Housing Essay

Module Learning Outcomes covered in this assignment

2. Analyse the skills and competencies leaders need to develop and support strategic ambitions of a business
3. Analyse own leadership skills to construct a development plan to become an effective leader


You are required to produce a portfolio to meet the following requirements:

  • Part 1 – Analyse the skills and competencies needed by effective business leaders to support and justify business decisions (up to 1,200 words)
  • Part 2 – Using your response to Part 1 (above), using appropriate theory analyse and assess your own skills and competencies to identify to what extent you demonstrate leadership skills. (up to 1,000 words)
  • Part 3 – Using your analysis from Part 2, construct a feasible development plan of how you will develop and/or enhance your leadership skills and competencies over the next 18 months. (up to 800 words)

For guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available through Canvas



Should this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will receive an individual grade based upon your performance as well as personalised feedback. The module leader will explain how your individual grade and feedback will be determined.

Importance of Word Counts and Presentation Timings

Assignment word counts and presentation timings should always be observed. Ignoring a word count increases significantly the risk of  your work losing marks because it lacked structure, flow, focus and clarity. Timings must be observed for assessed presentations for
the same reasons.