Executive summary

The present study will focus on the primary healthcare community in Australia. The study will emphasize a scenario about David who is 53 years old and suffering from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure. The statement of the doctor was there might be a heart attack or stroke as the level of blood pressure was too high. David has to look after his entire family. Moreover, the workplace also was insecure as they were not given money over time. Hence, the study will demonstrate the social determinants of health that the character David experienced in his life and also the specific health issues which are related to the character David. Nonetheless, the study will elaborate on the risk factors for developing the health conditions as well as describe the target health condition in the country Australia and NHPA.


The present study is based on primary health care in the community in Australia. Primary health care in the country of Australia is entry-level to the health system. Primary health care includes a variety of activities as well as services which has been delivered outside of the hospital. Primary health care is also included in the promotion of health as well as prevention, treatment of disease, and the management of acute and chronic conditions. The workplace of primary health care includes general practitioners, doctors as well as nurses, and also professionals such as pharmacists, physiotherapists, and more. The study will demonstrate the target health conditions in the country Australia and the NHPA which is addressed in the country and the risk factors for developing the health conditions. Moreover, the study will elaborate on the health issues related to character and the social determinants of health.          

The target health conditions in Australia and NHPA

Primary health care in the country of Australia is receiving increasingly primary attention. As the chronic burden conditions are increasing day by day, health care rising cost has augmented the focus on “primary health care” in the HCP (“health care policy”). In the present era, there is an increase in chronic illness, and with this, there is a high expectation for quality health care for patients as well as rising costs within the limited budget, healthcare integration is the best solution for all problems and challenges (Murray-Parahi et al. 2020). Integrated healthcare aims to come out from the challenges and obstacles to improve the entire access and quality of the care system (Trankle et al. 2019). Many people are being admitted to the hospitals for this chronic illness which may be prevented by the community of primary health care.

The targeted health conditions in the country of Australia are chronic illness and multimorbidity. Substantial ill health, premature death as well as death is caused due to chronic conditions. Chronic illness is also known as a chronic disease, and it is a non-communicable disease and also a long-term health disease (Australian Government, 2022). The conditions due to chronic disease are personalized by its long-lasting effects. In the year 2018, around a percentage of 16 Australians aged 15 or above experienced pain due to chronic illness in the country (Statista, 2022). By the year 2050, the majority of people experiencing this pain in Australia was estimated to increase to the percentage of 16.9, affecting the 5.23 million people in the country [Refer to Appendix 1]. Moreover, there are some common long-term health conditions reported in the country of Australia in the age group 18 years and above which are mental conditions as well as behavioural conditions, which is expressing the percentage of 20.1 of the population in the country (Statista, 2022). Indeed, the disease of heart, as well as diabetes, affected the percentage of 5 of the population in the country [Refer to Appendix 2]. About 5.0 million or a percentage of 20 had a psychological problem or behavioural ailment which was reported as a chronic disorder for both females and males. Moreover, about a percentage of 12 had back problems which include sciatica [Refer to Appendix 3].

The initiative of the “National Health Priority Areas (NHPA)” is a collaborative action of the Australian government as well as the state Territory governments (Australian Government, 2021). The nine NHPA agreed upon by the health minister of the country “Advisory Council between 1996 and 2012” were:

  • To control cancer (First set of conditions, 1996)
  • Cardiovascular health (first set of conditions, 1996)
  • To prevent injury and control (first set of conditions, 1996)
  • Mental health
  • Diabetes mellitus(1997)
  • Asthma (1999)
  • Conditions of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal (2002)
  • Obesity (2008)
  • Dementia (2012)

The risk factors for developing health conditions

The health risk factors are the particulars or the exposures that can increase the factors of developing of disease or a health disorder in a person. In this study, the character David has high blood pressure and may have a heart attack also (Australian Government, 2019). Hence, this is a risk factor for David also. Moreover, in the year 2018, there are several cases of high and severe blood pressure in the country of Australia (Statista, 2022). Around 14 million people in the country, age group of 18 years or above had normal blood pressure that year [Refer to Appendix 4 ].

A large number of diseases which is non-communicable in the country are preventable because of the preventable risk factors such as the use of tobacco, consumption of alcohol, physical inactivity, and also poor diet plan. More or less ⅓ of the burden of health in the country is subjected to risk factors (Crosland et al. 2019). The risks that are related to the lifestyle are presented in the Australian population. Moreover, the use of tobacco has decreased during the last two decades. In the years between 2014-2015, a percentage of 17, more than two standard drinks are consumed by adults per day, which exceeds the risk guideline of a lifetime. However, this is less than the majority in the year 2004-2005 the percentage of 22, which illustrates that a large number of people in the country are engaging in the consumption of alcohol.


Figure 1: Several types of risk factors

(Source: Self-developed)

High blood pressure is another level of risk factor in a person’s body. It is the blood pressure in a person’s arteries as the blood is propelled around the body of the person by the heart. Blood pressure depends on mainly the amount of blood that is pumped by the heart and how easily the blood can flow. High blood pressure occurs when the blood pressure of an individual is consistently going too high. The population-based strategies for the promotion of wellness as well as prevention of diseases are supervised by the policymakers and the public is giving more focus on the personalization of primary care as well as hospital services. This has been reflected in preventative health activities in the country of Australia (POA, 2022). Around a percentage 32 of the total burden in Australia of disease can be accredited to the factors of risk that are including the use of tobacco, consumption of physical inactivity, alcohol,  poor diet, high blood pressure, and more.

