International Management

Section A: Knowledge Activity

 promoting an organization’s products and services (100-150 words)

There are relevant principles that are related to controlling the collection of information from customers, especially when promoting services and products for an organization. These principles are included in the ADMA code of practice and include safety of value and being accountable to the customers. The company will be expected to provide valuable safety and ensure that the personal information of the customers is secured. The company should also inform the customers whenever the security of their private information is compromised. Members of ADMA seek to enhance the integrity, create trust and confidence for customers, and therefore, the company should take responsibility in complying with all the codes of practice.

2) Use the following table to describe how the following legislation impacts the way an organization promotes its products and services.

Legislation Describe how each legislation impacts the way an organization promotes its products and services (20-30 words each)
Privacy Act This law helps in ensuring that all the data and personal information about the customers are safe and protected, and if there is any compromise, they are informed in good time.
Copyright Act This act ensures that the products and services are sold subject to the terms and conditions set by the company. Everything that is done is original, and the copyright is successfully protected.
Spam Act This act helps to protect the email marketing of an organization to prevent sending unsolicited messages that may lead to junk and unnecessary ads that are boring to customers.
Fair Trading Laws This will help to ensure that the company achieves relationships in trade and tourism that are equitable and sustainable. It will create standards for the environment and society that are improved. 
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (Aka ACCC)? This regulation is important because it will help to create and promote competition, regulate infrastructure in order to benefit the people of Australia, and promote fair trade.
  • Describe the planning processes for organization promotional activities (100-150 words)

The planning process for an organization in promoting their products and services involves a number of activities. The first step is to study the strategies that are connected to communication and later coming up with objectives for marketing. After that, the promotional materials are determined, which is then followed by coming up with a message for promotion or to create awareness. It is also very important to create a budget that will help in measuring the results and determining success. Lastly, all the steps mentioned above are repeated, and the promotional activities are planned. The plan is meant to create awareness, create loyalty to customers, and teach them about the products and services. 

Discuss why an organization has marketing objectives and how they support the organization’s overall business objectives (60-80 words)

It is important for organizations to have objectives for marketing because they help in supporting the overall objectives of the business, especially when they are set in line with the overall strategy. Marketing objectives act as defined targets and goals for a brand. They highlight the purpose and intentions of marketing. Additionally, they act as a roadmap for members to follow and provide information for the management to support and review (Lacho and Marinello, 2010).  Generally, the marketing objectives support the overall objectives for a business by giving a clear direction.

5) Use the following table to explain how these common promotional activities support an organization’s marketing objectives.

Activities for supporting an organization’s marketing objectives Explanation of how these common promotional activities support an organization’s marketing objectives (30-50 words each)
Advertising Advertising helps an organization to identify its competitors and come up with a plan on how to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals. It also makes customers aware of the existing and new products.
Client functions It helps to increase sales, target new clients, and grow other market shares. Here, the customers can grow the market shares of the company, and they are also responsible for reaching new customers in the market (Lin, Bruning, and Swarna, 2018).
Employee functions Employees are encouraged to stay creative, build a strong reputation for the brand and enhance productivity and constant communication. In most cases, employees are empowered to be design thinkers, and therefore, they practice innovation and creativity.
Media announcements The announcements from the media provide an opportunity to print a study that is detailed concerning an organization and the business that will be executed (Vanauken, 2015). Additionally, websites also offer a lot of knowledge about the products and services.
Product launches When an organization launches a new product, it makes it possible to come up with a new name for the service or product. It also helps to enhance the channels for distribution so that there is no challenge in product launching. 
Websites/pages Website and pages play a very big role in marketing because they make the services and products known to the people. This increases the sales. Notably, websites help in managing the online image of a company. 



Lacho, K.J., and Marinello, C., 2010. How small business owners can use social networking to promote their business—the Entrepreneurial Executive15, p.127.

Lin, H.C., Bruning, P.F. and Swarna, H., 2018. Using online opinion leaders to promote the hedonic and utilitarian value of products and services. Business Horizons61(3), pp.431-442.

Vanauken, K., 2015. Using social media to improve customer engagement and promote products and services. Journal of airport management9(2), pp.109-117.

Section B: Skills Performance Activity

Task 1 Prepare a briefing document. 

The briefing document includes:

Purpose of the briefing document (50- 100 words)

The purpose of the marketing document is to provide some background information about the company, its aims, objectives, and mission, and core values. It will also give a short introduction of what it intends to do or the reason for expansion. This will help the stakeholders to have a clear understanding of the project and why marketing is important. 

The promotional objectives for the new publications and the new website (20- 50 words)

Some of the promotional objectives intended for the expansion of Valley View include: Increasing the rate of penetration in the market every quarter of the year, ensuring there is a steady growth of the company every month, and raising the awareness of the brand, which can be quantified by the feedback or reactions from the customers. 


A minimum of two possible promotional activities for the new publications and the new website (200- 300 words)

Promotions are a great way to create awareness about an organization. There are different promotional activities that will help Valley View in marketing their new publications and the new website. One of the promotional activity is advertising the publications on magazines, televisions, radio, and online. Secondly, they can promote the publications through direct marketing, where they reach the customers through their social media platforms and the website. This helps to reach the already existing customers who are currently following them, and through that, they can reach others through referral and advocacy. Direct marketing will involve activities such as sending emails, brochures, letters, and pamphlets to individual target customers. This is often associated with telemarketing and personal selling. Short term promotions of the publications will also help to reach more people. The new website and new publications can be promoted through contests, trade shows, and competitions where people are given awards and discounts. Additionally, it can be done through publicity where social media releases can be printed and shown. The management can also liaise with the media team where they can be called for interviews to discuss the company and the product by word of mouth. 

