Law Assignment Sample - Caltex oil v Dredge
  1. Who is your target market? What type of people in your ad directed towards?

Wives and mothers are the best-aligned target market to this product “Gain”. It is a well-known and highly used laundry detergent washer to clean clothes and get bright fabrics. The most genuine reason is the seriousness of women towards caring for their family, caring for loved ones’ clothing, and bringing a clean hygienic environment. In this ad, focus peoples are female because we are focused on a “Niche” product. Here, the targeted market has been chosen after looking at the demographics, psychological connection, emotional

experience, and usage behavior. Women & wives are specific customers for specific product “Gain” and they have an emotional attachment with laundry products (Gain, 2020).

  1. What do you want to communicate, what is your marketing strategy and objective?

Using this Ad, the main agenda is to show caring of women & wives towards their loved ones and keep them healthy, clean and fit always. The marketing objective using this ad is to promote rapid washing, no harm to skin and hands, wow whiteness, no loss of fabrics, and easy duster and dirt cleaner.

  1. What color scheme have you chosen? Explain your reasoning

Colour Scheme: Split complementary

Colour 1: Red violet

Colour 2: Yellow

Colour 3: Green

describe using the psychology of color why you have chosen this color scheme and why it is correct for your ad?

Color psychology is the study of hues as the factor of human behavior. The use of color is important to influence the target market through Ads. Colors have a strong tricks to attack and attract someone’s emotion and feeling. When associated with women, they like the combination of red-violet, yellow and green. These complement colors have a unique tactic to get women’s minds and direct it to associate their sense of feelings with any product. For this Ad, women have their own demographics and their color preferences are almost similar. This color scheme will show mindset, level of thinking, and choices when they initiate decision to buy any specific product. Yellow means being aggressive to do anything, green means great mindset and red violet means a person prefers to watch ads. Hence, all these analyses will help this ad to achieve milestones.


  1. What slogan, headline, or call to action will you use to promote your product? (1-7 words)

The headline is “Easy Wash”

The slogan is “A makeover for your laundry”

Call to action: Use detergent with safe hands

  1. What design tensions will you use to draw attention to your ad? (Minimum 2 Design Tensions)
  2. What font name and font family have you chosen? Explain your reasoning (2 Different Font


 #1 Font category/family: Sans Serif.

#1 Font name: Helvetica

found the traits and characteristics of the font family you have chosen and describe why this is an appropriate font family for your Instagram post?

Answer: Characteristics of the Sans Serif are that they are always “mono weight”. This means that there are no thick/thin transitions in strokes and there are no serifs available. The role of font-family like Sans Serif is useful to create a wonderful bio and profile for any product. San Serifs is useful to build the essence of attraction by drafting of the related font name and establishing immense attraction towards the product.

#2 Font category/family: Serif

#2 Font name: Times New Roman

Identify the characteristics or traits of the font family you have chosen and explain why this is an appropriate font family for your Instagram post?

The main characteristics of the Serif font are the use of simple, clean lines with a similar widths. This is the reason why many web designers or ad-makers prefer this font family with times new roman as most popular among ads viewer. The perfect examples are Uber and The new York times for using the Serif font family. Use of Serif

is useful in Instagram to give an impressive look and glorious message from content.

  1. What retouching tool(s) have you used to remove the people or type from the background image?

For the proper background image, Adobe Photoshop is useful, and retouching tools such as clone stamps, pattern stamp, healing brush, patch, and color replacement is helpful to remove people from the background image. Background image: Product image

  1. What is the brand name of your chosen product?

The chosen product is a laundry detergent washer and its brand name is Gain

  1. What is the APA citation for the website where you found the brand”s logo?

Gain, 2020. <