Rainwater Harvesting Sydney Assessment


The job is done in finding the results, there are about 25 graphs 5 for each station. Your work is to represent the results and discuss about them. In this case there are five different stations results are out for future scenarios. Discuss about reliability and water savings and explain the best tank size, demand and roof area combinations.  And also cover all the points as of reference file. And do not forget to write about gaps(………….) in this file. 


the monthly rainfall data has been gathered from Bureau of meteorology and the future data for the periods 2020-39 and 2040-79 got from worldbank.org using the CMIP3 model. As, it is difficult to find the monthly data for the future years, present data has been downloaded from Bureau of meteorology and converted to future using XL sheets. The following are the monthly average rainfall data collected from WorldBank.org using CMIP3 model. 


Station Jan feb mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep oct nov Dec
2020-39 58.45 59 85.4 71.02 64.1 62.67 56.57 52.89 43.56 60.49 70.77 68.13
2080-99 72.03 78.6 89.14 55.11 50.68 67.63 61.64 62.33 51.92 51.08 55.12 72.91



The ensemble of the models is called the CLIMATE MODEL INTERCOMPARISON PROJECT (CMIP).





Why chosen CMIP3 over CMIP5……?

There are different models in the below link provided. Brief of each model………………….. and justify your model(cgcm3.1(t47 ))…………….



Following are five different stations considered for research. Rainfall data for each and every station is obtained from Bureau of meteorology.

Area of study that is considered for this research includes a five different stations within the territory of Sydney named

Rainfall stations Latitude longitude Site Number Direction
Sydney (Observatory hill) 33.85° S 151.20° E 066062 Central
Seven hills  33.77° S 150.94° E 067026 North-West
Richmond-UWS Hawkesbury 33.61° S 150.75° E 067021 North-West
Lucas Heights (ANSTO) 34.05° S  150.98° E 066078 South-West
Badgerys Creek AWS 33.90° S 150.73° E 067108 West


Selection of data:

Give some brief description for each station alike in file provided. For the all the stations monthly data of motioned year is considered and calibrated to future data for the years 2020-39 and 2040-79 and compared those results to current data(particular year eg:Sydney-2012 ) in terms of graphs are presented in results.

Give brief description about each station(alike in reference report)

  • Sydney(observatory hill)

Mean data: 1215.7mm    nearby year 2012 data: 1213.7mm

  • Seven hills

Mean data: 913.1mm    nearby year 1973 data: 911.7mm

  • Richmond

Mean data: 801.2mm    nearby year 1933 data: 800.2mm

  • Lucas Heights

Mean data: 1024.7mm    nearby year 1986 data: 1027.8mm

  • Badgerys creek

Mean data: 683mm    nearby year 2003 data: 675mm


Tank size ranges from      2.5k to 10k

Demand                             100 to 500

Roof area                           50 to 300

Average demand is           100

Chapter 5 results and discussion. 

give an explanation for the best combination (tank size, roof area, demand) for each stations by considering maximum amount of water savings and % of reliability.

Chapter 6 conclusion.