The long-term consequences of the condition

Chronic disease has a long-term effect on a person’s body and has a long-lasting condition with several types of effects. The quality of life of the people can be impacted by social as well as economic consequences. The conditions of chronic disease are becoming very common and increasing day by day and are a priority for taking action in the primary healthcare sector in country of Australia (Australian Government, 2021). Many of the people in the country with chronic conditions do not have a single condition; rather the people also experience multimorbidity-means the presence of more than one chronic condition in an individual at the same time. In this report, the chronic conditions are previously mentioned. These chronic conditions are common health problems and need to take action to prevent these conditions.

Around the percentage of 47 of the people in the country had one or more chronic conditions which includes also high blood pressure. During the last few years, the majority of chronic conditions have increased from the percentage of 42 (ABS, 2018). The females have chronic conditions more than males (57% as compared to 51%). Moreover, in the case of children (0-14 years) boys have chronic conditions more rather than girls (24.2% as compared to 15.9%). The majority of chronic conditions have increased with the age of a person. There are hear, stroke-affected patients in the country 1.2 million [Refer to Appendix 5]. Moreover, in the year 2017-2018, the percentage of 22.8 or around 4.3 million people in the country of the age group 16 or above had high blood pressure. Men had more reading in high blood pressure compared to women (since 25.4% as compared to 20.3%) (ABS, 2018). The proportion of people with high blood pressure is increasing day by day in the country of Australia [Refer to Appendix 6].

 Specific health issues related to the character

The character’s name is David and he is 53 years old. He has high blood pressure. The doctor said that there might be a heart attack or stroke in his case in the level of his blood pressure. The doctor suggested he take medications; however, he could not do that. The character has to look after his family members and do his duties at the age of 53 and take this burden. He is mentally depressed as he cannot overcome also finances. All his money is going into rent and his treatment. His main problem known is high blood pressure or hypertension and it is the main risk factor in his life.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is the most common or high-risk factor worldwide and is concerned with the risk of cardiovascular disease. Some are aware of the condition of hypertension or high blood pressure; however, some are aware of but not treated for the disease (Oparil et al. 2018). Nonetheless, hypertension involves environmental factors that can affect several systems. The patient’s evaluation with high blood pressure or hypertension includes measurement of “standardized blood pressure” and more.

The social determining factor of health is the character experience

“Social determinants of health” are the aspects that influence how individuals stay healthy or become ill in society. Many key drivers are present in the everyday living circumstances and the working conditions. These social determinants may strengthen the health of an individual or also can weaken the health of the individual (Australian Government, 2022). The WHO demonstrates the social determinants such as the “non-medical” factors which can influence the outcomes of health. According to the “world health organization”, social determinants are very important factors and influence inequities. The World Health Organization has listed some of the social factors that impact the impartiality of health in positive as well as negative ways; such as income and social fortification, education, unemployment and job insecurity, food insecurity, and more.

From the scenario, it can be known that David was admitted to the hospital due to his heart-related problem; high blood pressure. Hence, the doctor said that there might be a heart attack or stroke as the level of blood pressure was too high. During the entire session, he also experienced some of the social determinants related to his health and his life such as income problems as a large amount of money was spent on treatment and also on rent. The social determinant of job insecurity as in his workplace there was no security.


          From the overall context, it can be known that the demand for primary health care in Australia is increasing day by day. Moreover, the present study also demonstrated the target health conditions in Australia which are majorly increasing and varies person to person. The major long-term health condition is a chronic disease that is recommended to be treated as soon as possible in primary healthcare in Australia. The report also gave the NHPA that the Australian government has taken for reducing chronic disease. The risk factors are associated with the use of tobacco, consumption of alcohol, and more. It is recommended to take the initiative to reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption in the country. The study also elaborated on the long-term consequences of the conditions. As it is known that chronic disease is a long-term condition and it includes several types of disease discussed in the report. Moreover, the report, it is concludes the specific health issues that are heart-related issues related to the character David and also the social determinants of health the character experienced.


ABS, 2018.  Hypertension and measured high blood pressure. Contains key statistics and information about hypertension and high blood pressure prevalence in Australia, including state and territory findings. Retrieved on 28 June from:

ABS, 2018. Chronic conditions. Contains key statistics and information about various chronic conditions and their prevalence in Australia, including state and territory findings. Retrieved on 28 June from:

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Appendix 1:


Figure 1: People in Australia experiencing chronic pain

(Source: Statista, 2018)

Appendix 2:


Figure 2: People experiencing long-term health conditions

(Source: Statista, 2022)

Appendix 3:


Figure 3: Common chronic conditions by sex

(Source: Australian Government, 2022)

Appendix 4:


Figure 4: Number of people with high, severe, and normal blood pressure

(Source: Statista, 2022)

Appendix 5:


Figure 5: Proportion of persons with one or more chronic conditions

(Source: ABS, 2018)

Appendix 6:


Figure 6: Person aged 18 years or above with high blood pressure

(Source: ABS, 2018)