Organization Using Accounting Package in Australia
  1.   My personal action plans

The desire to become a leader is one thing and having a clear picture and a well-articulated scheme is another. The latter by far bolsters the chances of realizing the end goal. I concur with Soni (2020) that planning goes a long way in goal achievement. I will give a clear picture of the leader I intend to be and my outline on ascertaining I get there.

            1.1   The leader I want to be

I am of the strong opinion that intent surpasses everything that one wants to accomplish. In line with McClure et al. (2018), intrinsic goals have a greater driving force compared to extrinsic ones. In the light of this, I want to be a leader who is self-driven to empower people and the organization at large in every possible aspect. My leadership intent is steered towards these three paramount decrees:

  • Developing others and setting direction

As expounded in the literature review, an organization reaps great benefits from endowing the leaders in it. Jada et al. (2018), vesting leaders in an entity has a positive impact on the employees. To this effect, not only do I want to be the leader who sets a good tread for my junior staff, I also want to be their paragon. I strongly maintain that every person has a silver lining that only requires the right exploitation to discover. I will be that helmsman who leads them to greater heights.

  • Making things happen

Of what benefit would it be having a brilliant blueprint without implementation? Planning is dependent on actualization. I want to be the ideal leader who brings dreams into reality. Dreams and plans in terms of projects and steps towards the achievement of the set objectives.

  • Incorporating new technology and innovation.

It is undeniably true that we are in an era of technological advancement. The use on up to date technological means of production is a thing I plan on capitalizing on. This helps to cut on the operation cost and increase the returns. With my technological background, I am in the best place to actualize this. Johnsson (2018), innovation adds value to organizations. Technology has been seen to bolster innovation as people strive to reap the best of these new advancements. Producing better products by far will enable us to get more prospects on our side.

  • Detailed Action Plan

As guided by the literature review, I will give a periphery of the optimal objectives I have in relation to behavioral attributes in line with my intent decrees expounded above.  I will then give my prevailing behavior and areas that require more attention. Following that will be the application of the pre-acquired insights from the models of intentional personal changes to the new behaviors required in my action plan. Eventually, I will give time management crafts I intend to put into action to plan and monitor the new behaviors.


  1. Optimal behaviors

In line with the themes outlined in my literature review, I will expound on the pivotal behaviors that I intend to display according to the above stated parameters of my leadership. 

  1. Empathy

As illuminated in the literature review, empathy is the proficiency to identify and understand the emotional strains of other people and help them navigate them (Riess, 2017). I aspire to be a leader who can connect with the challenges of other employees and offer a helping hand to the best of my capacity. I want to be that leader who is a source of strength during the tough hurdles. By this, I can help in resolving issues as well as giving my insights towards achievement of positive outcomes.

  1. Indiscriminate communication

In the light of the literature review, upholding effective communication beyond the bounds of culture, gender, age, rank or intellectual capacity is very paramount in an organization. According to Al-Musalli (2019), effective communication is a great pillar in the performance of an organization. Coming up with effective means of communication, will help me find a common ground among the different people in the organization. I want to exhibit maturity and intellect through my passing of information. 

  1. Transforming visions into reality.

A visionary leader is a powerful tool (AlAjami 2021). In my literature review, I have clearly depicted the need to have a leader who can mobilize the resources in an organization towards achieving the dreams of the organization. Not only do I want to endow the employees and motivate them to work hard, I also intend to do whatever it takes be it in terms of research, benchmarking or consultations to ensure we get to the light of our dreams. Tuning the workers towards this is also my primary goal.

  1. Agility

With the constant unforeseen changes in the world, there is a need for an organization to be in a capacity to accustom to these changes rapidly without collapse (Park et al. 2017). For this to be achieved, stability is required in the organization. I aspire to be an open-minded leader who can switch up to changes when necessary. Always being open-minded and attentive in the outside organizational world will also help to identify change early enough to allow time for adaptability.

  1. Concession to experimentation

In the light of the literature review, a leader should be in a position to learn and remain focused on the goals. I want to portray the virtue of trying out new things, especially during this technological era where there are new fields to exploit every now and then.

  1. Prevailing Behavior and areas requiring augmentation

In this segment, I will review the behaviors I perceive in regards to my main decrees and also give an insight into the interstices that require strengthening. 

  1. Trendsetter and people endower

Despite my undisputable leadership qualifications, I have frailty in imparting skills and knowledge to people. This can be attributed to the minimal formal empowerment in this particular sector. This is a niche that requires intense attention. 

  1. Ideal enforcer

I am result-oriented and I do make sure that the right thing is being done at the right time. However, I tend to be too empathetic and take excuses from people who, for any reason, fail to uphold the expectations of their duties. This impedes my full capacity to make things happen and is an area that I must work on moving forward.

  1. Technology and innovation ambassador

 I have a great IT background as per the 2006 IT advancement. Clearly, due to the rapidly advancing technology, I need to be updated with the current trends to maximize on my productivity and relevance as a leader.

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