessment section) to recommend a set of new strategic options (at least ONE no more than THREE) for the organisation from 2022 to 2027 in one or more beige/yellow fields of the TOWS. Note that there should not be any new issues listed in blue fields (those are issues you already identified as Os, Ts, Ss and Ws in tasks 1, 2 and 3).

Then choose one of the new strategic options and check its Suitability. While justifying your recommendation (Suitability), make references to findings from Task 1 – PESTEL (reflect upon Opportunities and Threats) and Tasks 2 and 3 (reflect upon what resources and competences/capabilities/activities the company should utilise to ensure successful implementation of your recommendation).Clearly demonstrate what issues have been linked while contemplating each recommendation (e.g. S1,S2,S5,S6-O1,O4).

Poster structure and presentation (10%)

You must use the provided template (it can be found on moodle in the Assessment section). Also, DO NOT use snap shots (e.g. tables) or your answer may be disregarded!

You should produce a professional, well written and organised poster (not an essay or a report). You still need to provide evidence to support your arguments (all data should be appropriately referenced). To reduce the word count, it is recommended that you mark in-text references in brackets, for example (1) and then provide a list of references at the end. The list of references does not count towards the word count. You can exceed the word count by 10%.

It is important to write in a clear and concise manner. You need to demonstrate that you understand the models by applying these to the chosen company (resources, financial analysis, Value Chain, VRIO) and its business environment (PESTEL). You also need to make at least one recommendation (no more than two) and demonstrate its suitability (TOWS).

Do not use snap shots of tables/texts, your poster needs to be properly written and edited (Turnitn must be able to check similarity).

An example is provided on moodle, please make sure that you look at it!

Please see the marking scheme (rubric) on the next page.

Additional instructions for Re-sit

The same assignment task as for the main assignment period applies to the re-sit, with further instructions see below.

Re-sit deadlines will be published via Moodle. Visit the module’s Moodle site and check your Roehampton email account on a regular basis. The school is not obliged to check whether you have noticed re-sit deadlines.

You are required to improve your original work (according to the feedback given) and resubmit it using the specific re-sit Turnitin link/s on Moodle