A case study is a description of a real situation, which requires you to discuss and partly analyse the main issues involved. These Issues need to be discussed and related to academic literature where appropriate, key module topics and/or research findings on the topic.

Key Tips :

Introduction- the purpose of the case study
Description of the case- outline the case providing an outline of the main issues. Demonstrate your knowledge about the issues that you are discussing. Try not to include too much ‘storytelling’ for example Mrs Chalk was suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting on admission and appeared cyanosed rather than ……Mrs Chalk vomited and then she had diarrhoea and that is when I noticed that she looked a bit blue

•• Discussion- Discuss the issues raised one by one, using information gained from the academic literature. The discussion may include an outline.
individual care issues and the implications of suggested solutions or ideas and evaluation of the solutions or ideas for this particular case. Consider the stages of care planning- assessing, stages, planning, implementing and evaluation.

Personal Reflection- consider what you have learned about caring for this person, could care have been improved upon or was it an exemplary case? Consider strengths and weaknesses. How did you think the patient felt,
how did you feel

Conclusion- sum up the main points and observations

Remember to reference accurately and follow academic guidelines for font size etc.

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