Recovery Care Plan


The personal development statement has been highlighted to showcase the changes that have taken place in me that demonstrate my capability to take additional responsibility and continue growing as an individual. In the current times, when personal growth is integral, this personal development review would allow me to adopt a self-directed attitude (Mumford, 1995). The proper assessment of the growth at an individual level would enable the proper planning and implementation of my professional development as an effective manager.

A critical review of my role as a professional before entering the course

My prior experience as a professional before joining the course did not allow me to expand my growth but it helped me to identify the key features that are required in the professional environment. The experience helped me to have a disciplined approach toward work and follow systematic processes so that the desired objective could be achieved in the best manner.

Acquired skills and competencies

After joining the course, I was lucky to focus on several personal features such as communication skills, decision-making ability, team-building attitude, and creativity. These attributes are necessary for the professional environment and they can surely give a candidate a competitive edge in the industry (Pedler, Burgoyne & Boydell, 2013).

The course allowed me to work in teams and explore my creative side. It also taught me to take ownership and responsibility for academic decisions. Previously I was unable to have an effective rapport with the team members but gradually the course helped me to develop the necessary team spirit to function effectively in the assigned team.

Experience of Course

The experience in the course has been extremely enriching for me since it helped me to get the exposure that is needed by young and budding professionals. The various assignments and projects helped me to perform effectively under stressful situations and understand the demanding environment that I would be exposed to in the corporate world.


I believe my skills relating to decision-making ability, the effectiveness of communication, and healthy team spirit have been enhanced due to my experience in the academic environment. I have understood the significance of discipline in my life since it can bring about positive change in my personal as well as professional abilities.

Use of skills to enhance performance

The skills that I have acquired during this short period can be effectively put to use in my professional field. These features could simplify my work processes and help me to enhance my overall operational performance. The current competition intensity is extremely high so I could positively use such skills to have an edge over my competitors. I could very well use these new skills once I return to the work scene. Such skills would complement my experience in the corporate environment and thus help me to improve not just my performance but also the performance of my company. I am very thankful for the course since I have been able to develop a sense of discipline that can motivate me to move forward and grow as a person.


Mumford, A., 1995. A Manager’s Guide to Self Development. Industrial and Commercial Training, 27(11), p.vii.

Pedler, M., Burgoyne, J., & Boydell, T. 2013. A Manager’s Guide to Self-development.

McGraw-Hill Education (UK).