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Overview of project management

Project management refers to the process of driving and leading the team’s work to achieve certain goals within the specified time period (Jovanovic & Beric, 2018). it handles and controls a project in several aspects or areas. The main project management areas are—
Integration management- This area ensures that all the individual activities and processes are tied together into one big project with defined deliverables and goals.
Scope management– The project manager is required to define the scope of project in terms of deliverables.
Cost management- Identification and fulfilment of the project’s financial needs is done in this segment.
Quality management- The project team has to ensure that all the relevant quality measures are defined and implemented to maintain top quality while delivering the project.

Time management- The manager has to make sure that all the individual activities are finished within the given timeline.
Resource management – Accumulation and effective utilisation of resources is ensured in this project management knowledge area.
Risk management- All the potential risks are identified and the team has to develop mitigation plan and contingency plan.
Communication management- All the stakeholders of the project must be communicated effectively and timely in order to enhance the quality of the project.
Stakeholder management- Identification of the internal and external stakeholders of the project is done in this segment. Also, the plans related to the benefits and needs of the stakeholders are developed.
Procurement management – The decisions related to outsourcing, hiring suppliers, accumulating goods etc are taken in this project management area.

 Agile approach in IT project management

There are several techniques or approaches to manage and run a project. Agile approach is considered as one of the most effective project management techniques. Agile project management technique is based on delivering project requirements iteratively and progressively throughout the project life cycle. Agile management approach will be the most effective because it enables the project team to deliver the requirements at every phase instead of at the very end of project completion. Agile management makes the project flexible which helps the managers to adopt changes quickly within the existing process (Fernandez & Fernandez, 2008). In IT projects, Agile approach comes out as the best technique to manage the project. The project team is able to work faster with agile approach. Moreover, the team easily adapts changing project requirements. Since the team is able to make quick change in the focus and direction as per the modified requirements, the chances of errors are minimal.

Project run

A project is run and managed in five phases which are described below:

It is the first phase in the project lifecycle wherein the project authority assesses the feasibility of the project and defines the project at business level.
 Planning
Once the project is approved by the authority, the project manager is required to make plans. Starting with SMART goals, the project manager develop project charter, milestone, WBS, risk management and communication plan (Orgut et al., 2020).
 Execution
Development of the project team is done in this phase. Execution of all the plans developed in the planning phase is done in this phase.

 Monitoring and controlling

The project progress is monitored and controlled in order to ensure that project requirements are being met. Project performance is assessed in this phase only.

 Project closure-

After monitoring and testing the performance of the project, the project manager expects the client to give green signal on the project and sign the final closing.

Expectations from the project team

An effective team is a key to success of any IT project so it is very necessary to develop a robust, dedicated and effective project team. The project manager, be it in IT field or any other field, is responsible for developing, and aligning team. There are several things that a project manager can expect from his/her team members in order to successfully accomplish the project objectives. Flexible to adopt changes- The team members should be flexible and ready to make any quick changes as per the requirements of the client. Agile project management approach may require the project team to make modification in any activity within the project so they should be quick Focus- The team members are required to be highly focused towards achieving milestones at regular interval of time. High focus will enable the team to minimise the chances of errors. Effective co-ordination- Completing a project requires collaborative efforts by a highly co- ordinated project team. The team members should understand the strengths of each other and combine together to perform at highest level.


Jovanovic, P., & Beric, I. (2018). Analysis of the available project management methodologies. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 23(3), 1-13.

Fernandez, D. J., & Fernandez, J. D. (2008). Agile project management—agilism versus traditional approaches. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(2), 10-17.

Orgut, R. E., Batouli, M., Zhu, J., Mostafavi, A., & Jaselskis, E. J. (2020). Critical factors for improving reliability of project control metrics throughout project life cycle. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(1), 04019033.