MNG82001 - Organisational Behaviour Assignment Help


Whenever there is a change in the business strategies of an organisation, which might include some of its major sections as well, there is an organizational change that is said to have happened. These changes include the modifications that implications the way work is performed in an organization. The change agents are those people of the organisation who has the power as well as skills to coordinate, facilitate as well as stimulate the change (Autissier & Giraud, 2013). The success of any change is determined by the workability and quality of the relationship between the agent of change and prime decision-makers in an organization. 

Why Change agents need to use different skills?

Changes are necessary for and within organizations on a regular basis so as to cope up with the inevitable and dynamic changes in the global market which are inevitable. The competition among different companies is getting more intense and stronger due to these changes. As per Hornstein, every organization needs to be flexible enough in order to implement the alterations whenever the changes are required for the survival of the organization. Any organization that shall not undergo changes has the risk of being left forgotten, behind, risk competitors which may result in driving the organization out of the market (Hornstein, 2015). 

When there are changes in the organizations, many political implications arise in the workplace. According to the Thomas-Kilmann model, the conflicting situations would include the assertiveness and cooperativeness of the employees of an organization. According to Li, Yu & Bruton, the model states different modes that assist in resolving the conflicting situations such as competition, accommodation, avoidance, collaboration and compromises regarding political behaviour in an organization (Li, Yu & Bruton, 2015). 

The change agents assist the employees in identifying the need and process of change in an organization. In order to bring change in an organization, the creativeness and ideas of all the individuals are required to be involved. The decisions regarding the changes are required to be based on the rigour and systematic process when undergoing the actual change. 

During the implementation of changes in an organization, the employees would develop internal or external resistance in some or other ways. The resistance to the organizational changes will be as a result of the anxiety associated with the introduction and engagement to something new, repetition compulsion which would result in inclination towards repeating the past behaviour other than having the attached sufferings. 

The fear of narcissistic injury would also be there that would lead to a frozen stance in the organization. The change agents need to keep a check on the political behaviour of the employees during the organizational changes (Resnick, 2014). The change agents need to gain proficiencies in dealing with the organizational change involving the political behaviour of the individuals. The change agents need to know how to make the employees work and how to work in coordination with them in the organization during the organisation to minimize political behaviour.

Reducing negative affect of political behaviour by agents using different skillset

As it is well known from the above section that for what reasons the organizations generally face the negative impact of political behaviour. Nowadays most employees are getting involved in nasty organizational politics rather than devoting themselves to hard work just because to make their position secure. 

On the other hand, Stavros, et al said that politics is the part that indicates the irrational behaviour of the individuals in the workplace. So it is quite evident that organizational politics basically contains more negative impact resulting in the creation of a negative ambience within the organizations (Stavros, et al., 2016). 

Therefore it is the responsibility of the change agents or the change managers to take care of the changing environment within the workplace. The politics, therefore, brings the decrease in the productivity, changes in the attitudes of employees, affects the concentration, spoils the ambience, de-motivated employees, increases stress amount and provides wrong information. 

Above all the issues raised with employees is quite explained with these Kubler-Ross model. This model engrosses the emotional parameters that judge the reaction of the employees by the effect of change. The model brings out a hypothetical scenario by which the change manager judges the reactions of the employees (Sveningsson & Sörgärde, 2013). 


This model makes the change manager categorise a series of emotions associated with the person who is going through a life-changing experience. The series of emotions are mentioned below.

Denial: It is the situation of temporary defence that provides individuals some time to get used to the situation. So it can be said that it is the initial condition of shock and numbness.

Anger: The anger increases when the denial increases due to external factors along with the realization that change is a mandatory feeling. At that time the individual gets angry and blames someone else (Wincek, et al., 2015).

Bargaining: This is a usual reaction that comes when the individual makes an attempt to postpone the matter that is inevitable. 

Depression: It is the point at which the employee working in the organization feels de-motivated due to change and its consequences. 

Acceptance: It is the condition where the employee realizes that moving to the next stage through change is necessary so it is essential to accept the decision of change. 

Strategies to overcome the resistance to change

Depending upon these the change manager takes the requisite process by which they can tackle overcoming resistance to change. The approaches taken by the change manager to overcome the resistance to change is Education + communication, participation + involvement, Facilitation + support, Negotiation + agreement, Manipulation + co-optation and Explicit + implicit coercion. All these approaches create their relative impact to reduce the resistance to the employees. 

The change managers use these approaches during the lack of information or inaccurate information or in case the initiators lack the requisite information required for change or while the people are resisting the change due to adjustment issues (Stavros, et al., 2016). Further, it is applied when an individual clearly loses something during the change. Other requirements are whether the work is expensive or the speed in work is essential (Wincek, et al., 2015).


The write-up involves some highlights to get a clear idea about the negative impacts of the political changes within the organization. In relation, it also provides what steps the change managers should take to identify why it happened along with the specific action how it will be treated. Therefore collectively by taking reference from the Kubler-Ross model and Thomson-Kilmann model the change manager will be able to get through such a situation in the organization.


Autissier, D. and Giraud, L., 2013. Uncovering the intellectual development of the Journal of Organizational Change Management: a knowledge-stock and bibliometric study, 1995-2011 (No. hal-01135745).

Hornstein, H.A., 2015. The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management33(2), pp.291-298.

Li, H.L., Yu, C.S. and Bruton, G.D., 2015. Organizational Change and Management Science: Implications from Ranking and Grouping Business Schools on Spheres. International Journal of Business and Information6(1).

Ololube, N.P. and Ololube, D.O., 2017. Organizational Change Management: Perceptions, Attitude, Application, and Change Management Practices in Nigerian Universities. International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering (IJAMSE)4(1), pp.25-42.

Resnick, H.S., 2014. Organizational change management process.

Stavros, D., Nikolaos, B., George, A. and Apostolos, V., 2016. Organizational change management: Delineating employee reaction to change in SMEs located in Magnesia. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies5(1), p.309.

Sveningsson, S. and Sörgärde, N., 2013. Organizational change management. Management: an advanced introduction, pp.57-74.

Wincek, J., Sousa, L.S., Myers, M.R. and Ozog, H., 2015. Organizational change management for process safety. Process Safety Progress34(1), pp.89-93.