Fan‘s Cosplay Culture & Identity Research Proposal


Project management is referred to as the methodological approach that is used to achieve an agreed-upon end result within a stipulated period of time with well-defined resources. In this context, the study below has prepared a project management assessment that will demonstrate the audience skills in the initial phase of project management (Allahar 2019). Considering the case study of Melbourne Glaziers, this assessment will extract relevant information and execute it to design a defined project. Information will be used to prepare a project charter, assumption log, stakeholder register, change request form, scope management plan, requirements documents and preliminary financial analysis.  


Project Charter

This is a document that will illustrate approval of the project and person who is responsible for this. 

Title  Melbourne Glass Plant 
Approval Date  20/8/2021
Project Manager  Robert Johnston
Manager Details  +919547821525,
Projected Finish Date  25/3/2022

Table 1: Project Charter 

(Source: Created by author)

Background of the project 

In the project scenario of Melbourne Glass Plant, Melbourne Glaziers has located this project in an Outer Melbourne suburb. Through this project glass products can be supplied across Melbourne. As per the views of Stepien et al. (2019), glass can be ordered in bulk as one of the parts of a construction project that usually consist of bus shelter, glass and huge sections of internal feature walls. 

Vision of the project 

The main vision of Robert is to become a core customer of Melbourne Glass Plant to get beneficial discounts in order to pass it on to the customers and get assistance to compete within the competitive environment.   

Estimated budget 

The project is expected to be completed within 6 months from the starting time and the estimated net budget will be $200,000. Melbourne Glaziers will receive payment by direct debit after submitting an invoice to the company for raw materials. 

Success criteria 

The success criteria related to this project is to get large scale projects along with RFQ submissions that as it is given to the company that later rewards the project after completion. Moreover, customer participation with adequate knowledge about the glass materials is imperative in the initial stage to prepare the project (Zheng et al. 2018).

Project scope 


Priority  Story  Story Name  Description 
High  Requirements of glass Glass plant  All the requirements should be planned in the initial stage of the project. 
Medium  Specification of glass materials  Glass materials  Comprehensively identifying the specifications and putting it together in a quote for materials. 
Medium  Plan and construct  Construction of project  Delivering the product and installation 

Table 2: In-Scope of the Project 

(Source: Created by author)


  • Identifying and analyzing the business strategies 
  • Feedbacks needs to gathered from the customers 
  • Business position of Melbourne Glaziers needs to be observed 

Role and responsibilities 

Project manager:  Monitoring each stage of the project  

Finance manager: He will extract information associated with the repairs and installations along with bills paid and invoices paid to the suppliers. 

Marketing manager: He will mail out the prospective clients within the Melbourne area. 

Data analyst: With reference to this project, the database will be provided by the data analysts associated with this project. The data analysts will be storing the data and information of the customers. They are also in charge to secure the stored information and avoid disclosure.  


Assumption log 

An assumption log is referred to as the document that is used by the project manager and the team members to capture, document and trace the assumptions all throughout the stages of the lifecycle of the project. Table 3 has demonstrated a list of assumptions (Lefebvre and Giorgi 2021). Each assumption has a party who is responsible for it and action to be taken to later validate the assumption. 

Assumption  Responsible party  Action 
Availability of the resources  Project manager  Regularly checking the quantity of resources used and available for other activities. 
Develop financial data and information related to the repairing and installation purpose.  Finance manager  Use Microsoft Excel and MYOB for accounting activities. 
Various technologies can be assumed to create a structure of glass infrastructure that is necessary to accomplish the vision of the project.    IT manager  Be updated with the latest technologies. 
Complete the project under the stipulated period of time  Team leader  Ensure every task is meeting as per the timings allotted. 
To complete the project under the estimated budget.   Finance manager  Direct amount of cost utilized in each task

Table 3: Assumption log

(Source: Created by the author)

Stakeholder Register

Stakeholder register is illustrated in table 4 that has shown a list of stakeholders and their responsibilities that will directly or indirectly impact or influence the overall success of the project.

Stakeholders Responsibilities in the project
Project Director Direct the stages of the project and also check the progress on a regular basis. 
Project Manager Manage the whole project activities and roles of every personnel related to the project. 
Quality assurance manager Supervise and scrutinize individual tasks of the project to ensure superior quality of each task and deliver a successful project 
Application Architect Design and prepare a layout of the glass plant and attach instructions to ensure there is no bug in the project operation and in responsiveness as well. 

