Market Structure

PM614 Organisational Management

Assessment Task Instructions:

Core Task:

In your final task for this module you must:

Using Carroll’s model of approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility (below), describe the main features of each approach.  For each approach, provide an example organisation which you believe adopts this approach and explain why.


Your task should include the following sections –

1)    A brief introduction to CSR and the purpose of your report

2)    A clear explanation of Obstructionist approach followed by clear example with rationale.

3)    A clear explanation of Defensive approach followed by clear example with rationale

4)    A clear explanation of Accommodative approach followed by clear example with rationale

5)    A clear explanation of Proactive approach followed by clear example with rationale

6)    A brief conclusion summarising your findings

7)    Reference list

Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment:
You must conduct secondary research for this assessment finding relevant sources independently, in addition to the resources suggested on the module VLE page. You must be able to provide evidence (in the form of in-text citations) for all information taken from research sources.
You should provide references for any theory used.

Assessment reference style:
You must include a Harvard style reference list at the end of your report.
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
The following learning outcomes are assessed in this task:.
• Describe how formal theories and models of management can be used to analyse and improve organisational effectiveness