Marketing and Management

Learning Outcomes: 

K1 : Clear understanding of the inter and intra industries trade flows based on appropriate economic analysis.
K2: Critical understanding of alternative international trading frameworks including regionalism, bilateralism and multilaterism trading arrangements.
K3: Critical understanding of trade policies to enhance export and innovation led growth and protectionist policies.
K4:     Critical understanding of international payment mechanism, single currency, exchange rate determination, volatility and impact on trade.

S1: To source, collect , analyse and present relevant secondary international trade data to arrive at a conclusion.
S2: Learning to work in small teams to communicate effectively to present selected topics on international trade.

Assessment Criteria

  • Evidence of background reading including explanation and the use of relevant theoretical contributions and
    relevance of the material to the question posed.
  • Appropriate use of Harvard Referencing system throughout the assignment.
  • Depth of analysis based on integration of relevant academic literature with supporting empirical evidence/data provided.
  • Appropriate conclusion based on relevant analysis and evidence/data provided.

 Preparation Notes

Your assignment should include:

  • Explanation and  applications of relevant international trade theories and literature as per lecture/workshops
    programme to support discussion and analysis in all parts.
  • Collection, presentation, calculation , and analysis of relevant international trade data as per  lecture/workshops programme and based on  key data sources  used in the teaching classes (for example: Eurostat, IMF, WTO) to provide empirical support to your discussion.
  • Integration of theoretical discussion with relevant evidence and data to arrive at an appropriate conclusion.

 Guidance on submission .

  • Please submit one hard copy of your assignment to LRC on the assignment due- date and obtain a receipt .Your
    submission must include a relevant  Turnitin Report.

Answer All Parts

Word limit: 3000-3500 words excluding charts, graphs and tables.

a. Explain what you understand by intra-industry trade and critically discuss how this type of trade might be explained by the concept of internal economies of scale. How might a country’ intra –industry trade be expanded?

b. Use recently published external trade data to carefully examine the extent of intra industry trade between the UK and

(1) the European Union (EU), and ( 2) China.  Critically discuss the implications of your analysis for  the UK external trade policy.

(c) Discuss  the main causes of a significant depreciation and volatility in the pound sterling  in recent months, and critically examine their potential  impact on the UK export performance.