Table 4: Stakeholder Register

(Source: Created by the author)

Change request form

Change request form is considered as the primary tool that is used by the project manager and project director to request, approve and document changes required in the project (Mohammad and Heravi 2019). This form is used when the project manager observes that the project is not delivering optimum results in each stage of the project lifecycle. 

Project name: Melbourne Glass Plant
Requested by: Robert Johnston Date: 12/10/2021 
Request name: Daniel tailor Request Number: 124/B12
Change description: Request for repair and replace the project schedule
Change reason: The activities in the schedule is not completing within stipulated period of time  
Impact of change:

  • Scope 
  • Budget 
  • Timeline 
  • Resourcing 
  • Communication
  • Others 
Proposed action: Re-create the project schedule as per the nature of the tasks and activity
Associated cost: $4500
Approved by:  Date: 20/10/2021

Table 5: Change request form

(Source: Created by the author)

Scope Management Plan


Role  Responsibilities 
Owner  Prepare a document and enlist the project scope that is expected after completing the project.
Project manager  Find out and execute the scope of the project and secure sign off as well as oversee the change request. 
Finance manager  Develop financial reports related to the project budget, account payable, account receivables and expenses.  
Marketing manager  Build and disseminate awareness by creating and evaluating on the marketing strategies to accomplish needs and requirements of the customers. 
Change controller  Look after and manage the change that has been requested and ensure to meet those changes.

Coordinate the evaluation of change requests. 

Conduct change managing meetings. 

Interaction and documentation of change request.

Project sponsor  Formally accepting the project scope statement and allowing the key personnel to carry out their roles for the same. 
Project team leader  Recommending the baseline of the project scope and, at the same time provide specifications to the team members in order to evaluate to neet change requests. 
Project team member Provide contribution to scope the tasks and align it with the vision statements of the project.

Provide contribution in the change request that will later impact the project.

Liaise with specified stakeholders.  

Table 6: Scope Management Plan

(Source: Created by the author)

Requirements Document

Requirement description  Priority 
A skilled team identify and scrutinize the business requirements  High 
Conduct an initial feasibility study with a purpose to computerise the parts of operations.  Low 
To create a timeline document to get approval from the company and according to that start the ordering process.  Medium 
Prepare an installation order after designing the glass for cut to required size  Medium 
Book a glazier truck for delivering and installation purposes.  Low 

Table 7: Requirements Document

(Source: Created by the author)

Preliminary Financial Analysis

Assume the project is completed in 6 months 
Within 6 months  1 year 2 years 3 years Total 
Cost  $200,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000
Discount factor  1.00 0.92 0.84 77
Discount costs  $200,000 27,522 25,250 23,165 275,937
Benefits  0.00 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
Discount factors  1.00 0.92 0.84 0.77
Discount benefits  0 91743 84167 77218 253,128
Discounted benefits- costs  200,000 64,221 58,917 54,053 -22,809.00 (NPV)
Cumulative benefits-  costs 
Rate of interest  – 8.27%


Table 8: Preliminary Financial Analysis

(Source: Created by the author)



The study above has provided essential plans and assessment that is needed to successfully complete the project. Melbourne Glaziers has involved a glass preparation area that will be collating all the job sheets and the work orders in order to monitor the stock levels and according to that re-order the stock when level will decline below the threshold levels. It is complicated to regularly keep a track of work orders and all the job stress to re-order. As a result, sometimes certain paperworks are also necessary for large scale projects like the Melbourne Glass plant. This needs to be regularly tracked to avoid delays and loss of the awarded contracts. 


Allahar, H. (2019), “A Management Innovation Approach to Project Planning”, Technology Innovation Management Review, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 4-13. Available at: [Accessed on: 25.08.2021]

Lefebvre, F. & Giorgi, R. (2021), “A strategy for optimal fitting of multiplicative and additive hazards regression models”, BMC Medical Research Methodology, vol. 21, pp. 1-17. Available at:  [Accessed on: 22.08.2021]

Mohammad, H.C. & Heravi, G. (2019), “Evaluating the preventability of conflicts arising from change occurrence in construction projects”, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 1777-1800.Available at:  [Accessed on: 21.08.2021]

Stepien, A., Leśniak, M. & SITARZ, M. (2019), “A Sustainable Autoclaved Material Made of Glass Sand”, Buildings, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 232. Available at:  [Accessed on: 23.08.2021]

Zheng, M., Asmussen, A. & Jørgensen, B.N. (2018), “Industrial Consumers’ Smart Grid Adoption: Influential Factors and Participation Phases”, Energies, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 182. Available at:  [Accessed on: 20.08.2021]