EDF5531 Cognitive Behaviour Therapies

Question 1

To Develop and Planning the Sustainability

Industry Guidelines- includes the following steps which show the industry guidelines by following to it the industry will form further standards

Understand Sustainability trends and best practices- The Association will research it and will result in call inaction by the support of the board members.

Consult and prioritize- Do determine the CSR programs that address the gaps in the present programs.

Develop Sustainability vision and Principles- As we discussed above regarding the CSR as the CSR will have to identify the issues and future aspects of the industry.

Develop tools and Education programs- to make the program successful the one should keep in mind while having to educate the employees by giving the training to maintain the standard of the industry.

Track and reward progress

The association will keep monitoring the plan to how to they can improve the member sustainability performance in which the association will include the targets and metrics and also includes the green points reward that motivates the employees and give rewards to the employees.

Develop Industry code of practice

The code of practice is must involve government regulations and standards.

Industry Best Practices– the best practices will create momentum in the Sustainability efforts.

Do partnership with the employees

Water and Electric Conversation

Supply chain

Develop Recycling Program

Chemical Management

Relevant Personnel- To develop a suitable policy of Sustainability it is necessary to consult with a range of people. The Suitable avenues for consultation are

STAFF- At workplace sustainability, the employees will provide the input with efficiency and effectively which should be a part of appreciation including the input with the other resources.

CONSULTANT AND ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCIES- The organization has a good range of providing services like the Global Reporting Initiative.

ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATORS AND INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS- Whosesoever the service they provide local, national, and international providers of advice to develop the policy development and procedures.

COMPANIES AND BUSINESSES-The many more companies will upload their annual report or separate publications or announcements on websites that give an overview to provide the sustainability policy, plans, and targets.

Organizational Specifications

These specifications created by the board of directors referred to as CSR (Corporate social responsibility) which discussed the new capital avenues how much it could be spent on the company and what the profits and drive are there which can be identified by the research pressure.

Legislative Requirements

In the legislative requirements, it includes the rules of laws, local laws, the role of contract law, government rules and regulations, and legislations including finance constraints.

Question 2


Line Organizational Structure

Functional Organizational Structure

Line and Staff Organizational Structure

Project-Based Structure

  2.2 The writing style of an organization used by them are

Alert- Read carefully by the proofreader and the proofreader will exactly put his impression where it is put by reading in between the lines and shall by writhing in the professionalism the business will try to minimize the possibilities for the reader to misunderstand thought.

Edit carefully- Whatever drafts in the business shall be done it could be reread again and again just to avoid the errors and to edit the sentence for the first time thoroughly.

Formal Style- The organization will use the classic argument style or formats, avoid casual references and languages and provincial images.

2.3 Organization’s general principles and philosophies

Yes, to run the organization it is a must to form the principles and philosophies as the organization still working on the Five P’s solution-

Purpose carries out the purpose of the organization that for what the organization is working and for what the organization exists, how distinctively the employees will do their work.

Philosophy comes under the part of purpose where it includes how employees for the matter the work done by them and consistently used this core to guide their actions.

Priorities will reflect the changes that take place in the organization which need to be emphasized.

In every organization, there are internal practices carried out by the best top performers including identifying. Harvesting, structuring the organization.

The external practices including innovation and creative thinking.

The projection includes the revenues and expenses including the historical data.

2.4 An effective policy and procedures will be organized by keeping in mind the overall checklist

The specific goals of the company covered under the policy and procedures of the company

Always consider the simple, clear, and concise language made everyone understood

Review the policies and procedures regularly and do the update on it

To provide a user-friendly format.

Give basic knowledge and basic details of the company.

2.5 The senior manager, CEO, and the board have the authorization to inspect the policy document of the organization.

Question 3

Customer- As the customer comes under the external stakeholders. They did not give their presence in the organization directly but do they have an interest in the success and failure of the organization. They are the secondary stakeholders and the reason for conflict arises is that when there is a need of interest arise which gives birth to the compromise of the other.

Staff- Staff is an internal stakeholder who is the primary stakeholder of the company where they give their services directly to the organization generally the manager seeks to think and imagine the higher profits which go down to their expectation.

Investors- The persons who invest in the company do have more expectations even having more interest within the company profits, dividends, etc. but they arose the conflict also with the directors, creditors, suppliers, employees from which the company will take out the resources having sake of the benefit of external stakeholders.

Local Community-They has their reasons as they reside in the nearby area where the business runs so they want that the firm will bring the business in their zonal, good and safe environment to live in, good transport and communication links and if the firm will unable to provide them these services and cannot alter the things as per their instructions then all these things become the points of conflicts among each other.

Regulators- From the point of view of industry the consumer have the better interest policy in the new industry just to visualize it so when the regulator and industry face the new problems then it is more helpful for the industry to set a long term direction that gives regulator outcomes to avoid the reasons of conflicts.

Technical specialist- All the IT sectors do have the best to best engineer withheld with them that have more knowledge and skills regarding the techniques but if their remains lacking in the updates of the software and the versions or any other technical issues arises then it becomes a part of the conflict for the company.

Question 4

Brief Research Report

Title- Research report on the recommendations for sustainability policy to address within the organization or opportunities for improvements.

Introduction– We Will have to present the research report in which we have to take the time frames based on the likely-effectiveness and by considering the points and shall submit the report by including the planning process by taking the discussion on methods, needs, and final recommendations.

Statement of the Problem– Practical research problem- The problem arises at the time of production where the labor does their work with less likely effectiveness by not considering manually the policies and procedures of the company. According to the survey conducted by the organization, its cost will come more than the revenue comes in the organization.

Analysis of previous research– By conducting the survey and by comparison with the records the company shall bear more loss than the previous data records.

Design of the Study– The working organization has in a merger having another company which is merged under it. The company is under the planning of consideration where the cost of production is one of the factors which gives the cost of production is likely to be higher and the resources are also having the limited edition.

Methods/procedures- The company shall be working with another organization in carrying out the methods in the planning process and in the growth of the company they collected the data of the previous year and survey the industry and while writing the policy do demand the methods, tools, and techniques that were used by them. The stakeholders show their interest in the organization’s profits, dividends, other decision policymaking because on all this the external and internal stakeholders dependency-based.

Conclusions- The final recommendation involves the Sustainability policy including the pros and cons that what the company shall decide in favor of the company that takes the company to next level.


Question 1

Sustainability is the ability to cope up and maintain the balance amount of meet that require to human without sacrificing the future needs of generations to carry out the needs of their own by preserving and protecting the areas of ecosystem and resources.

The breadth of the policy application- it includes the project scope and product scope. 

Policy approach- normally it is exercised by the governance body of the organization.  

Adherence to legislation- It lays down the rules and regulations that are conducted within the organization regarding general equality principles.

Reference the organization policy to international and national environmental standards, guidelines, and approaches- Environmental Standards including administrative regulations and laws implemented for treatment and maintenance of standards.

Question 2

 1 Provide a Sustainability plan, publish it publicly and measure it

2 reduce energy consumption

3 Recycled packaging

4 Incorporate the recycling Supply Chain

5 Pay Consumers

6 Establish Sustainability Standards for suppliers and service providers

7 Source the supply chain sustainably

Question 3

Quality management system

Benefits of Quality management


Customer requirement

Customer satisfaction

Internal Communication

Prevention of products defeats






Staff training


Company vision


Greater consistency

Product quality

Continuous improvement


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