Why these activities are compatible with Valleyview’s Marketing Plan, Market Expansion plans, as well as Valleyview’s Customer Service Policy, Procedures, and Standards (100-200 words)

The promotional activities mentioned above are compatible with Valley View’s plans for marketing expansion, plan for marketing and customer service, standards, procedures, and policy for Valley View. This is because they are in line with the mission and goals set for the company, they support the values and ethics of the company, the staffs are available to participate in the promotional activities, and the level of expertise is high. They are well trained and have the knowledge to help in promotion. Lastly, the promotional activities do not require a high budget; therefore, the company will not be strained financially. 

How these activities meet legislative and regulatory requirements (70-100 words)

The marketing strategies mentioned also help to meet the regulatory and legislative requirements, which involve safe value for customers and accountability. They focus on providing a convenient platform that creates accountability and transparency. Through this, privacy and ethical values will be achieved. The promoting activities will provide accurate and clear information to the customers, which is also an issue of moral concern to the company. The standards and policies have been considered.

Task 2 Team meeting to plan promotional activities 

Task 3 Communicate outcome of a Team meeting to Board

Task 4 Communicate promotional plans to key personnel. 

Hello, I hope you have been well. This is to inform you that the brief document has been approved by the board, and the promotional activities have been accepted. You are supposed to review your roles and responsibilities in the assigned promotional activities. In case you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me through my email address. You can also add any other information that you may have about the planning activities. 


Task 5 Private Client Launch email invitation

Good morning.

I hope this email finds you well. This is to inform you that you are invited to a private client launch next week on Monday as one of our best clients. The meeting will happen in the boardroom at Valley View. Your attendance will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Task 6 Private Client Launch meeting

Task 7 Regional distributor’s email


How have you been? I have been well. I write you this message as one of the regional distributors to inform you that our new publications are out. The new publications include travel stories for Australia that are a reality. They are;

  1. Horsing Around: My horse-riding adventures in Australia (DVD)
  2. Horsing Around: My horse-riding adventures in Australia (Hardback)
  3. Grey Matter: Many Australian adventures for the young at heart (Paperback)
  4. Retreating: Retreats and health farms in Australia from a real health nut (Paperback)
  5. Bush Wheelies: My wheelchair access Australian bush adventures (Paperback)

We will also create a new webpage where people can buy these new titles directly online. 


Task 8 Sourcing resources and promotional products email

Good afternoon,

I hope this email finds you well. This email is sent to all the managers at Valley View requesting names and contact information of organizations or individuals who can help to upload content on the company’s website and provide other products of promotion such as professional images in the website for the new publication. If you are in a position to help, please get back to me as soon as you can. Make sure that the people are reliable and can work effectively in order to help in the marketing of the new publications. 


Task 9 Planning review summary

A summary of the customer feedback and data to determine the impact of the promotional activities (100-150 words)

From the customer feedback and data, 20% of the customers were satisfied with the products and would definitely buy them any other time, 50% of the customers would consider buying it the next time, 15% were not sure, while 15% said that they would not buy similar products any other time.  This showed that the promotional activities were successful because more people bought the new publications and will love to order others next time. Less than 30% of the people did not love the new publications, which was a low figure. Generally, the promotional activities were positive and successful. 

An analysis of the effectiveness of your planning processes to meet the promotional objectives in terms of timeliness, costs, personnel, and other resources (200-300 words) 

The processes of planning were also very successful, and they yielded good promotional activities. Most of the promotional objectives were achieved, and this is reflected in the high number of people who bought the new publications and those who would want to buy them any other time. The distributors also did a very good job in delivering the publication. The content in the webpage attracted many customers and helped in marketing the new publications to the target customers. It was also easy to receive feedback from the customers, which was later analyzed and reported. Most importantly, the budget and other resources set aside during the planning processes were enough for the promotion activities, and that made it possible to reach as many people as possible. The time was also not an issue. However, if there was more time, it could have been possible to reach more people, and the customer base would have been wider, and an increase in market share would be seen. Generally, the processes of planning were very effective, and that helped in meeting the promotional objectives that were set.

Recommendations for improving these planning processes in the future (100-150 words)

In the future, the planning processes should be more integrated, involving a larger number of people to prevent giving tasks and responsibilities to few people, which may be overwhelming. The larger the team, the less the responsibilities per person and the more effective the task execution. It will also be important to have a multidisciplinary team of experts to help in the promotional activities to ensure that the work is well done and professionalism is maintained. The time factor was an issue, and therefore, more time should be allocated for the promotional activities in order to reach more people. 

Task 10 Meeting to review and report on promotional activities

Task 11 Seek approval of review outcomes from the Board of Directors

Good afternoon,

 I hope you are doing well. Please find attached a copy of the summary of the promotional activities for your input and approval. Please give your review and comments where necessary and get back to us. Looking forward to hearing from you and getting more insights. 


Task 12 Communicate review outcomes to key personnel.

To the relevant personnel involved in the promotional activities


This email is written to thank you for your involvement during the promotional activities. You have been of great help to the company. In case you have any comments or questions, feel free to engage us. Attached below is a copy of the summary document.


To the supplier who offered you promotional activities cheaper services, which enabled you to come under budget by $2,500


I hope you are well. Thank you for the services you offered during the promotional activities. The budget you gave was workable, and we look forward to working with you again.
